What's Veeky Forums ideal woman? (in order of importance)

What's Veeky Forums ideal woman? (in order of importance)

for me it's
>pretty face
>easy going
>colored eyes
>white skin
>nice tits
>nice collarbones
>nice ass
I don't really care about intelligence as long as they're open minded. Ignorance is the worst trait possible.

Mariah Carey before she got fat


>very religious
>very maternal
>takes pride in femininity
>nice face
>shorter than me

>very religious
>takes pride in femininity
good taste

thanks fâm, y-you too

Tbh its all about the face. It hurts to know that girls probably feel the same way which is why they will never like me.

In order of importance:
>pretty face
>shameless whore

For me

At least 5+ years older than me (I am 21)
Long legs
Cute bubble butt
B-C cup breasts
Blonde with blue eyes
Nice personality

Too bad I am a skinny fat, depressed, borderline alcoholic 5'10 manlet with a receding hairline. At least I lost my virginity to a cute red head when I was 16 though

that's a dude

>Nice personality
>Nice smile
>not fat

keep it simple

>5'7-5'11 height is the most important


Girls can have dicks too.

I love taller women. I can't explain why I just do.

>19 year old girl
>looks like a 35 year old failed transsexual
america is truly the land of opportunity

iktfb. worst part is my parents are both insanely beautiful. Maybe that means my kids will be the same though, I can hope.

>Thick thighs
>Big tits
>Pretty face
>nice feet
>Sorta big butt
>Seductive voice

If you can breed maybe.

>White skin

Entire thread is gay dudes and lesbians posting butch chicks and trannies and talking about nebulous bullshit.

Not a single het guy posting anything.

eh anyone can breed. What really matters is if she'll stay with you after having kids.

Also by the way I missed the order of importance thing. My list is not in order of importance. I think if I had to say the number 1 thing would be her face.

ok Tyrone, here's one for you

>blue eyes
>big breasts
>not a slut
>not a feminist
>not liberal
>long legs
>long hair, hip length
Basically my waifu but I won't post her for you fatties.

Had to go look for a chick that even people in her village would call homely?

Blonde, black hair or brunette
Pale-tanned skin
Long, slim but shapely legs
Slim arms
Slim waist
D-F Cup tits
Big ass but not hippo tier
Chinese, European or South American
Eye colour doesn't matter
Kind and intelligent
Mature and independent
Positive and calm
Responsible and loyal
Aquiline nose and slender jawline


>decently intelligent
>social awareness
>sense of humor
>not a slut
>average looking or better

My girlfriend has all these except she is not considerate, and can actually be quite the cunt

big tits, not fat

the combination is not common :c

Nineteen, skin colah dairy queen, lookin' like she put her booty through a guillotine, UHH. Oh, and at least 5'11" and no taller than 6'.

Looks wise pic related, otherwise anyone willing to let me confide my inner feeling to them

> pretty face
> blue or green eyes
> nice tits
> slender build
> no meatflaps
> long hair
> 5-8 years younger than me

> loyal
> balanced
> nurturing
> empathetic
> strong-willed, but not the kind that feminists think of which really means "bitchy"
> at least somewhat extroverted to balance out my introversion
> likes sex but was never a slut

> Above-average intelligence
> at least moderately right-wing
> shares some but not all of my interests
> has interests of her own

> Has a sexy accent (French, Russian, upper-class English for example), so foreign-born
> Does not have a trainwreck family

Asking for a lot, I know. Just means I have to lift that much harder until she loves me.


>those first 3
>in order of important
Have fun with your bimbo slut
You literally listed most women

No "pretty face, easygoing, tall" non intelligent woman is open minded, has low sexual partners or is not ignorant

An intelligent woman knows both her place, modesty, beauty and is not ignorant

I like you.

man you guys all sound awful based on what you want in a woman

Veeky Forums makes me realize how shallow other men are

Well what do you like user?

faggot nu-male betacuck detected, enjoy marrying a genetically inferior woman and having ugly retarded children hahaha

Yeah how dare other people have preferences that are different from mine, fuck.


>cute face
>mid size breasts
>works out
>smart and well read
>can debate
>dresses appropriately

>likes to hike/back pack
>loves dogs
>open minded
>interested in self-growth
>not super materialistic
>likes to learn
>logical, understanding, tolerant
>not unhealthy/over weight

>won't cheat
>prefers the country over the city

Asian is a bonus

>Friendly, nice demeanor
>Not sexually promiscuous
>Nice to my family
>Never married, no kids
>27-31 (I'm 31)
>Into exercise and outdoors activities
>5'5 - 5'10 (I'm 6'2)

Pic related is physically perfect

>have all these traits
Jdimsa I hate being a Womanlet

Mentally healthy
Physically fit
No major physical deformities

So basically she doesn't exist.



enjoy never being in a satisfying relationship because your expectations are so unrealistically high. enjoy feeling alone for ever because you'd pass up substance for nice tits

Pretty face is underated. When people ask "Tits or ass" I want to say face but dont want to sound like a faggot. So i just say ass.

