Requesting that screenshot of why fitness will never make you a Chad

Requesting that screenshot of why fitness will never make you a Chad.

Also I know lifting helps but will it seems like you either have that spark or you don't with women.

I know with a lot of people, despite their best efforts they will still never be able to pull like those who natural can. What is it? What is the key?

>What is it? What is the key?


Why care what other men do when you should care what you can do?

If you spend your life angry over how you're not like someone else or trying to be something someone wants then you'll never be anyone.

Do you want to one day realize that you're nothing? That everything about you from the inside and out is someone you don't know or worse someone you don't like?

I'm not one of those sad fucks who'll tell you to be alone and how deep that is, because..that's bullshit. Or one of those even worse creeps who try to tell you who you are because that's what they want you to be see media, religious people, academia, military, tumbler creeps places like Veeky Forums.

I'm telling you to find who you are and become someone who you will come to love accept and understand. Then you'll be able to love anyone.

I dunno it kinda can turn you into Chad, or at least successful in your endeavors.

In my case lost weight gained muscle realized im actually good looking which gained my confidence.

Slept with lots of attractive and not so attractive girls, gained social skills and have bants with everyone, and now in about start a new and interesting career.

If it wasn't for getting into shape i would not have had the confidence to try and succeed. I am not even ripped or anything, just way more confident it comes with age too i think.

>I dunno it kinda can turn you into Chad, or at least successful in your endeavors.
I dont know about that user
I thought i looked goof because my exgfs all approached me and all my casual hookups aswell
But ever since getting fit its been a very long dry streak and i honestly wish somedays i hadnt gotten into shape if it meant i would have had more dating success

about the topic i think luck is a major component as in you need special designed traits related to the group of girls youre trying to attract

I dont know, i think it is more confidence i just talk shit to anyone. It helps being tall and broad too, i have slept with girls with boy friends and husbands and girls tell me i am different from other men because i listen and shit. I dont get it i dont even listen.

Sadly i have a gf now, so when i go out i am on best behavior, still get sluts hitting on me.

How tall are you m8?

It really makes me kind of sad because i want nothing else than to fuck but i cant
Confidence does nothing, being fit does nothing and i dont know which barrier i must break to achieve just fuckable mode again

I honestly think im a much better person today but aparently girls dont give a shit about it because my market value is negative right now

How do you get sluts to hit on you user?

6ft, or maybe just slightly under by 1cm.

Tbh height dont matter that much, some of my best friends who are 5ft9 and under get loads of girls.

I do think confidence is key, its just about how you carry your self and talk. Just tell them how hot they are and that you want to fuck them, its surprising how it actually works. If you have a good job it also looks good, like if you are in the emergency services girls love it.

Not sure how i get them to hit on me, i just buy a drink at a bar and end up having a conversation with the girl next to me. Or if i am in the dance area someone will try and grind on me.

I dont get it i am not ripped, dont have a six pack and im not huge. Most men that go out are skinny though so could be that.

and, y-know... FACE FRAME HEIGHT

Dunno what qualifies as a good job but in in college and have a part time job in fiance atm
Im 6'1'' so height shouldnt be an issue either

I just dont get it, guys on here who have traits similar to mine tell a whole other story.
For you guys girls are plenty and they seem flirty, for me its been about one year since i last even met a girl who was single
I cant change that either, or atleast i dont know how

Lacking all of that.

Any good guides for training these?

I will start doing 5x5s for



The first half is posture and how you carry yourself. I've got a lot of asian nerd friends who sit in their chairs all day playing video games that their postures and have morphed to reflect that. (Hanging head, weak hips, curved back) When they approach women they either get immediately friend zoned or they get turned away.

Bad posture immediately gives the signal that this man cant protect them, so they get friendzoned.

In all honesty, the face doesn't fucking matter as much but what does matter is if the negative distractions outweigh the positive. If you got an ugly face, having a good physique, a nice haircut, or nice clothes and jewelry will all take away attention from the negative aspects of yourself.

I used to feel the same way, it is just confidence and it comes with age too.

I am 23 and a lot more confident then when i was 18-20, and put yourself out there go clubs get rejected a million times till you stop caring then girls will come since you have a careless attitude and dont give a fuck.

