There is not a single person on this board who has made it starting from skinnyfat. No one. If any of you are skinnyfat I hope you realize you're fighting an impossible battle.
Prove me wrong and I'll never post again. Must be natty.
There is not a single person on this board who has made it starting from skinnyfat. No one. If any of you are skinnyfat I hope you realize you're fighting an impossible battle.
Prove me wrong and I'll never post again. Must be natty.
Other urls found in this thread:
You're right.
>tfw made it from builtfat mode
I'm pretty sure they end up looking better than when they started
>Was skinny fat
>Now otter mode
Feels good to me, don't care if I make it.
>Must be natty.
No one makes it natty, regardless of their starting point.
No you didn't, otherwise you would post pics
>you're fighting an impossible battle
might be impossible, never gonna know if i don't try
>be fatty
>discover Veeky Forums
>begin the greatest cut of all time
>become skellington
>absolutely no muscle gains from being a fatty
I'm 6'4 so I'm not expecting to be aesthetic any time soon but I like lifting and getting stronger is cool so it only hurts a little
Ill let you know in a couple years.
Not everyone is a teenage girl who needs to post their pic, you menstrating bitch
I went from fat fuck to skinny fat fuck and am now cutting again after a short bulk
Would you count that OP? If so, most fat guys would satisfy your thread
I made it from skinnyfat and many posters have as well.
This was me in 2014
This is one of my recent progress pics
Nice man.
I just hate stupid negativity from people like OP.
nice bro
what u on
I'm doing winny next week
Nice bro
bulk nigga
you're doing good but gotta get bigger
I was like 122lbs when I started
fukn slow twitch fibers keeping my arms from growing while chest and back responds well
OP is a fgt
I'm fatter again now because of dreamerbulk but cutting down again.
Yes, if you are skinnyfat it is probably because you were not athletic at all before so it will take you longer to get to a decent level of athleticism, but it is far from impossible. Lift and eat.
true tbqh
h-how much longer than the average person?
As a skinnyfat you are the average person and it doesnt matter how long it takes.
Doesn't matter. Don't try to get fit for a summer. Integrate training into your life. Don't go full Nazi on your diet either, just try improving it step by step. It will seem hard and useless at some points, but it is worth it.
im glad people prooved you are a gigantic favgot within an hour.
new PR for you I guess, huh champ?
did you cut first or bulk?
Why? I mean it might be harder b/c you have no incentive to do it. If you get cut you won't look much better w/ a shirt on, and then you'll have to bulk so its a long process until there are any visible results I guess?
but other than that why is ita problem?
So now that you're a proven fag its time to kys
what he said.
but do not stream pls, I don't want to look at your fucking face, in fear that my estrogen levels would rise.
Going 100% on a cut or a bulk is a meme for natties. You always just end up either fat or skinny.
Bodybuilders "bulk" around 12-15% bf then cut down to 6-8%. We bulk to 15-18% and end up cutting to 12%. Its stupid. Unless you are roiding dont even bother.
10-15% bodyfat is more than enough to gain muscle. lost weight first before GAINING them back
No. When i started i was ~140lbs. Since then lowest ive cut down to was 155.
Ive only gradually gained weight over time.
At 150ish i started browsing Veeky Forums and decided to actually try to bulk up to 160 on purpose. Just got fat as fuck and athletic performance went down.
Just lift and eat good food over time. Dont worry about raising your bf on purpose because as far as i am concerned i want to gain muscle not fat.
That said im 168 right now going back down to 160 just because id rather be at a low bf.
Do you also have an extra joint in your spine? an L7?
I have your same frame, but likely a bit taller, i'm slightly fatter than your before pic, but with worse tits.
I feel that if I looked like your after pic I'd be happy with that.
Hm, not that I'd know desu. I do have scoliosis though. Lifting really helped with that.
I'm 186cm tall, so fairly tall. The fat pic in that picture is actually after. I think I used it to illustrate how getting fatter can ruin aesthetics even if you gain muscle. Before I started lifting I looked even worse than that. Bitch tits, wide hips, narrow waist, I basically had the body of a woman.
Good luck with your lifting.
Case and point.
No pic
That's not skinnyfat thou buddy.
That's just fat.
Still no one
Im ~140lbs there. How is that fat?
How tall are you?
You had fucking tits and a round belly, that is not skinnyfat
there was a pic from dofferent individual who made it as skinnyfat. scroll up you waste of air and space.
that is skinnyfat retardo, he might just be taller than you and you dont get it then.
his legs and hands are thin, his core is fat, not obese. that is skinnyfat.
Thats why its called skinny"fat"
You have characteristics of a fat ass(big belly, bitchtits, no definition in arms) while being relatively light and small.
Also 5'8".
I'm 200cm. Do have that L7, and could probably use a full on lifestyle change honestly.
Based on your own experience of going from awful to what you are now, what would you recommend me to focus on most? Second?
Hard to say. I think I made many mistakes during my time lifting, as most people do. The number one most important thing is obviously sticking with it. Going to the gym even if you don't feel like it. Being sick is obviously still a good reason to skip a training day, but I am talking about not getting a good nights sleep and skipping training because of that. I fear this post might end up being long as fuck, if I keep typing everything out like this so I think I'll just sum it up:
1. Stick with it. It takes time.
2. Improve regularly. Wether it is adding more weight, more reps or better form, make sure to progress!
3. Don't randomly alternate between trying to lose and gain weight (I made this mistake). It will hinder your overall progress.
