Hey Veeky Forums, maybe this is not the right place, but I don't know where else I should post that.
Lately I have to deal with an absolute lack of motivation or will to do anything. In the past this has occurred to me as well, went away for a while and then came back again.
I wake up in the morning after sleeping 8 hours or so and already feel tired, my head is slow and my body feels incredibly heavy. The worst thing however about this is that everything feels like a huge burden, I have to force myself to take a shower or go to the bathroom, sometimes I don't even do it. It's like I don't see any reason to something anymore, it all seems vain and useless. The only thing I still manage to keep going is the gym and studying, but not because I like, but simply because I have to feel that I need to do this and because I would hate myself even more if I didn't do it. But this is all I get done and both activities drain the very rest of energy I have, I often catch myself after gym or uni, once I drove home by car, sitting in my car for half an hour staring out of the window because I can't find the motivation to get out of it. I feel tired and want to sleep all the time. It's a horrible feeling because I feel absolutely vain, no drive, no empathy for anything or anyone, nothing that excites me, all the passion and will is gone, and I just can force myself to do those tasks like gym or studying because I hope one day I will care about them again and then be happy that I did not quit and further to keep my mind busy and distracted.
Kinda difficult to bring this into coherent sentences.
Hey Veeky Forums, maybe this is not the right place, but I don't know where else I should post that
I'm wearing that shirt right now and I just lifted.
As for your question, you have pretty textbook depression. See a therapist if you can.
Yes? I thought depression was correlated with sadness, I don't really feel anything. If I had to describe it with colors I'd say everything is or feels grey.
But thank you for your answer.
Do you fap?
That's a common misconception, though not necessarily wrong. It manifests differently for different people AFAIK. My ex struggled with depression for years so I have been intimately close with someone who felt a lot like what you're describing. Like I said, if you have the resources, see a therapist and they will be able to help you more than some anonymous dipshit. If therapy doesn't seem to be helping they may recommend a psychologist to you so you can get anti-depressants.
Sometimes, mainly out of boredom.
I could see help relatively easy I think, since I am a student and I have free access to a consulting service.
How did your ex get through it?
Have you tried not fapping?
Why not try drinking or doing some drugs? Not permanently but enough to get out outta your slump? Perhaps some aderal?
I would recommend you do that. My ex was a PhD student and required to go to counselling as such. If you're undergrad, I'm pretty sure there are free services you can check out or at the very list you should get a severe discount. Not sure where you're from, but I work at an American university and any staff that interact with students are advised to make them aware of free counselling services if we think they need it.
As for my ex, I'm pretty sure she still struggles with it, though she has made some rather large life choices that have hopefully helped her. She decided that she wasn't in the right place for her PhD program so she dropped out to be closer to her family. She also came out of the closet after I left her, so I'm sure that contributed to her depression as we were economically dependant on eachother for years. The best thing she ever did was go to therapy and get help though. She would get into long funks much like what you describe in the OP until she finally got therapy/antidepressants at which point she would start to act more normal/not pessimistic about everything.
Awful advice.
>sleep 8 hours and tired
stopped right there
get your testosterone checked. You are showing symptoms of low T
Alcohol is not so good, especially on the days after the feelings intensify. And I already feel the effect of two beers, large amounts of alcohol really fuck me up.
Yes, for two months once. I can't remember what changed, but my sexual drive to not increase noticeably.
Then you probably are clinically depressed. Do you have any access to professional help?
But my lifts are okayish I guess, anyhow I make constant progress.
I am a German, I have seen my uni provides something like that, although I haven't fully digged in and I don't know the details yet.
>not pessimistic
Something I forgot to mention, the constant worry that basically everything will result in a clusterfuck. Probably a downer on the mood too.
Nevermind, just saw that you do have access. Use it.
My uni has a couseling service, at least that's what the homepage says. I haven't checked what services they actually provide and who, under which circumstances, can resort to these.
Anyway, thank you for all the answers, guys.
get it checked anyway
you have no idea how important healthy t-levels are.
Alright, I did not think of that. Thanks for addressing this topic.
There is nothing wrong with having a cozy, oppressive, and secret drug addiction. Keeps the mind off of thoughts of sadness because you are always thinking about getting the next fix or you are high and enjoying the effects.
Grow up.
lol sociopathy xD
Hang in there brosef. I went through this. Keep at it and make sure people close to you know about what's going on in your head. Keep exercising - cardio endorphins are a godsend.
Thank you.
To be honest I don't like talking about it. As I have said in my initial posting this feeling sometimes goes away and then I think of myself as a hypocryte because I somewhat don't believe myself. And then I think talking to someone about is like craving for attention.
Same here (depressed sans sadness), except for the still studying part. Keep studying or things may spiral out of control.
Yes, I think the lifting and studying also helps me to stick to a proper schedule and organize my day and week.