RedPill me on coke zero. Are there any side affects that arent bro-science...

RedPill me on coke zero. Are there any side affects that arent bro-science? Will it make me gain weight or is it really only a few calories.

Same goes for Monster sugar free but I didn't want Janny to delete this thread

Other urls found in this thread:

> 0cal soda
> gain weight
Pick one

You mean Monster Zero Ultra (literally made for the monster advertising girls)

/fit has made me scared of aspertain desu

this is what happens when you become leptin insensitive

artificial sweeteners dampen your sensitivity to leptin, meaning you're less likely to feel full when you've eaten enough

Unless your having 6+ cans a day, no need to worry.
1 or 2 cans a day you'll be fine (lmao if you actually drink that much).

Average about 2 cans of Pepsi Max a week. no cancer

>Hadn't visited Veeky Forums for months
>Been slamming Monster Zero Ultra all month
>Remember reading on Veeky Forums ages ago about how appertain will make you gain weight over time
>Decide to get serious and throw out 2 Monster Zero Ultra's
>Come back to fit an hour ago
>Monster Zero Ultra fucking everywhere

I threw them out for nothing

>Remember reading on Veeky Forums ages ago about how appertain will make you gain weight over time

did you fall for the SS meme too?

No it doesn't make you gain weight but it will fuck up your teeth for sure. Why not just drink water? You lose the urge for soft drinks pretty quickly if you just stop drinking them for week or two.
Save money and your teeth and just get used to drinking water.

Your restores the ph levels in your mouth. Drinking one or two moderately quickly wont fuck your teeth up. Drinking one over the course of a few hours will

The fuck is wrong with water?

Your saliva*

Sometimes its nice to have something fizzy on occasion, but don't want 40g of sugar.

It's perfect. No sugar but still tastes (mostly) like Cola. Any opposition to light drinks are 'chemicals are scary!'

I heard Diet Coke = New Coke & Coke Zero = Classic Coke

Both have that same artifical taste to me, but I got over it after a week

Well that's probably not the only thing you put in your mouth though so if you drink in the middle of meals your mouth might not get the chance of restoring the ph levels.
I don't mean that its horrible if you drink that but just be aware that its not completely healthy either. Some people also have hard time not having their taste sensors stimulated every 30minutes and that will not be good for your teeth even if you just chew gum all day.
But yeah few cans is probably not gonna do much harm you are right about that.

Actually out of all the cokes I prefer coke zero's taste.

Never been overweight myself, but I like to have something like that while being able to avoid additional sugar.


Except it doesn't cause an insulin spike at all...

i love this post its so astoundingly untrue