Dental Health Thread

Dental Health Thread
Any tips for dental gains?

Listerine and Fluoride Rinse nightly

Use a fluoride toothpaste

Eat softer foods (replace meats with their ground alternatives or switch to fish for proteins)

>Use a fluoride toothpaste
i thought all toothpase has fluoride in it? thats what makes it toothpaste?

Idk it's what my dentist told me. I know that some toothpastes advertise that they have more fluoride or that they are "enamel hardening". Those ones tend to use different (and I think better) ingredients. You can tell the difference because they have a much thicker, more mineral-y texture in your mouth.

I recommend Tom's or Pronamel toothpaste and ACT fluoride rinse. That's the shit I use anyways.

Haven't had a cavity or tooth pain in years.

Nope, there's stupid hippie "organic" toothpastes made out of herbs and shit. So fucking retarded, but people fall for it.

There are lots of toothpastes made without fluoride. They include hippie crap like neem oil, myrrh and charcoal powder. You can use these toothpastes to clean both your teeth and the tinfoil helmet you use to keep out the government mind control signals.

The charcoal powder stuff works surprisingly well.


1. brush lightly but thoroughly - you can damage your teeth by brushing too hard
2. floss every night - that's where all the food gets stuck
3. brush the back of your tongue and hack the goop - it's all bacteria
4. chew gum with xylitol (most sugar free trident has it) - it's good for your teef
5. you only really need to brush before bed - morning brushing is for stank breath
6. never swallow toothpaste
7. if you lose a tooth, get it replaced with a toxic gas capsule to assassinate the baron

Never wash right after eating. That means you brush before breakfast.

wasnt' flouride proven to be dangerous

>hack the goop

What the hell does that mean?

spit it out.

I brush my teeth maybe once per month.

The longest I went was probably five months. After one week or so, it doesn't really get any worse. As long as you swish water in your mouth and get the shit out between your teeth, it's not that bad at all.

I have mental problems and things I'm going through, yes.

All you want to do is drag me down
All I want to do is stamp you out

Because it's a greater abrasive than regular toothpaste. It's a more damaging way of getting whiter teeth, because it strips down your enamel more. Best way to get bright teeth is through whitening at the dental office.

There will be conseqences

Avoid nigger dick flavoured pudding

-Don't brush immediately after a meal, especially if it had any acidic components, e.g. drinking a coke or something; your enamel is weakened and brushing your teeth will scrap away the weakened enamel = cavity, wait for like 20-30 minutes atleast.

If you have a stressful life/work, watch out for daytime/nightime bruxism, I lead a pretty stressful life and I realised that I had been causing some minor gum recession purely from clenching my teeth instinctively in stressful situations, your gums are your lifeline to healthy teeth.

- Invest in a decent waterpik, it's more effective than flossing alone.

- After brushing your teeth, don't eat/drink anything for about an hour, the fluoride basically forms a coating on your teeth, and drinking water too soon after will basically wash it away.

- have regular checkups/cleanings done atleast every 6 months, if your dentist can catch a problem earlier, it'll massively reduce the potential damage that can occur.

- Use an alcohol-free mouthwash like colgate plax and even then, use it sparingly, mouthwashes can be harmful, they've been linked to mouth cancers and can even harm your gums/teeth in some cases, mostly because mouthwashes work by killing the bacteria in your mouth.

However, there are good types of bacteria in your mouth and killing those is bad, another reason why to not use alcohol mouthwashes is that they are known to dry out your mouth/ stop salivation, and your saliva is an important defense in dental health as it contains antimicrobial proponents.

-Avoid snacking throughout the day, eat 1-2 large meals or your normal 3 a day, and brush atleast twice a day, after a quick meal, atleast swish some water in your mouth or chew some sugar-free gum to increase salivary production.

- brushing your teeth too thoroughly or for too long is bad, make a switch to an ultra-soft toothbrush and brush your teeth for about 2 minutes, focusing on each tooth for about 3 seconds.

part 2 inc

- Don't use whitening toothpastes, they are extremely abrasive and will strip away your enamel, stick to getting a treatment done by your dentist or try out oil pulling.

- Stick to high fluoride toothpastes, toothpaste really only has medicinal properties due to its fluoride content and a few other chemicals added, otherwise, it's just an abrasive foaming agent to help scrub your teeth.

- Brushing your teeth properly can be done by holding the brush at a 45 degree angle between the bottom of the tooth and the gumline, and making a small micro-circular motion, this ensures optimal removal of plaque, brushing back and forth or up and down will damage your gums.

- Be gentle when brushing, the bristles on your toothbrush should barely bend, brushing too hard can both damage gums and enamel.

-Avoid sugary acidic drinks, they are calorically shit and are one of the worst things for your teeth enamel.

If you follow all of this advice, you will have optimal dental health and will maintain your teeth into old age.

Although that is dependent on some factors, some people have genetically weaker gums that are thinner, making them more susceptible to gum/tooth problems but following these tips will definitely help your dental health.

>eat softer foods

this weakens your jawline fyi

getting punched in the dick helps


Will I get better results if I swap my floss for shigawire???

How do I whiten teeth?

my dad thought it would be better to get all his teeth pulled instead of brush and his dentures don't fit right so he mostly gums soft foods now. this could be your beautiful future.

your dad is a dumbass.