
Pls help

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>Is this guy natty?
> Is it possible to get this aesthetic with only calisthenics while staying natty?
Almost impossible

Do you know of any good examples of the calisthenics "natty limit"?

lmao, you must look like shit

those lats look comical

I see some nice hypertrophy following this routine

Had a giggle




Are these aesthetics achievable natty & only with calisthenics?

>Is this guy natty?
>Is it possible to get this aesthetic with only calisthenics while staying natty?

the thing is the guy has not much mass he is basicly ottermode; some mass but very lean. You can do his workouts but if you are not sub 10% bf you will look dyel

plus the guy would look skinny in shirts unless he wears tight ones

Check out Dominik sky.

For the record, he does include squats and deadlifts.

he looks natty as fuck.
> having to question this

Is Dominik natty?

I love his vids
N-no homo

No this is very attainable natty and calisthenic.

You kidding me? Compared to a lot of other YouTubers that do calisthenics he isn't even that big. You could probably achieve that sub one year depending on where you are starting out.

Gymnasts mostly to calisthenics and they are jacked.

Also see video below for a pretty solid example of what calisthenics can get you.


Yes, just increase the resistance and diet properly.
Also this guy is low bf% but not actually that big.

is he fucking hanging onto that toddlers ankle?


>zero traps
>zero chest
>hiding skeleton legs
why do you want this aesthetic?

you don't understand, if he touches the water he will die

No, he's doing a pullup on that toddlers ankle

He most likely looks far better than you.