So yeah, so great to finally meet you, user. I'm surprised at how fit you look. Wow. Isn't this place great...

>So yeah, so great to finally meet you, user. I'm surprised at how fit you look. Wow. Isn't this place great? My first time on a date here.
>You joining me for a beer?
>I-it "doesn't fit your macros"? Sorry, I don't quite understand. Your profile didn't say anything about allergies... But we can get some fries, right?

Why do you have that face? Did you get slammed repeatedly on the face with a pan?

>implying I would say no to a pint of guinness
>implying I ever date on weekdays

*unzips bag of celery*

actually no fries aren't good for you, did you know these things make your cum pearly white? *looks at celery stick and then takes a bite*

>implying you dont masturbate all day and watch anime without any human contact in your life

>*unzips bag of celery*

holy kek

Ia your hair always retarded like that?

Do people really go out on dates and make a big deal abt macros? If im cutting i just eat less earlier in the day cause i know ill have a few drinks

>Do people really go out on dates and make a big deal abt macros
No.It's 100% a Veeky Forums meme.Only autismo noobs who started lifting do that shit for a while and then they realize it makes 0 difference in the long run.

make sure you tell her about the acrylamide and AGE's in fried foods bro

>*unzips bag of celery*

some people on this board

are you a trap?

>go out on dates


this, but don't tell them yet, we always love us some more >tfw no gf threads

i wish

she looked ok until i saw the huge ass mug
instant turn off

i'd still shit on her chest tho

>drink beer
>fuck her the more furiously to make up for those additional calories

these threads are so fucking retarded

you must be one gay boi to post a thread like this

>implying i don't drink alcohol several times a week
>implying she can talk with my benis in her mouth
>implying i care about retarded macros

Im takimg a shit rn, and i cant stop giggling

If you'd sperg out on a date with a girl about alcohol and 'muh macros' then you're missing the whole point of lifting.

No point being aesthetic as fuark if you're a sad cunt and can't into social situations

Well you see...
*Beep* *beep* *beep*
Then my alarm goes off and I wake up.
A grill I passed walking the other day said good day to me, it's the first time in years that one said anything to me that wasn't work related or a friends gf being social.
Pretty sure I'm the biggest mong on fit

> Sorry, I don't drink, but I would like a nice glass of water.
Why do you autists always think something horrible will happen?