Powerlifting general
You could use a better program edition
Powerlifting general
You could use a better program edition
I fell for the 'squatting builds your deadlift' meme.
There's a hundred fucking pounds gone off my total.
Opinions on my cut progress?
Feels slow lads, maybe take a 100 or 200 off my tdee?
>inb4 >cutting.constanza.jpg
Won all the races at sailing today, and only broke like half the things on my boat. So all in all a good day
Unless you haven't deadlifted for 12 months there is no way you've lost 100+ pounds off of your deadlift.
Closer to five months.
And that's definitely what seems to have happened. Gone from a high 5s pull to a high 4s at the same BW. Everything else has gone up but my deadlift is completely in the shitter.
squatting doesn't train the movement, but it builds the muscles. at this point, if you train the movement you will build your deadlift much faster than if you had done dedicated deadlift work this whole time.
next question?
It's normal to not pull equal weight immediately after taking a hiatus, but if your squat went up considerably, running a 12 week cycle with an emphasis on deadlift might get you where you want to be. At the very least you will get back to where you were before.
squats do help build a deadlift but you STILL HAVE TO FUCKING DEADLIFT YOU RETARD.
you should of been deadlift around 70-80% at least once a week
Why the hostility? He didn't understand the concept, now he does. Relax.
You have to be pretty stupid to think you can increase a lift without training it.
The guy said
>gone from a high 5s pull to a high 4s
So he use to deadlift 550+ now he deadlifts like 450+
How do you get to a 550+ pull and not have the common sense to know that not training deadlifts for 5 months isn't going to progress the lift
If you want to argue semantics he very well could have increased his deadlift, he just doesn't know it yet. No one here is saying he didn't make a mistake not working in deadlift sessions sparingly to maintain a base strength level but it's not exactly a technical lift. It's not uncommon to program it sparingly so you can build on squat/bench.
Now why would you beleive that?
The only person I remember saying it was Louie Simmons and his acolytes. Who say it in the context of being full of drugs, squeezed into triple ply gear, half squatting and being mediocre deadlifters anyway.
I didn't expect the lift to progress (not deadlifting wasn't entirely a choice, just me not wanting to make the kind of changes I'd have needed to lifestyle-wise to keep deadlifting). I just didn't expect it to regress by that damn much.
>If you want to argue semantics
"no" wtf does language have to do with it? do you just try to use words you've just learnt in any sentence you can?
>he very well could have increased his deadlift
"no" not training deadlifts at his level won't increase his lift
Bench press stalling hard on TM.
What do?
what are you currently doing? like give me a detailed response please
Average male is
Weight Class: 83kgs / 182.5 lbs
Height: 175cm / 5'9"
Average genetics
Given 10 years to reach near natural potential in powerlifting with optimal diet, training. (Anything past 10 years will be minimal gains)
What would they expect their lifts to be?
Would be my guess
>don't do a lift for half a year
>surprised and appalled that it went down
WTF guys? I thought gains were permanent like in my RPGS!
3x4 paused, 3x5 tng
3x5 2 countt
Some tricep work
1x5 (third week of me failling to get 5 reps with 2 plates
On 5th week of Texas. Started with 95 kg and it flewoff my chest.
Did Candito Linear prior to this and was benching 3x weekly also.Seems like i got weakerwith TM.
nah, 298/200/315
First for C6W
>ipf records
IIRC Rippetoe says something similar. It's been ages since I've read anything he's actually written, though, so I might just be rationalizing why he has people do half a set of deadlifts every equinox.
My arches are so high that lately it's been causing my knees move laterally while squatting
What's a good pair of shoes to rectify this?
I'm thinking a pair of flats with wide soles like the Crossfit lite TRs?
tfw no 30" thighs
tfw thighs are only 60cm, rip
How often should a noob lifter be doing deadlifts?
I am doing SL 5x5 but feel like 1x5 per week is not enough.
