will shaving my pits reduce smell?
Will shaving my pits reduce smell?
ok thanks gonna shave em
Not by much, but what I found out works great is alcohol. Rub some in, wash it away with water and dont wipe, just let it dry. You will smell like sweat at most, not like garbage.
Axilla aesthetics thread? Axilla aesthetics thread.
I trim mine down with a hair trimmer. Shaving can give you heat rash/ ingrown hairs. Just trim them to almost nothing and skip all that garbage. Same effect without any hassle.
Yes. Also, it's more aesthetic.
What if i use a shaving cream?
Use hair removal cream.
Shit stinks, and is a hassle
The act of shaving isn't the problem. It's how sweaty the area gets on newly opened pores. I have sensitive skin when it comes to that. A lot of women avoid it by shaving all the time, but the trimmer is just easier and way faster.
I've used nair before and it made my skin feel like it was melting.
It's all about having clean hair and skin, which house the bacteria that together with your sweat cause body odour.
I did it! I feel aesthetic and clean as fuck
Congrats bro. Put some tea tree oil on there. Helps stop a rash.
Maybe, but washing yoursef might be a better idea
I showered everyday paying extra attention on armpits but there was always a smell, not terrible but it was noticeable
Smell is caused by bacteria and microorganisms.
Apply something to kill them, E.G alcohol (probably best choice) or UV rays (carcinogenic) or some copper powder (insane).
Just swab some alcohol on there or something.
Yes. However you may experience more sweat in the sense of liquid
I don't have it, anything else I can put to prevent a rash?
You can also try using the strong anti perspirant. The one where you put them the night before and let it dry. It's amazing. For normal people they use it like x3 a week. Since I sweat a lot I use it every two nights or so. Armpits dry as shit. I use Perspirex. I heard Dricolor is best but not available where I'm at so can't say.
I don't know of anything off the top of my head, just google it. How to stop razorburn or something along those lines.
UIs it normal for your underarms to smell slightly on BO after a few hours? even though you had a shower and applied antiperspirant-Deoderant.
I'm pretty sure that shaving will make you smell worse because the hair keeps most of the moisture away from the skin
Isn't it kinda gay for men to shave there underarms?
without alcohol is better i guess?
Use either.
No. Listen to the advice in this thread (shave + alcohol), clean your pits better, and eat better.
In America, maybe. Here, in eastern Europe, you wouldn't even be able to get a date if you don't shave your pits. Hairy pits are considered unhygienic as fuck.
Let me get this straight
OP is 99% surely asking about reducing smell to attract a woman
In what exact world is trying to attract a woman "gay"?
Stop talking shit, moron. First time i hear this garbage and i live in Europe. You are just a smelly fat blob.
People who eat healthy tend to smell better.
Just saying.
i am the only one in my group of friends who watches what to eat and i am one of the few that smells
Well what DO you eat? I bet you don't eat according to what it causes you to smell like.
Is it true that non-mediterranean europeans shower once a week or once every three days?
dont shave your pits, buzz them. youre not a woman
should i whisper "no homo" while i shave? i didn't do it this time, am i gayed?
Come over to Bulgaria and try to wear a tank top with your hairy pits, faggot. See how much you get laughed at.
Why would i visit the land of the gypsies?
>See how much you get laughed at.
Still doesn't happen, stop talking bullshit, gypsy.
Lmao, I wouldn't expect Bulgarians of all people to shave their pits
I'd expect it from metrosexual Westerners
What causes the stench isn't sweat. Sweat is odorless, it's the bacteria that cause the awful BO. Shave and clean regularly. Alcohol is great to wipe em with, kills off bacteria.
Well... after the curtain fell East Europeans tried very hard to appear more refined to the point that they completely overtook western men.
I'm from Romania and you even see lots of middle aged men shaving their pits nowadays
Because you're a bunch of poofters.
te salut
>I've used nair before and it made my skin feel like it was melting.
Isn't that exactly what its doing?
Get a spray bottle, put some water mixed with alcohol, baking soda and a few drops of lemon oil nor peppermint oil, works great
isn't that going to burn like a motherfucker??
You are supposed to remove it after 5 minutes, 10 at maximum
The only guy I know that thinks shaving armpits is for faggots is ugly metal head with pubic hair-like goatee that's literally /r9K/ incarnation. And I'm from small southern Poland town.
Shave with sharp razor and use some deodorant afterwards. Dunno what brands are good in US but I use Dove with that ball thing applicator. Don't rub alcohol, it will duck up your skin ph and dehydrate it.
my lat spread looks a lot wider now that i am shaved
This. But shaving would decrease smell overall since all the hair collects bacteria
Armpits is the most patrician fetish
Armpits>sideboob>neck+shoulders>boob>underboob>butt>back>everything else>shit>feet