Daily reminder that THIS is the body you WILL get ig you keep falling for the 'strength training will make you aesthetic' meme. Strength training WILL make you look like SHIT. Don't do that to yourself. Do not train for strength if you want to look good.
Don't believe me ? Reply to any strength training retard with 'post your physique' and they WILL stop responding.
Jaxon Peterson
nothing wrong with this desu
women love joocy men
Lincoln Bell
he looks like a big baby
Mason Moore
Only bottom homosexuals like this kind of body. This is a FACT. If you are into fucking MEN IN THE ASS, then go train for strength, this thread is for straight men
Lincoln Bailey
You get a strength base like that and then change to a BB routine while cutting down. Only stick to strength training to become a powerlifter, because that physique is not aesthetic.
Landon Butler
posting in a decent bread
Sebastian Cooper
Love me that 1.5/3.5/6/7 strength base
Levi Sanders
Can confirm I look like that
Kevin Perry
If he cut and shaved he wouldn't look too bad desu. Decent for a beginner.
Isaac Cruz
tfw no 700lbs deadlift
Joshua Miller
He has world class numbers amigo
Angel Morris
He'd look breddygud after a cut.
Nathaniel Richardson
>Do not train for strength if you want to look good.
What routine should I be doing then if I'm a dyel
Ian Adams
Explain to me how some retarded BB split gives you more 'aesthetic' muscles than a routine that balances strength and hypertrophy.
Power lifters can cut fat too to make a weight class.
Don't get memed. Do a proper strength routine for half a year. You won't look 'aesthetic' after but you wouldn't anyway on some shitty split
Here's me after a year with a strength focus as the start
Charles Phillips
>Explain to me how some retarded BB split gives you more 'aesthetic' muscles Because it does, you and any other strenght fan are living proof of that
Ian Smith
I want to get bigger legs like OP to replace my scrawny ones. Can I do a strength routine but just for legs? What would that routine be? Advice plz. Pic related it's me
Carson Sullivan
>no argument >no pic
Can't even tell if this is bait.
Evan Cox
believing in this kind of shit is akin to believing in 'toning'. Muscles can only grow in size - shape is deteremined by genetics. for natties a mixture of strength training and hypertrophy training is the best way to gain size. Whether you want to cut bodyfat later is irrelevent.
Johnny candito is actually pretty aesthetic - OPs pic is just a really bad one and he is fatter than usual
Gabriel Mitchell
>Johnny candito is actually pretty aesthetic lmao
Zachary Morales
It's called Squatting.....
3x a week, eat a lot
Noah Long
Fuck off OP.
Lucas Johnson
These threads are so shit. A beginner isn't going to look great after half a year on any routine.if they could get canditos size in 6 months then that would be amazing. Show me someone from 6 months on a brosplit from skinny fat. They would look pretty similar to a guy doing strength training but half as strong.
Luis Reyes
Looks pretty good for me especially for someone who doesn't care about aesthetics
Jaxon Lewis
Looking like this with world class numbers lmao. Why even bother with strength training?
Justin Roberts
If you ignore his head and neck, this body is pretty much the natty limit. You don't know what is possible without roofs if you disagree. Less than perfect insertions are irrelevant when it comes to routine choice
Owen Wright
Why even post your pictures man ? You look worse than the calisthenics guys and don't even have legs, what are you doing man ?
Asher Perry
Post your pic after 1 year. I look better while focusing on strength
Brayden Wood
Not him, but you should stop posting.
Dominic White
you can really look like this with just deadlifts, squats, ohp, and bench?
Adrian Young
>still no pics Surprising
Yeah I don't look amazing but nobody does after a year. My point is that a strength based routine with some hypertrophy work are better than shitty brosplits and won't make you fat/unaesthetic
Christian Ross
Plus chins, dips and maybe some arm/calf work.
William Gonzalez
No, if proper volume is not achieved then you are not building muscle optimally. doesn't matter if you're doing 15x3 or 3x15. The thing with keeping the weight at 8-15 reps for accessory movements like the incline bench and what not, is that it allows you to avoid injuring yourself in the long run. A person who trains with less volume (which is usually a key element in most powerlifting routines because overtraining leads to longer recovery periods and thus less strength gains) will always be smaller than someone who trains with more volume. ie. someone on a bodybuilding routine.
Tyler Bell
>Decent for a beginner.
