G..got a cute girl number, w..what do i do now Veeky Forums?
G..got a cute girl number, w..what do i do now Veeky Forums?
Watch more anime to be Kawaii desu bo, OP-senpai
Give it to me, I'll wingman it for you
Just be yourself, you can only hide your powerlevel for so long
Send her some of that there animespeak
make sure to type out the stuttering or whatever, guaranteed drenched puss ma boi
idk dude, never got one.
>Lets meet up at "insert place" on "insert day" at "Insert time"
Ask her for a good anime because the one you posted is moe shit
go for coffee or some shit and get to know her, don't let your knee's become weak and arms heavy. FOR GODS SAKE DON'T DROP YOUR SPAGHETTI. just act as if you're not autismo
Doubling down on this.
How did you get it OP?
underrated girl
>just act as though you're not autismo
And what, just keep up that facade until death?
totally agree, everyone always say inaba best girl because of that stupid >i masturbate to you scene. but i always thought iori was by far best girl
Prepare yourself for disappointment
of course, what are you some kind of pussy
daily reminder that women will cuck you at the first sign of weakness
like one time I forgot my carkeys
boom, nigger railing my gf that very same weekend
nice try
check THESE
No u checkem
checked my man
Edit: literally this
Use the archeologist line, that'll get that bitch wet in no time.
On a serious note, just open with a basic question but wait at least an hour or two after getting her number, your a busy man who has a lot on his plate. Oh, and never, EVER give away your power level under any circumstances.
Good luck desu senpai.
This kills the thread.
Better luck next time, OP
invite her over to see your Warhammer 40,000 miniatures
If you haven't bought it yet, pick up that new Kill Team box. The smaller forces and shorter playtime appeal to women who may be scared off by the scope of full 40k games
Hey OP here, serious though she is pretty cute and my kouhai.
I'll say what I said earlier just don't go autismo. Be calm, fake being a normie, once she shows her power level (if any) and you find that there are any openings to actually be yourself then do so. Just don't talk about anything stupid like vidya, anime unless she starts the topic and even then keep it simple and not retarded
>call her
>go on a date
>fall in love
>have sex, it's nice
>move in together
>suddenly you have less money when you should be having more
>get used to each other
>sex not as often
>she wants kids
>she wants to get married and have a big wedding
etc etc. live the dream OP
Quite the nice sequence of numbers my friend.
Please do include this post when you mail it over to Redort, ok?
tip: if you have any old tinder numbers you got but forgot to message or got bored of messaging them, add them on snap. it's an easy way to recycle numbers and get dates without her awkwardly texting back "who is this again?"
reposting my best get for the first time in your honor
Damn that snipe