this triggers the fat acceptance movement

> this triggers the fat acceptance movement

fuck off you bully

There's nothing wrong with loving yourself user you cunt

If it doesn't affect you, why do you care? Just be the bodytype that you want to be



Fat acceptance is not about being ignorant about the consequences of being fat or not trying to lose weight. Fat acceptance is about not shaming fat poeple. Just because they are fat there is no reason to bully them. Instead take your fat friends and HELP them do something about it. Strong people don't bring down other people, they lift them up.

> implying i have fat friends

An unbroken line of succession since the dawn of life on Earth and you choose to be 600lbs.

there is a huge difference between loving and acepting your body and being an obese individual

But user I can't lift a planet.

>He can't OHP 400 lbs


>they literally have to cut dead fat people open and pull them apart to prove obesity is bad

It still won't sink in. Fatties don't have cognitive function. If they did, they wouldn't be fat.

look at them kidney gains!

they'll just ignore it because healthy at every size or some shit like that.

if only that were true. fat acceptance is all about "you can't tell me my lifestyle is unhealthy because it's MY BODY"

But... that's how we learned if something is bad for us with literally all the shit we now know that that's bad for us. You think people just knew smoking was bad for them but they did it anyway?

Your obesity is slowly killing the organs desperately trying to keep you alive. Your cardiovascular system is a wreck with blood vessels constricted and stretched to accomodate the excess girth because, no, you only get one heart and it's now working on overdrive pumping for twice the workload even when your lungh capacity is significantly reduced. Your digestive and endocrine system is on the brink of exhaustion until it cries for outside help in form of insulin shots, pills, and surgery. Your skeletal system, especially around your joints, is at a constant struggle against g ravity due to your excessive weight. Everything, from your skin being pulled like taffy to your brain becoming so addicted that food is the only relief you know, is negative about obesity. This isn't love. This isn't acceptance. This is you ignoring all of these valiant struggles to keep you alive and spitting it in the face, leaving to die a slow agonizing death. Fuck off.

Try to do it with 100lbs on one side and 300lbs on the other
Also make sure to lube the bar everywhere for full effect

3 billion year of evolution and you become this shameful result.

dude thats rude as fuck what the fuck is wrong with you

Excellent post, famalamadingdong.

>Instead take your fat friends and HELP them do something about it

and hows that? to imply to a fat person that their body type is wrong is to speak against fat acceptance

whats more disgusting

fat people?
or negros?
or queers?

Don't forget that their blood is slowly dissolving their own veins and arteries, due to the ridiculously high sugar contained in it.

fat since its the only one which is a choice

fucking brutal.

unfortunately you cannot argue with these HAES abominations

Fat people. Nothing wrong with the others.


>implying you have friends

Real answer: people who are so insecure that they have to put others down to feel better about themselves.

>If it doesn't affect you, why do you care?
But it does. It takes more fuel for the same distance traveled, emitting more CO2 and SO2, contributing to pollution. Food resources are reallocated towards your gluttony instead of towards food banks and people who are literally starving (missing one snack for fat people is starving, which isn't.) The amount of taxes being paid RIGHT NOW towards te health care and disability of the obes is more than all other major preventable causes of death (inb4 muh hypothetical future cost BS bullshit).

Do I need to go on why the shit you just said is idioicy? The bottom line is that it affects everyone.

This came up on my fb feed and it's filled with comments like
>Obese people are olympians too!
>I'm obese but I do Zumba once a week so this doesn't apply to me you fat shamers
>this doesn't mean that thin people are healthier they can die too!
>oh my god if that body is considered obese then I must be a whale(not)!
>I'm only fourteen stone there's nothing worng with some meat better than being a starving skeleton

Fat people. Negros can be trained to be civilized people if the white man took them out of their echo chambers and raised them. Queers just need to be smacked a few times and be told to acting annoying and flambouyant. Fat people you can force to lose weight but they gain it all back with stupid excuses.

We did. Instead of putting the effort, they give up on day one up to one week because "muh fat acceptance." They forget that I was a fatfuck at one time too. When I tell them this, they throw out all the typical special snowflake excuses. They tend to forget that these issues are caused and worsened by their obesity, not their condition causing obesity.

>Obese people are olympians too!
Yeah, in a "sport" that is known for its laziness: powerlifting.

Wait, are you the one that made all the FPS/FPH generals disappear?
Fucking cunt, I was getting godly motivation to lose weight on that thread.

>this doesn't mean thin people are healthier they can die too!
Man, the amount of times I've seen this card being pulled out disgusts me. Thinking they are healthy since a skinnier person got 'x' or a similar ailment that caused them to die.

What pisses me off is that fat people is willingly throwing away their beauty and aesthetics only to whine about it after.

Beauty and the ability to sculpt one's body is a weapon, a sword in a battle of society.
Everybody fight each other, and to survive you need to be the equipped as best as you can, hence we lift to become sick cunts like zyzz.
Now, fat people on the other hand throw away their sword, probably because their arms got tired or because they wanted to hold buckets of chicken on both hands.
Then, when they have to compete with an another individual, they sperg out about how we are using a sword to fight against an unarmed individual.
Not choosing to fight, giving up on social privileges to sustain your fat lyfe is one thing, but nigger, I fucking hate it when they try to call us out for having AESTHETICS

Fuck them all, Landwhales who do not put in effort are just hypocrites.

Go back to or .

Fat pajeets shouldn't be classified as human species.

The worse I've seen is obese people justifiying having diabeetes, because "Thin people who work out can get it too!". Healthy people can get type 1 diabeetes which is genetic and nothing they can help while only obese and fat people can get type 2 which is dependant on diet, it's honestly as infuriating as smokers claiming it's fine that they can get lung cancer because healthy people can also get cancer too, but even smokers don't pull shit like this.

Dude, I'm not strong enough to lift them up yet.

>but even smokers don't pull shit like this.
Nope, thry do, but not to the extent fat people. I knew a smoker who coughed all the time and used the "such and such smoked everyday and lived to a hundred, whereas such and such dodn't smoke and got lung cancer at 40". The smoker tended to forget that extremely rare amount of smokers have a genetic marker that actually reduces the harmful effects on them, and the non-smoker who got cancer was always around peopme like him and was breathing in second-hand and third-hand smoke constantly.

That's because they can't into Risk Assessment & Mitigation.

>we're all going to die anyway!

Yes, we are. Some will circle the drain for a decade or more of decreasing self-reliance. Fitter people tend to compress this downward spiral, in some cases to zero as they succumb to overwhelming failure.

Case in point:
>Father in law does fuckall for his last fifteen years, spends the last five in bed unable to care for himself in ANY meaningful way.
>His brother continues to drive, garden, etc.

Father in law and his brother die within a week of each other. His brother had a stroke and was dead 36 hours later.

Which had the better end?

If you are American (and have friends) you have fat friends or fat parents

I fat shame my friends into doing something about it even do it to relatives, just helping them do something rarely works tardo

3.7 billion. 1.2 billion years of sexual reproduction.