Im 28, confidence has never been higher but i feel like its not helping at all
I dont see confidence as a booster, it just helps you deal with rejection and social interactions its a strict recovery tool and not an attractive trait

This right here

You are now a meme.


height matters it's just you are too stupid to see it

probably your friends who are 5'9 have a tighter banter and loads of experience so they can get over their handicap

honestly your post reads like someone who had a lot of good experiences and doesn't even know why they happened

One of my manlet friends is a natural otter, he was basically born with a six pack and gets loads of girls. He literally just calls girls to come over and sit with us and chats to them.

Height only matters if you are an uber manlet, even then you can still bang short girls. I worked with a lad who was 5ft5 and he got loads of girls because they thought he was cheeky.

Girls are just easy once you start applying yourself that is all, just go up to someone eventually you will get a shag. I took some massive nerd out with me, lost his virginity the first night.

C-can I come out with you user-kun.

Come Birmingham UK i will find you ;)

Just try the boomhower method. Approach women, those not interested get ignored, those interested don't. Also height matters to two groups, men and shallow as shit women, if you act like it doesn,'t matter she won't care either.

Lol this actually works though, why bother putting all your eggs in one basket if all you want is sex just approach anyone.

You would be surprised how many people actually flat out say they will have sex with you. Also make yourself unobtainable, since having a gf i have had unbelievably hot girls flirting with me and wanting to sleep with me as soon as i say i have a gf they just keep hanging round and teasing me.

Had the craziest experience when a girl started trying to dance with me and asked for my number, i told her no and said i had a gf she started screaming at me for messing her about and kept following me all night and trying to make me jealous by dancing with boys near me. Was insane.

This is gonna sound edgy as duck, by I'm starting to feel literally no remorse for the Eliot Roger victims. I'm 6'3, have decent aesthetics, I'm genuinely nice to people, but completely invisible to women.

It really does feel like you either have that spark or don't. Some days I get close to getting the confidence to approach girls,other days I feel like it won't even matter. If she's even 7/10, she'll have a few Chads texting her already. How do you ACTUALLY become good with girls? PUA (made fun of a lot)? Lifting? What the fuck is it?


You are already taller than most, your Veeky Forums and i assume you are not ugly.

You need to understand you are better than 90% of the male population, go out to a club and have a few drinks go up to girls chat to them and ask them questions like what they do etc.

BE INTERESTING, what do you do? If your boring just fucking make something up, i have told a girl i was a zoo keeper to get laid.

You wanna do a 5 day split there m8

Thanks for the motivation bro, we're all gonna make it. Don't really have the time or logistics to go clubbing often, but how do you hit on girls in school? It feels like everyone has social circles in university.

As for saying random shit, I'm honestly considering making tons of shit up to add interest to women.

Im not gonna lie it is harder to ask a random person in the street, you need to be more socially active make friends and go to parties or gatherings.

You can just go up to random girls and say they are cute, and ask their name and number. It does work sometimes, but you are gonna have to put in a lot of work for a shag, and you need to be very forward if you get her number ask her for a meet up as soon as possible do not pussy foot around if she says no move on to the next do not waste your time.

Mainly its about putting yourself out there, it is entirely possible to get laid every time you go a night club if you hard enough however it is unlikely to happen. But if you can go out 4 times a month i can guarantee you will get laid at least once.

You could always try tinder or online, i have never used it because i am much better at talking in person than texting.

You need to have some positive experiences in a group setting to become confident. The best way is to go to a house party or wherever there is alcohol. Alcohol generally lowers people's social defenses and they are more inclined to social interaction. As long as you aren't crossing major personal boundaries or being a douche, then people will generally be friendly.

The easiest way to get involved with a group of people you don't know is to ask to join in when people are taking shots. After a couple of shots are taken, most girls will back out because of tolerance levels and there is a window of opportunity to get to know the girls. You can ask them about anything, like who they know at the party or some other stupid stuff. The logic is, taking shots as a group is usually a mood lifting environment and people are somewhat curious who you are since you were involved in the activity.

Parties where alcohol is a pretty positive environment, however the girls who are willing talk to you is only relative to your attractiveness, so don't expect any 9-10s if you aren't one yourself.

Trust me, height isn't a major factor for just talking or getting to know girls, even my 5'4 manlet friend always has at least 2-3 girls giving him attention at house parties.

Dnot autistic