Does intermittent fasting have any health benefits?

Does intermittent fasting have any health benefits?

Is it wrong that I secretly want to smash that? Without anyone ever knowing of course.

IDK but enjoy this

shieet, pucci looks surprisingly fat

i'd smash. my dick would look huge.

wouldn't even pull out, her lack of eating will kill the baby anyways.

shiii- why is my dick tingling

would make you look bigger if you were with her which would be nice

My dick is already huge, and If I smash that I'd end up in jail for wreckless endangerment and assault with a deadly weapon

got more of her? shii

Did she pierce it?

Eugenia Cooney on youtube

Back to the topic pls. I wanna know as well

so WHY she so skinny? i dont see the appeal of her being so thin, with a bit more proportions she could be cute body wise, face pancake make up aside doesnt look too bad.

me, too. all I find is clickbait saying it's good.

I think she used to be really bad with her eating disorder, she's a bit better than what she was... I think, anyway


Ugly skeleton aside
It's not going to hurt or help gains. It's not a miracle just an eating preference.

Yes but not the way youre thinking. They are currently running a ton of research on fasting as a treatment to slow cancer growth in diagnosed patients, which is a major 'health benefit'. But because of research of that kind, there's a shit load of fad diets that started sprouting in every magazine in europe and are now being blogged about. So dont do it if thats what youre asking.

I wonder what it would feel like to fuck a girl this skinny. Does she even still have a libido?

fuck shes so skinny you could prob see your cock inside of her from the outside which is actually hot af