4. Realize that cutting fat and gaining muscle both take substantial time. Remind yourself of this if you ever get demotivated.
5. Make sure to do your compound movements. Isolation movements are great, but do them after your compounds for the day.
6. Don't try to change your whole lifestyle within a couple of days. Keep making changes that you know can stick with. Replacing sugary soda with water and non-sugary soda. Fixing your sleep schedule so that you get 7-8 hours sleep a night on the reg.. etc. Make sure the changes you do make are ones that you stick with.
I guess those are the points I would consider most important. Hope that helps a bit.
>Fat and 140
>Taller than me
Kek, nice projection
>No legs
>making it
I was kinda skinny fat, but i have broad shoulders n shit (i guess i'm mesomorph). Lifting for around 1 month. Doing 5x5 BP with 80kg, Squats with 95, OHP with 45, DL 130kg.
You cant even see my legs.
just finished 6 months of SL 5x5 and I'm moving on to candito's intermediate program.These humble gains got me fitting into shirts better and for the first time this summer I don't feel like shit without wearing a shirt.
bwhahah, what are you, a girl? Jesus Christ..
Im 168 now familia.
And last i checked digits on a scale dont define anyone's gender.
you're dumb
skinnyfat is a skinnyguy with some belly fat, spaghetti arms, no chest, MAYBE a semblance of gyno, wide hips, weak legs and bad posture
that guy had decent arms for his size, a wide torso, full on bitch tits, big belly and strong stance
how love how fatties, even though they have it easier, feel the need to misappropriate even more to make themselves feel good. must be the manletism
You look exactly like me but with better delts, good work bro
Holy fuck are you just looking for excuses to make yourself believe that you have it so much harder than fatties?
>he does roids!
>hes fat!
>no legs haha
>haha help me
>hahaha.... Haha im never gonna make it
guilt by association.
you strawmanned my entire post and put it along other things that shitposters say on here to.......prove your argument? maybe??
this whole thread revolves around bitching about making it and just giving up. if you want to give up just do, but don't whine about shit that is not true. if anything lifting will boost your test and improve your mood, while giving you at least some discipline in obviously undisciplined life, and those benefits alone are reason enough to lift.
and fuck you again.
again, projecting things you have no idea about.
I'm okay now, feel pretty good about my body, just pointing out the fact that there is a glass ceiling skinnyfats cant bust through, or at least it takes 1000 times more effort, and this thread and lack of counter proof is the proof
you really need to work on your argumentative skills, being on Veeky Forums too much made you lazy
There are plenty of people that have proven you wrong but you just continue making your definition of "skinnyfat" narrower to not have to give up your invalid argument.
Great argumentation skills, buddy. If only you put as much effort into lifting as you do into being a whiny little shit on the internet.
>plenty of people
>nobody still has posted a skinnyfat to aesthetic progress pic
I gave only one definition, the real one, you are the one trying to taior it to your argument.
and then you insult and project. yeah I put a lot of effort into lifting and I'm pretty happy with it, sorry you cant say the same. work on that displaced anger
>thats the joke.jpg
Stop being a bitch. You definetly have it easier than skellies and its not hard to break through.
But i guess its far easier to make up a mental barrier instead of lifting.
I am not even the person you responded to earlier. I am and I was the very definition of skinnyfat. Sadly I don't have pics from back then, but when I posted a shirtless pic some years ago Veeky Forums told me I had Klinefelters etc etc. The pic attached is a picture of me from behind some years ago. Look at the arms. I couldn't even bench the bar when I started lifting.
Lift things put them down. Squat, OHP, Deadlift and Bench. Do some accessory work. It really doesn't matter much. Lift, progress and eat.
>tfw skinny-skinnyfat in elementary to early highschool
>got bullied because i looked like a twink
>got Veeky Forums ottermode and girls and guys alike be mirin
still hate my chest insertion and baby wrists though
Good job, but if I was were you are at I would really work on putting on some mass. You look rather small. Remember that normies are too easily impressed.
did you get enough proof down?
also I did not ask you how I feel or to tell me how to behave so redirect that elsewhere.
everyone has challenges, what counts is the ammount of effort you put in.
Are you me? How much you weigh now
After. Cyber bully pls go!
Anyone and everyone truly can make it if they put the time and effort in. Stop trying to dissuade others from working hard, just because you are too lazy to do so.
I switched to a slight variation of the simplest strength 5/3/1 after ~6 months SL 5x5
Takes a bit of getting used to the deadlift volume, but I enjoy its split.
You look the same?
Not OP, but you're missing his point. Instead of arguing over semantics, you need to forget the word "skinnyfat" and look at what he means: There is no evidence of someone who starts out with narrow shoulders, wide hips, spaghetti arms, gyno, slight stomach fat and bad posture ending up with a good physique. I don't recall seeing any such examples either, so it's probably true. If you start out with those attributes, it means your genetics suck balls, simple as that.
kek looks like OP was right, nice job Veeky Forums
Good job man, you look good
Hey it's you! I'd totally still be bros with you, bro. Lookin great.