ITT: Why you lift

ITT: Why you lift.

I just want a girl like the middle of pic related. She's perfect.

Other urls found in this thread:


>lifting for girls

i lift because im bored. i need a hobby.

>I just want a girl like the middle of pic related
thx for clarifying

>shitskin kids

me on the left

She fucked a nigger lmao

they dont have nappy hair,

>I just want a girl like the middle of pic related
The fact that you had to specify since its a PICTURE OF HER AND HER KIDS makes me sispicious of you

also, lifting for girls is a waste of your time
They wont notice and you will get frustrated because you want it to work so you will just keep walking down the wrong path and end up bitter about not getting laid/a gf

Stop being racist. There is nothing wrong with interracial sexual relationships.

>lifting for girls

you already lost

>It's a not so subtle /pol/ thread

>lifting for a white single mother caked entirely in makeup with contacts in generic filtered instagram attention photo
Well that's disappointing

jesus, just flushing those genes down the toilet

Are you retarded? Mixed girls are the hottest on the planet.

Says the genetic dead end from Veeky Forums.
Tell us all about how you shouldn't bring more children into the world and how you're happy to sterilize yourself.
God yes I wish to be enlightened.

Oh dear, OP you are a complete fucking idiot if you life for that cunt

I lift for the one on the right

When people say mixed, they mean white features with a slight tan. The European blood is what makes people attractive.


doesnt get any deeper than that desu


Source: Zendaya

German mother. Barely has any black features outside of her wider nose and darker complexion.

too old desu

[citation needed]

left is cuter than right pham

I actually want a cute white wife to fuck raw and spoil and too have adorable golden skinned daughters to spoil even more rotten.

Can never tell a soul

Rectumragnarocked Trump supporters detected.



shes pretty ugly. not a good example




lol no

>leopard print shirts
>caked makeup

You're objectively wrong.

Cheekbones, lips and hair are all pretty black

>straightens her hair
>lightens her skin

Not even she is proud of her black features.



how does that disprove this user at all?wew, shills now coming to Veeky Forums because theyre so ass blasted about clinton dying on TV today

>Mixed girls are the hottest on the planet
Highly dependent on 2 factors:
1) the specifics of the mix
2) the social climate in which those kids were produced

The two factors do play into each other. In a social climate that is "permissive" of pre-marital sex AND interracial relationships, the specifics of the mix comes into play with the more perceptively attractive of one race getting with a similarly (more or less) attractive member of the other race. I.e. you're not going to see many abbos or very-african looking blacks going out and getting attractive girls of another race in an openly sexual society.


>Not even she is proud of her black features.
Well she cant really get into a gang, shoot people and rob liquor stores at that age so its too early for her black features

lol jk, no but seriously youre right

Just proved the point fag.

>clinton dying on TV today

>they say things i dont agree with so I'll just tell them to go to /pol/

yeah nah fuck of cunt

>Well she cant really get into a gang, shoot people and rob liquor stores at that age
Nigga she's 20

Clinton had to leave a 9/11 ceremony because she was feeling "overheated". People now suspect super AIDS

>not lifting for yourself and yourself only



You dumb fuck...

>They say things that belong into pol, so I just tell them to go /pol/

Here fixed it for the retards

she collapsed at the 9/11 ceremony, had to be dragged into her van

>Nigga she's 20
I have no idea who she is, what she is or anything and i dont want to find out to be quite honest
I just wanted to make a pun, and i did


>unironically linking to /pol/

>they say things i don't agree with

cry some more


we r leejun

>/pol/ reaction images
Are you going to accuse me of being a CTR shill sometime soon?

>with contacts
Her kids have the same eyes, do you think she got the three of them matching contacts because blue eyes is such a unique feature?

>unironically posting this
whew lad.

She looks white, lol

Because while she loves me for who I am, she deserves the best from me.

/pol/ memes are best memes

>He doesn't agree with my shitty opinion
>What a fucking cunt
What did you expect? Everyone accepting your racism?

>black woman's face on a white girl's body

literaly the worst possible combo

but he didnt call me a cunt, he told me to go back to /pol/

>craving a niggerlover

what for? so she can cuck you with her shitskin human trash kids?
race traitors should be shot

>buttmad shitskins

post qts

The whole point of being pure is not having any marks or blotches. Plus she's not a natural blonde. You're a fucking retard. Pls do the world a favour and neck yourself before you waste any more oxygen.


It's fucking sad how /pol/ contaminated all the boards
Came here for some motivation and all i saw was "shitskins lmao" and lot of shitpost
Fucking grow and stop being edgy

no, it means purebred as in not having any race mixed in
sorry to break into your safespace

>thinking this is because of /pol/

/pol/ is simply a reaction to world events. It's like you have no idea what's going on in the real world that has people upset and/or divided.

>/pol/ is a bunch of pathetic subhumans, who have nothing to be proud of except their skincolor
Here fixed it for you

Oh look its another racebait thread that people fall for everytime

No, the point is to have no subhuman DNA. Freckles are cute.

>Ironing board body
No thanks

shitskins are destroying the first world

/pol/ is just a reaction

you sound a bit mad

>tfw avarage german women look nothing like the pics being posted

Feels bad mang

>freckles are not a sign of racemixing...
... Retards. They're everywhere.

I'm latino and I must agree. White girls are hot but the most boring in bed

>People with somewhat right-wing beliefs are all from /pol/
step outside of your safe space and you'll find out that people have views opposing yours outside of a fucking Veeky Forums board, faggot.

but they literally are

I visited Europe and especially Germany a few times. Most people have black/brown hair with brown eyes. I was slightly amused by the false notion Veeky Forums has about europeans but not surprised

>people of every race can have freckles
>it's a sign of race mixing

"What did he mean by this?"

wtf i love racemixing now

>nasty coal burner


But they literally are. Even Joe Biden admits it.

Here comes the people to flood the thread with 4/10 at best chicks who only have blue(ish) eyes blonde(kinda) hair and pale skin.

He also celebrated a declining white population, insisting it made us better.


>wanting a nigger digger

Night riders are human pieces of shit. Not to much "big nigger dick" is a fucking meme

next time, venture beyond the inner city cesspools

This is why I lift.

Of course. He's an anti-white jew. He's a zionist.

>1 mixed woman looks good
>all mixed women look good

You do realize there are thousands of beautiful European women for every 100 good looking mixed women, right?