I drink a single glass of whole milk a day. I was just told to stop and drink 2% milk instead since it is healthier.
Is drinking one glass of whole milk a day bad? Should I switch to one glass of 2%?
I drink a single glass of whole milk a day. I was just told to stop and drink 2% milk instead since it is healthier.
Is drinking one glass of whole milk a day bad? Should I switch to one glass of 2%?
oh no 8 grams of fat and
You need the fat to digest and process the rest of the nutrients in milk
The fattier the milk the better
>drinking milk
All the nutrients are in the fat, so skim milk barely has any nutrients that would require fat. Calcium and potassium is not fat soluble, so it doesn't require you to ingest any fats to absorb it.
"healthy" is a meme word
try asking a question that makes logical sense
>Being this buthurt over inferior genes
Whole milk is "healthier" as in, it has more micronutrients in it. Skim milk barely contains any micronutrients aside from potassium and calcium. That being said, both of them contain a lot of sugar in the form of lactose and the fat in whole milk is mostly saturated fat. So imo, if you want to drink milk, pick skim milk but don't consider it a health food, because it's not.
So milk is generally bad for you then? I mostly drink it because it has protein and calcium, and vitamin D for the calcium. I could get the protein form other foods, but I'm not sure where to get the calcium and vitamin D except for supplements.
>other animals don't do it so you shouldn't do no it
No other species shitposts on Veeky Forums
Apart from Indians I guess.
Milk is a meme perpetrated by the Dairy Farmers of America.
>implying that animal milk isn't absolutely horrible for a human being.
I drink .5% fat milk, 30 kc and 3.6 protons per 100ml is breddy gud
The amount of vitamin D you get from milk is marginal. You should get most of your vitamin D from the sun but if you live in a darker region I strongly recommend a supplement with at least 2000 IU better yet 5000 IU daily, just to make sure. There is no calcium source as dense as milk but green leafy vegetables, broccoli, beans and certain fish are pretty good.
nice shitpost
Thanks for the tip. I love in Florida, it's plenty sunny. I don't go out in the sun other than when I have to though because it's hot as fuck all the damn time here.
How long do you need to be in the sun to get your daily amount of Vitamin D?
depends on what you need
waste of money unless you like the taste imho
>don't consider it a health food, because it's not
If you have white genetics, just a few minutes every other day with most of your body covered will be fine.
>humans are the only species to drink milk into adulthood
Also only species to go to space.
I prefer the taste of 2% over whole for cereal or straight drinking. Whole is better for coffee.
>regular milk
not enough protein:calories to be a real protein source
>skim milk
its practically fucking water.
skip both.
>yfw milk drinkers unironically won't eat soy because of the "estrogen"
>a single glass a day
>asking which is healthier
>drinking milk is responsible for humans going to space
Whole milk, like my ancestors used to drink : ^ )
>only seeing the logical fallacy on one side of the argument
1% master race
Try soy milk same macros as 2% milk but a cow didn't suffer for it also no hormones from the cow to give you gyno
I...is 2% considered skim in America?
Dude, milk is usually 90% water, it doesn't matter, you're mostly drinking water with a bit of fat, skim is practically water.
skim is 0% fat
OP is just functionally retarded
Whole milk is better than skim milk. Anyone who says otherwise is falling for the "eating dietary fat makes you fat" meme.
>which milk is healthier
Its just milky fat sugar water. Good for gaining weight and thats about it.
I just found an image that was close enough to make a thread.