Have you ever went running? You know how it feels...

Have you ever went running? You know how it feels, when every single breath just doesn't get enough oxygen into your body and you curse each moment you have to exhale because you worry in that moment you might die?
You know that pain in your muscles, the cramping and joint pain?
You know that feeling when the blood is pounding in your ears and you can feel your heart pushing through your chest?
Well right now, your body can recover and become stronger. When your older, it simply can't.

So suffer it now, or you'll be forced to suffer the exact same problems through the final years of your life. 24h a day you will struggle to breath and your joints will hurt. Until your frail body collapses on itself. You'll wake in the night, struggling to be healthy, and wish you had done more cardio when you were able.

Run more fit.

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Not sure if I completely accept your premise, but I have started jogging finally. I'd been out of the gym a couple months, which made it easier to start.

Now I'm back in the gym and doing both, and it feels_good_bro.jpg

Anyone that feels that way when running is a fat fuck. Sure you'll feel somewhat out of breath and what not when running but the adrenaline and the rhythmic breathing counter that and makes you want to run more and more until you look down at the timer and see you just blew your PR out the water.

Anyone who avoids cardio is a dumbass.

Running is literally the worst form of cardio, though.

Just ran my first marathon on Sunday, 3:12. Feels good man, except my legs are sore as fuck but oh well

Maybe, but it's probably the most accessible for most people.

And whats the best?



xc skiing

>train for a running test by running exclusively on pavement
>run turns out to be on a hilly field


are you dumb why would you willingly run on pavement RIP knees

Fuck you buddy

I'd rather row. Or swim to be honest.

What else do you fucking run on if there is no track available?

There is no way that you don't have a gravel/turf/dirt track somewhere close to you. What's it worth, convenience and destroying your knees after 3 weeks or being sensible?

There is exactly one and it's locked.

whats the consensus on stone? like the types of routes that go through parks?

double fugg

gud commercial

It's the same as asphalt - not as bad as concrete, but still terrible for knees+ankles

Where is the dedication??

Yes, I have. I've gotten to a point where I did 12-16km every other day.

I will not run anymore. There are loads of better ways of doing cardio.
Plus, running was OK when I was 180lbs. It was not bad when I was 200lbs. It was bad when I was 220lbs.
It didn't stop being bad when I was 200lbs after a cut.
It's horrible now, when I'm 242lbs. Meanwhile, swimming is great at any amount of muscle mass. Hill sprints are also great at all weight classes. Bicycles riding is gay as fuck, but also good for everyone who doesn't like having working balls.

FUCK no. Endurance training has been proven to be horrible for your endocrine system, especially decreasing testosterone and increasing cortisol heavily. Everyone I know who ran marathons and such as a teenager goes to the emergency room at least once a year now, and it's because they did heavy endurance training. To any young impressionable minds reading this, stay the fuck away from endurance training. The endocrine system is vital to every bodily function, to your brain, your digestion and your immune system. Don't fall for the running meme perpetuated by women's tabloid magazines and "fitness" sites. Do some actual research on this and you will see what I mean.

i just want to get my 5K under 25min already

Good time, mate, especially on your first. Have you trained much?

Tap dancing.

Low quality bait

The thing is fuck all people have access to this

All I wanted is to get a sub 5 minute mile.
5:15 was the best I've ever done.
One day I'll get back into running just for that goal.