I live in the Tristate sorry.
I'm too short for you anyways. Good luck

You guys are looking for this in the wrong place, you certainly won't get it from women. Just adopt a puppy or something.

mentally stable (autonomous, can live on her own)
BMI above 17 and below 22
can squat bodyweight
at least some university-grade education
symmetric face, with something asymmetric
waist/hip ratio as close as possible to 0.7
doesn't talk shit about friends
doesn't talk shit behind someone's back (friends or not)
isn't afraid to sit quietly without talking, just enjoying the company whilst sharing the moment
hasn't bred yet
hasn't had double digits dicks in the vagina/ass; not promiscuous
28 yo max / 24 yo min



6'3" master race

Way to miss the point you dumb fucking dipshit

Ideal =/=expect

all of your ideals literally include nothing but physical traits, with the few exceptions of 'loyalty'.

Nice tits and ass are literally more important to 90% of you guys on this thread than intelligence or having things in common

>pale skin
>dark hair/eyes
>has that mediterranean seductive thing going on

>why can't i get a gf?
>tfw no gf
>no friends
>how do i social gains

>i want a pure christian woman who goes to church every day and is deeply in love with me and nurturing

Veeky Forums autism all makes sense nao

Women despise weakness

>attracted to me
>not a hambeast
>no major physical deformities
>identifiably female

>dark, wavy hair
>small tits
>basic style

Basically, a taller Kristen Stewart.

An attractive woman who will give us healthy intelligent children and help raise them to be the best that they can be is a big concern for most of us.

Intelligence and having things in common are things for friends of any sex or sexuality. A woman to spend our life with has to have that special thing that makes them worth more then a thousand good friends.

>tfw manlet, DYEL, receding hairline
>dating a qt 3.14, Catholic Vietnamese girl who wants to be a doctor
How did I make it without lifting?

in order of importance
> daddy issues
> severe depression
> eating disorder
> shortsightedness
> pretty face
> dark hair
> Latina/white mix
> cute laugh

Pretty face
Thick thighs
Self aware
Pic not related I just wanted to post this tranny

Even that's a stretch sometimes.

hey nice that's basically me

A penis

My brah married such a girl. Apart from being shorter than him, lol. She's also ridiculously beautiful. So, don't be discouraged, manlets. He isn't rich or really handsome, just a good, humble guy.

Yeap,thats a good taste...


What do you mean?Someone with generally christian/conservative morals,or specifically catholic?I am (supposed to be) Orthodox,thats why I ask.


Similar here
Im 26.

>isnt religious but has strong sense of loyalty and morality or is religious but not to the point of being a fanatic (Im not in any structured mass religion so we would have some tension there). Point is her having a code of conduct she follows in life.
>takes pride in femininity
>likes to wear dresses and cook
>has small circle of good friends
>is fit - doesnt drink or smoke
>wants to be a mother/ is maternal and nurturing
>long silky straight dark hair (brown or black)
>Mediterranean or Latina aesthetics
>shorter than me
>ass 10/10
>sub 3 boyfriends, ideally zero and she is 19.
>no tattoo's
>best if virgin
>sub 25 years of age ideally around 20 +/- 2
>has good relationship with her parents and they are good people
>strong father figure
>strong brother figure
>calm demeanor and tendency to discuss things not make drama
>shuns mass media and trends

Emotionally mature, confident, as intelligent as me or more, very independent, creative, open-minded. White or mulatto, athletic or at least average built. Healthy. Slightly shorter or same height as me. Hair doesn't matter as long as not balding, eye color preferably not brown. That's my dream girl.

have fun staying a virgin forever

Before i got fit i had alot of demands and things i wanted
Now my ideal is a short, cute girl who is willing to fuck atleast once a month and isnt completly retarded


I love how contemporary Veeky Forums (read /r9k/) loves to throw a shit fit about Chads and sluts, but in fact 80% percent of female descriptions in these threads are either entirely physical, so the girl could be brain-dead for all they care (and make the worst mother and partner ever), or something like (spoiler for that guy: this type of a girl is just about guaranteed to turn into a gigantic slut after marriage, drain you of your money, fuck every man behind your back, steal your daughters and raise them as misandrists. "Religious" "shy" girls are the worst).
So it's a-okay for men to pick and chose like so
but if a girl dumps them for someone who looks better and has confidence, she's a soulless whore. Right, because you yourself is such an intelligent, unique, honest and gentle person and not at all ex-fatty/skeleton narcissist who likely no more interesting or fun in conversation than a brick and lift to try and compensate for his gigantic personality issues and latent mental illness.