Trolling? If not, Google Jonnie Candito, literally one of the best powerlifters on the planet, vids of him doing a 7 plate DL at around 74kg bw....
Levi Walker
Just stop posting dude. I'm not sure how your baby gains are proof of anything. >but but splits don't werk ! Veeky Forums told me !!!!!
Tyler Gomez
>mixture of hypertrophy and strength training.
Oliver Taylor
that's what a bodybuilding routine usually entails.
Ethan Butler
Not even a bad physique.
Samuel Jackson
>still no arguments >still no pictures Fuck off
Easton Richardson
everyone will look like shit doing that stupid pose with those baby tier underwear
William Price
What would be a good routine to swtich to after 6 months of strength?
Landon Perez
Potentially yeah. Lots of strength routines also have weeks of hypertrophy work or accessories.
Lots of cool choices
Check out 5/3/1 BBB canditos 6 week program Lyle McDonald's generic bulking routine
Jaxon Price
>Because it does
you can't argue with that
Anthony Collins
should I not do a PPL then? im still benching squatting, ohp, and deadlifting twice a week
Liam Price
how is a bodybuilding routine not going to be more aesthetic? that's the entire point
Jayden Moore
You can if you like being in the gym 5-6 days a week. You could probably get I done in 4. I would do PHAT if I was in that often.
Colton Wood
I only go 4 days a week. I throw in a squat on Push day, a deadlift on pull day
Oliver Perry
Sounds a lot like 5/3/1 BBB which is a proper routine. I don't know really know if it's optimal though I'm not an expert.
Jack Nelson
>Explain to me how some retarded BB split gives you more 'aesthetic' muscles than a routine that balances strength and hypertrophy.
Because of the placebo effect. Your body has preconceived notions that BB splits result in bigger mass, but powerlifter routines give greater strength. You can add reps and sets to a powerlifter routine to promote muscle mass, but it won't be as effective as switching to a BB split because you're still using a powerlifter routine.
Robert Torres
>Veeky Forums >straight men GTFO newfag REEEEEEEEEEE
Ethan Lewis
Getting a pump during a workout could also make you believe you are getting bigger
Thomas Harris
I'm thin and muscular with an attractive build and I'd actually prefer OP's picture. It seems more masculine to me
Kevin Sullivan
Aesthetics is having decent size with low body fat. Neither style will change how fat you are, that is a diet thing. For natties strength training on compounds with some additional hypertrophy stuff for each muscle group 2-3 times per week is a bette way to grow muscle than a split that hits each muscle once per week with 20 various sets. All Ph.D. Bodybuilder guys and research points to this
Kayden Ross
Literally looks like a woman
Hunter Bell
stop doing dumb fucking splits because your favorite roider is
Ryan Johnson
if i'm a beginner after how much time/what lifts should I switch from a linear progression/strenght training to something different? and to what should i switch? i care for looks more than strenght btw
Xavier King
Look's fine for a begginer, the retarded underware should be burned tho.
William Hernandez
but what if I'M roiding too?
Ethan Myers
until you stop progressing linearly (ie stall 3 times on most lifts) Other linear progress is amazing, you can't appreciate that until later.
then carry on :^)
James Morgan
>Strength Training >Powerlifting >exactly the same thing
fuck off
Luis Barnes
if starting strength is shit what is a better beginner routine? asking for a f-friend
David Jones
Who gives a fuck? I lift to be strong and more athletic. Women don't knoe what they like anyways. Lifting to appear strong instead of being strong is a pussy move, stop bodybuilding desu. Vain and stupid.
Dominic Long
But that guy looks great.
Angel Price
>Find a QT sissy >Fuck his boypussy >Get him to introduce his hot fag hag friends >Fuck her too >Guilt trip her with how she seduced you and betrayed her faggot friend and keep fucking both
Dont forget to tell him no homo after each fuck
Eli Rivera
He'd look fine with a cut, OP doesn't even lift
Nolan Edwards
That's already ripped as fuark by normie standards People don't realize their expectations get 10 ft higher when they browse Veeky Forums You've already made it, and it only gets better
Kevin Cruz
candito looks good desu
you just deliverately posted a pic of him at the end of a huge bulk
Wyatt Peterson
SS isn't shit. It's a great beginner program.
GSLP and SL are other good beginner programs though.
Adrian Gomez
thanks man.
SS isn't shit, just do it for about half a year and you will be miles ahead of the guys doing brosplits.