How many of you actually "EAT BIG"?

How many of you actually "EAT BIG"?

I know it's a common phrase here but do any of you actually live up to that?

Post some typical foods you eat. Be honest

I have to constantly restrain myself from "eating big". Im jelly of you skelles with low appetite.

>be fatty
>get fit
>eat big
>lifts go up but weight gain obvious
>freakout and back2cut
>lifts go down
>havent made progress in 3 months
help me boyos

stay in the "no lift progress zone" until you start to see your abs, then start eating a lot but very clean

you cannot gain too much fat at any time in a cut/bulk cycle, it promotes anabolic resistance

>there are cucks here that consider pizza and junkfood legit bulking meals

pizza doesn't have to be junkfood you idiot.

And of course you can eat that shit too if it fits your macros.

Same here
I`ve decided to completely ignore my progress on the lifts and just diet down do my goal weight. Then i might start eating big again but meh. I just want to be ottermode goddamnit

>70% simple carbs
>spot the SS fat fuck


Found the fatty

Yesterday I ate gallon of milk, 500cal peanut butter, egg breakfast and 2000 calorie jack in the box munchie meal.

ill give it a shot again. I just got abs sitting around 13 percent and have never had them in my life. so it hurts to see the loss of definition.

When your on roids you can eat whatever you want, and you'll get swole as log as you have enough calories.

>refined flours

>I started eating BIG 4 months ago from 6'4" 165 lbs hungry skeletor
>moticated to squat, do pull-ups and push-ups, no liftan but good frame + noob gains = i'm "good enough" and gained 15 lbs
>start slacking back
>still eating big
>starting to have "thicker skin" on my stomach
>went back to smoking and stopped exercising
what am i doing with my life

Wasting it

Reminder that you can make a healthy pizza with whole wheat crust, make your own tomato sauce and pile on veggies instead of cheese

Reminder that the kind of homemade "cheese" that veganfags make out of cashews is actually delicious and filled with protein and good fats.

That's your fat intake for an entire week.

I fell for the 'eat big' meme and did .5(GOMAD) for about 9 months. Gained about 30 pounds and didn't realize how fat I got cause I could still see abs (didn't realize fat goes behind them)

Thought I was gonna cut 10 pounds and look super cut. Ended up cutting 10 and still didn't look close to how I wanted, didn't get near as lean as I thought.

Ended up doing leangains kinda diet after that. Still ended up fatter than I wanted cause I bulked 4 days a week.

Now I eat pretty lean, but allow myself more calorie dense foods on lift days. My lifts aren't suffering and I'm looking better than I did before.

tl;dr The bulk/cut thing didn't work that great for me. You're probably better off eating healthy with lean protein. Why aim to look good 3 months/year when you can look good all 12?

I fucking love Tikka Masala. It's a pain to make compared to most of the meals I cook but holy shit do I indulge on Tikka Masala night. I bake shitty Nan though which detracts from the experience but it's one of the foods that I can eat a disgusting amount of.

Because of IF, I I get to eat big but still cut, usually 6 mcdoubles. Before I used to hit every wing night hitting 4 or 5 lbs of wings per sitting.

Fun fact, here in Alberta, if you order a mcdouble it's $1.66, but to get two extra pattys of beef, it's $2.20. So I have to order the whole fucking burger to make my macrolicious mcquad.