She must know how to cook its really hard to find bishes that know that

Guys worry more about girls looks and girls care about a guys social status and his looks
Nothing really new here
And yes, most guys on the two sites you describe are salty about not getting laid and you probably would be too

Imagine wanting something so bad and every step you take you get further away from it, every tip you get is useless and you slowly realize you will never get what you want in life no matter how hard you work for it
Would you honestly not get bitter about that situation?

>face (essentially this means white)
>healthy weight
>easy going, self reliant personality
>nice ass
>nice tits

1 and 2 are vital, no exceptions.

Although without at least the first 4, I will get bored quickly.

>Prioritising idiocy at the top


>180+ cm
>kind personality
>swimmer's body

Sarah Sjöström is top waifu

I was bitter once. In fact, I was almost /r9k/ material at one point, if not quite. Then there was a series of very challenging, traumatic and life-changing events in my life, which basically forced me to make myself get fit and built confidence, independence and aggression. Afterwards, I realized that before these events I wasn't some poor victim of society before. I was a piece of shit who deserved to die and was never entitled to anything. I wasn't "serious" or "introverted", I was a little whiny bitch, and those guys who took what they wanted weren't evil alphas and assholes, they were the norm.

>generally attractive
As in she makes me strive to keep up with her
>nice ass
>looks good naked
>white skin
>shorter than me (I'm short)

I like fat girls but I wouldn't marry one. I'm more focused on being the best me. I'm short but realistically, I'm more attractive than most people in general. I want to make a lot of money.

Nice trips

also, i get where youre coming from because ive had problems in life aswell
My problems however got worse when i got fit, confident and more independent because it didnt help me get what i wanted out of life

I had a gf and things were stable. I was a normalbuilt guy who had a job and i guess i was sort of insecure since i sought validation and it actually kept my relationship together

After a fight i realized how extremly dependant on my gf i was, if she left i would end up being single for a very long time so i wanted to better myself
I enrolled in college/uni (not american), quit my job, got another better part time job in my field of study, started lifting and eating better and generally being more indenpendant and not giving a shit about what people think

Gf left me for some other guy and ive been struggling to find dates ever since and its been almost two years of no sex, few dates and life just took a massive turn for the worse

You must not be dependent on anyone ever. Never be 100% open with anyone, male of female, unless they're a lifetime friend. Always show confidence and assert yourself (not necessarily with aggression). Only chose friends and partners who can challenge you, intellectually and physically, and constantly improve yourself on every single front.
When you enter a relationship, you must see yourself as a gift to another person, never ask them if you're good enough. If you aren't, you'll know.

>wanting a girl older than you

muhh 2 mature 4 girls my age

Not him, but it is true, at least somewhat. Until very recently, I had to look for girls at least 3+ years older than me, because most girls (and people in general) don't mature until at least like 25, if then. Most 18-year old girls have the maturity and intelligence of a 7-year old, and now I can't even fuck 'em cause their puffy babyfaces make them look like kids too.

All good tips user but things i already do
Well maybe not the gift to another person part since i havent had a date in a long time or even been close to a girl since forever

Still, i hope life will improve and ill find girls somewhere someday

Why not? Have you tried approaching girls at your workplace? Looking for girls who are acquainted or friends of your coworkers? Don't listen to people telling you to go to a club or a bar, might as well go dig for women in a garbage bin.

Do you realise it's this behaviour that is exactly why you're single and emotionally closed off? You're encouraging things that are destructive on a physical and mental level.

Oh, and before you respond aggressively, it's not the self-improvement or challenge elements I take issue with as they're laudable. It's making yourself unavailable and arrogant to the point of narcissism. You're not fooling anyone with that.

I'm not single. I'm not satisfied with my current relationship, but it has nothing to do with my behavior or my girl.

Ive tried approaching at the workplace, almost all girls are taken
Had a cute girl who worked during the summer in another department but i only met her once because i had to get to a meeting and now she is gone because we both started school again

Other than that i have no friends of friends or friends of coworkers who are avaliable

I know, i need to expand my social circle and im working on it and its one out of many problems with girls that i have
I just want to make sure that if i find a girl who is single and not terrible i can get her

In no order in particular:

Around my age
Good person
Not religious
Trusting and trustworthy
Doesn't spend half the day talking bad about other people
Doesn't smoke/abuse alcohol
Healthy lifestyle, eats all kinds of food, is somewhat active
Enjoys being out in the nature/travelling every now and then
Likes cooking or at least tries to learn
Has own interests and likes sharing them, but doesn't need to do everything together
Wants to have a family in the future

These things apply to me too.

>shorter than me
>not an SJW
>liking me

I'm white btw

In order of importance
>intact hymen
>pretty face
>submissive and maternal personality
>big round bubble butt and tiny wasp waist
>pink nipples
>pale skin
>not a womanlet
>not completely retarded
>perky tits(size isn't particularly important)
>pale eyes
>blonde or red hair