Should I be doing extra DL on the one day, or lighter DL on the "other" day
>read swedish powerlifters status about measuring legs on nationals
>Filip Lindström: 78cm
If you're a noob lifter and you're still progressing easily while only doing 1x5, then stay like that. Just don't make the same mistake I did and do 1x5 or 1x3 forever and then wonder why your deadlift sucks
do 1x5 three times per week if you are a noob, because rows are not a main movement by any stretch. if you're more advanced, do 2 days on, 1 day off for deadlift. if you're nearing the end of the program, do it every other day. if you're feeling like you're about to crash and burn, deadlift once a week.
fuck rows, do cleans
1x5 1.5x per week is plenty especially with all the squat volune
You're just starting out which means you need to stick to the program and eat like a horse
Once you've run SL to completion then feel free to switch to a program with higher DL volume
also my forearms are 34cm and my calves are 35cm. Bicep is 38cm. So my forearms are now nearly the size of my calves.
>tfw 71cm thighlet
This is bait
Do not listen to it
The point of SL is to get stronger overall
To turn you from a sloth into someone who's somewhat useful and it does a good job of that
Once you finish SL, and preferably not until you finish an early intermediate program, then you can specialize more and work on weaknesses because you will now what they actually are
I hate isleys shit posting
When's he going to wear the shirt from the bet?
ignore this post entirely. SL is a stupid program, do deadlifts as i told you you faggot
Soon. Tuesday or thursday this week
>7cm from literally being phil
shut up
you dont know how jelly I am
>82kgs bw
>64cm thighs
7 long centimeters! That's 10 percent circumference! That's like 10 percent on the radius! That's 21% in muscle cross sectional area! That's 21% in leg strength!
But he squats more than 20% compared to your squat.
185kg squat with 60cm thigh circumference master race.
How is it for bench? My bench is already so far behind my s/d and ive heard bad things about it.
I have an issue lads.
I just want to put my penis inside a woman's vagina but I can't :(
why not
They won't let me ;(
why not
Bench is too low
Spot on
In order to get a gf you need
>4x body weight deadlift
>3x body weight squat
>2x body weight bench
Girls don't like SHW, so body weight multipliers are the most accurate Measurement in this instance.
Also you must be natty, girls hate giant men.
This is objectively false. I got my gf when I was a 170lb skelly and couldn't even squat my bodyweight.
sounds like you were the girl
shut it chad we've all seen what you look like you don't count
She was a 125lb skelly at the time. (She's 5'10")
was she a lesbian because you're a bitch
You two sound upset.
>when u buy da sheiko app
>topkek !C0SJncud8l
>she cares about my bench
literally dropped.
too lazy to think, means i can just be a cookie cutter for 4 months
panzerfag detected
tfw beltless pr
what do I get for a 2xBW squat?
>That technique
Bitter regrets
Pecs are still sore - skip planned bench day today and instead do some BBB and stretching sutff, then do bench day tomorow?
Why skip?
>skipping workouts because of soreness
That's not how it works boy
Isnt it usless / potentially harming to a muscle when you work it while its still sore?
Always had this concept in mind about sore muscle.
It depends if it's sore or injured.
If just sore? Go brah
That is not trying harder.
When I got my gf I was a 68 kgs skelly at 5'11 and my lifts were around 110/80/140.
I think the more you lift the less likely you are to get gfs since you become so obsessed with lifting, you forget you have to develop your social life separately.
Morning, /plg/. Wew deload week now before I start another sheiko. Gonna fuck around with a lot of body building stuff and start doing lots of hip thrusts for those glute gains.
Alright, time to BENCHPRESS YO
>Deload week
Didn't finish the last block of sheiko?
Some of the stuff in there looks pretty tough, I thought it would've been worth running
What were your results from the cycle?
The comp block is mainly just a peak. I got 25 lbs on my "squat" and 20 on my deadlift on the skills test, so I might as well just restart with my new maxes.
I'll probably run the comp block out next time. Plus if I skip the comp block this time, I can fit in two more full cycles before the meet that I might do in March.
Why did you put squat in quotation marks?
