Be 6'3, handsome, tanned, slim with low bf

>be 6'3, handsome, tanned, slim with low bf
>have women looking at me daily
>gradually lose interest when they realise I'm a complete lunatic
>no matter what I do the scars from my shitty childhood will never go away

I'll definitely die alone

>been called a model by qts
>in hindsight, they all tried to make advances
>in hindsight I'm actually just a socially oblivious autist

I feel your pain faggot

You can improve yourself mentally. I used to have severe avpd (social phobia), but am essentially cured of it now and can do things that I never would have imagined I could a couple years ago.

>Mired more often than I'd admit
>Can't hold conversation for more than 5 minutes
>All I want is to be alone

OP again

>try to act confident instead
>girls are intimidated and get really shy in my presence
>literally won't say anything and blush any time I even look at them
>too good at acting for them to realise I'm actually a complete autist who was a shut in for the entirety of my teenage years
>had a big growth spurt and as a result lost a lot of baby weight around my face, also left the house a little and got a tan, lurked Veeky Forums and took care of my skin and hair
>still extremely autistic on the inside and terrified of intimacy


What did you do to improve?

Post pic

You torture yourself everyday by doing things you hate and apparently it gets easier, eventually

post pic

not a fucking chance m8, believe I'm ugly if you want I don't care

What? You said you were handsome, senpai

women looking at you daily?

I'm saying he can believe that I'm ugly if he wants to, I'm not posting my picture on Veeky Forums

ever had a gf? If so how did it turn out?

i don't care if you are not actually handsome or are ugly but i'm interested in your face now, block out ur eyes if you want

No I haven't. I legitimately didn't even speak to a girl my own age from the age of 12 until 19. I was in an all-male Catholic school and I was a complete shut-in. Now I'm in college studying computer engineering where there are a grand total of two girls in my class of 30+ people.

Zyzz and Chestbrah had the same schooling as you, and look what they did (minus the death ofcourse).

An exposure therapy approach might work for some people, but that's not what I did

Carnegie's HtWFaIP was extremely helpful to me. I was coming off some personal stuff that made me realize that no one really cared about me, and htwfaip underscored that in a different sort of way. People really don't care about you much at all. Like you, they are primarily interested in one thing: themselves. Sometimes when I walk down the street I try to imagine the intensely self focused thoughts--the minds--of the people around me. Their minds are very much like our own: self focused, examining the minute details of their own experiences and perceptions, everyone else they see is practically a two dimensional figure, of no sort of significance. This can be a liberating realization to someone with avpd.

Some self improvement books in general are really, genuinely helpful. The Slight Edge is also really good, and Think and Grow Rich

damn, have you ever had a gf?

Why do every time this kind of thread happens everybody claims they're handsome but barely anyone ever post a pic

Because posting pictures of yourself on Veeky Forums is an absolutely retarded thing to do?

I'd love to prove my point but not at the sake of my anonymity
Personally I think I'm pretty ugly but I guess that's just an issue with vanity

>I'm a complete lunatic
shoo shoo heath ledger

Because, despite all claims otherwise, the truth is these people are delusional, egotistical retards.

t. actual fucking professional model who regularly loses jobs due to being too tall at 6'1"


>shut in all of highschool
>I seem to be these hoe's first choice (seemingly) but I just sit in the corner and don't open up around people
>shut it and watch anime most of highschool-no parties, gatherings, etc

I'll even share the time where I dropped a full oil tank's worth of spaghetti:

>after work, qt gets in car with me asks for ride, hands me gas money
>I can tell she wants me off the bat
>offer to smoke like a fucking idiot
>I don't even smoke
>we stop at gas station to get dutchs
>she buys both of us water and gum
>offers me a piece and winks
>we chill on a bench and light up and I can basically feel the spaghetti storm brewing
>she puts on music starts dancing on me
>we talk about some intimate things and she starts leaning in
>fuck fuck fuck
>the spaghetti spigot has begun turning
>valve opens
>I say "hmm there's this girl I got a crazy crush on but I don't know how to tell her"
>she looks dumbfounded
>probably confused as to where I'm storing all this pasta
>she's still miring, still feeling, chance is still there
>she catches my fuck up and says the same thing and gives me the look
>then remembers something and asks me if I'm crushing on another coworker
>I fucking say yes
>spaghetti levels critical, autism overload irreversible
>I basically elaborate on my feelings about the situation
>her face just shouts pure defeat
>she probably can't breath
>the air is too dense with autism
>she suggests we leave
>we leave and don't exchange a single word on the way to her house
>I drop her off, she tries to make small talk
>clearly didn't learn the first time huh?
>I start hysterically laughing at the whole situation cause for some reason I see humor in it
>looks at me like I just escaped an asylum

When does it stop

>been rejected from all jobs because I'm

I'm certainly not egotistical, I get feedback from tooooo many people about my appearance.

I'm just socially retarded