Is there a bigger gains goblin than NFL season?
>One of the major social activities of the fall
>Always house parties, everyone is eating chips & dip, fried bullshit, and drinking beer literally the entire day Sunday
>everyone tries to make you feel unamerican if you don't participate
>even the women mock you for refusing the cheesey diarrhea disaster dip
>"trying to watch your figure, sweetheart?"
>cave a little, crack a beer and fill a plate
>7 hours later I am a drunk, bloated, farting mess
Is there a bigger gains goblin than NFL season?
Other urls found in this thread:
>nfl season coincides with the start of fall/winter
>not taking advantage of the free sunday food for bulking
not gonna make it
Stop hanging out with NFLosers.
Watch baseball instead.
>mfw Jays take the AL east
Literally the most boring sport to watch other than golf senpai
Do you have any self control?
Soccer is worse
why waste your time when we all know the Steelers are going over the Seahawks in the Superbowl
Fall is the biggest gains goblin of all
>sports back on tv
>cold shitty weather
It's why everyone is so desperate to get back in the gym at New Years. And why everyone progressively gets fatter and fatter every year
>Be american
>Watch NFL
Top kek
>more boring to watch on TV than baseball