Because my form broke down so badly it looks awful (but this is nothing new, last time I maxed my squat it looked disgusting too). And the depth was very close. I got it filmed from a terrible angle and when I posted here literally everyone said I was high. I had an experienced lifter (talentlex) tell me it was definitely to depth from what he saw in person though.
I'll probably skip the end but the 6x3 at 80% looks pretty fun desu
People are giving him shit cause the squat looked high but it was a shit angle so who knows
>Should of
Oh yeah i remember from yesterday your post had like 15 replies all were roasting you, sucks senpai but eh wygd. Doesnt sheiko usually help with form due to low reps per set and lowintensity per set?
So you really can't progress on a lift without doing it? Here I was thinking I could front squat and conventional my way to a 3pl8 squat from 2,5pl8 by just working on my weak points?
My form on my working sets improved a ton. But those were never above 85% and that didn't carry over to maxing. I think my biggest problem on my squat is just my bracing. Some people told me, and I think they're right, that I've been focusing way too much on upper back tightness and have neglected holding my breath in my belly. I think that'll fix the goodmorning and bad bottom position, so I'm going to really try to focus on it this cycle.
I'm still really happy with how the cycle went though because even though people said it was high, it looked pretty much the same as last time I maxed my squat and I still added 25 lbs, and I finally broke the 200kg deadlift mark last night.
6x3 at 80% is nothing special. The 80% triples were getting pretty easy at the end of last cycle.
Imo sheiko is shit tier for form. You're right that it's low intensity but it gets you so used to lower weights and then all of a sudden plunges you into hard shit.
E.g I'm doing most 140-155kg sets and in a few weeks it's expecting me to jump right up to 180-190. I'm not conditioned for that shit
Tightening up your upper back will help a lot with your form too.
Sounds like 531 in that when i ran it my rep outs were pretty clean but everything over 90% of my true max felt like dog shit. Wb taking a moderatepy heavy double or single every week or so? Not enoug to add significant volume but enough to get a feel
What were your starting and post numbers for sbd?
I didn't actually do it for bench. I've been running nuckols bench, but next cycle I'm going to do Sheiko for all 3 lifts.
I started in lbs with 330/420 squat/deadlift and ended with 355/440. I weigh like 180-181 now and at the start of the cycle weighed 176.
That's what I was thinking of doing, or maybe pin presses or something similar. I'll experiment with it next cycle
Do you think that gaining more weight wouldve helped more? Also which cuckols bench did you run?
Reg park.
I am still grinding out linear gains so anything that is less than 5s feel like rpe32. Or fept like, until i started taking escalated singles or doubles and then dropping back down to my work sets. Also i liked the confidence of knowing what my approxiamate 1rm is
28 free programs = 3 days int med bench
It's hard for me to tell how much the weight gain helped since it was my first time running the cycle, but I think it definitely helped some. I'm still pretty skinny at 5'11 180 lbs, but my legs are really starting to look thicker. Once I get into the 190s I'll probably play around with doing Sheiko at maintenance or on a slight cut to see how it goes.
I was doing this with added dumbbell bench and tricep extensions on day 3. It took my bench from 200 paused to around 245 paused in 4 months. And in that period I went from 170 to 180 in bw.
What did you run to get to the numbers you bit before sheiko? Also damn son nice binsh gains
When I started lifting I just wanted muh abs, so I ran ICF 5x5 and cut to turbo skelly (150 lbs). My lifts after that were around 240/175/315 or so. Then I kept running ICF and bulked up a bit. Progress started slowing and I was stupid and program hopped for a while. I ran a dumb 5/3/1 variant for a few months and made some progress but not much. I did my first meet at the end of January this year and got 127.5/85/185 at 74kg bw (my real weight around this time was 170 and I had to water cut to get to 74 kgs). That barely qualified me for collegiate nationals so I stayed at that body weight and ran another 5/3/1 variant for a few months until nationals in April with very little improvement. Right after my April meet I switched to sumo since my conventional form was a rounded back disaster, I started bulking, and ran 2 C6W cycles. At the end of the second that's when I hit 330 squat and 420 deadlift.
Sheiko actually believes deadlift improves squat but the reverse is not true