Veeky Forums
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Health #388
What was her name, Veeky Forums?
How do YOU deal with cravings?
TFW in Canada and my shoulder really hurts for the last few months and my family doctor just gives meme advice like "go...
A Genie grants you the same life you have now in another country. Which do you go for?
Shall I have some coca cola before promising myself I'll eat clean forever? Or shall I start now?
Is this really the ideal male body?
Why don't you travel Veeky Forums?
ITT: Kryptonite
Good/Bad Genetics?
Rock Climbing General
Body fat %
Hello, Veeky Forums
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Half of the posts on this thread are ignored
I can't figure out why I'm not losing weight
ITT: Lies women have told you. (Or guys, if fag)
How long will it take to get into this mode
The Tragic Lack of Assthetics
Where do you guys get those homo, fuccboi, hitler youth, and other hipster haircuts...
How do I become a Champion of Capua ?
Obviously the typical alpha bro is called Chad. What are typical alpha fitness chicks called?
Do you go to the gym in the morning or at night?
Why do women love french men (Parisian) even though they are mostly skinnyfags ?
Food Prep Thread?
Did lifting get you cosplay qt 3.14's at conventions?
What mode is my waifu?
Guys, I'm worried I undid all my progress
Veeky Forums's career path
Whenever I jog for a period of time like 15-25 minutes, my left hip starts to hurt. It almost feels tight or something...
What can I do before a date or before clubbing to be more attractive?
What does everyone put in their protein shakes?
Greentext Story Thread
Could someone who's been lifting for 5+ years and is natty post pictures?
Does your body allow you to contract your muscles harder over the years as you lift?
Funniest thing witnessed in the gym
Does eating ass fit your macros ?
Is conor mcgregors build the best build for a 5'9" manlet?
Go to city centre
Plenty of Fish Thread
Real talk here Veeky Forums:
Manlet Appreciation
Sips = cancer?
What did she mean by this?
Mental Health General
Can black people be Veeky Forums?
Deep into my 5th year of lifting
Warmups for the first few weeks of 5x5
When did you guys realise that lifting as a natty is a waste of time?
Gaining Weight too fast during Bulking ?
6'9" and 420 pounds and not even Worlds Strongest Man
After how many days is HIV detectable by modern analysis after the contagion? Any experiences?
Finally get my gym license
Is blue the most aesthetic eye color? How many points on the x/10 measurement do you get from them?
Roman soldiers had to be at least 5'10" to even be considered for the prestigious job of being a soldier
CBT: Hairy Dyel Edition
Is it more Veeky Forums to have a nuclear family or fuck sluts?
ITT: Good feels
Hey, Veeky Forums
Why can't I grow beard aaaaaaarh it makes me want to kys I am 24yo male and I have literally like 10 hairs on my chin...
What keeps you motivated to not go to the shop and buy two pints of ben&jerry and a bag of chips while you are drunk?
Can i eat boiled eggs when weight loosing
Blahino Obsession
Do Slayers actually exist? Or are they a myth?
Crossfit Fridgemode Thread
Headphone thread, i need new Headphones for the gym time. Can fit suggest some? What are you using?
ITT: Bad Feelios
It has been decided!
1/2/3/4 is a good standard for the big 4 but what's the staple weight for power cleans?
Is brown rice a meme?
Mfw doctor said I have to avoid the gym for 6 weeks while I heal from surgery
Hold me Veeky Forums I just relapsed nofap
Am I okay maintaining my weight or should I loose
Tfw too busy being a conniving scumbag Chinese to lift
I love you guys
Manlet Hate Theory
Hey Veeky Forums, my wife was a bigger girl when I met her...
What is the fastest way to lose weight (preferably mostly fat) in 2 months that doesn't involve going on a cycle in...
That post-workout cig
How many do you do Veeky Forums?
Tinder advice thread
Girl at the gym asked me out
Curls on the bench press
Permanban pls
Anyone else here /paleo/...
I got some toys
This is impossible
Who /tea/ here?
Why is Veeky Forums so obsessed with eating ass?
College/Uni Thread
I just broke up with my now ex girlfriend and I think I made a mistake (this is actually her)
Should I lose some weight?
Go from fat to fit
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Fictional goal bodies thread! Go!
Is this the natty limit?
Why are my test levels increasing?
Are my legs still too flabby to wear these socks? I keep losing weight everywhere but they seem to stay the same
Mirin Stories?
Anyone else feel like college wasn't all it was made out to be...
Trying to change social image?
Who else looks down on guys who go for fat chicks?
Can I use OHP shoes for bench?
Keep cutting or Start Bulking?
Tfw too jacked to do a proper troll cosplay
Hi I posted on /adv/ and they said I should ask you nerds. I'm 6'3 and recently hit 300lbs...
Is this body achievable naturally?
Health inspection day comes. The entire class needs to:
When did you realize that only by making Jesus Christ the center of your life can you achieve perfect happiness?
Tfw no gf
Is 5'8 120 too skinny?
Does Veeky Forums have any stories of addicts/people with drug problems cleaning up and getting shredded?
Bulk thread
Making it
I have figured it out Veeky Forums
Routine calls for squats
I've had this small black pebble like thing under the skin of my penis for awhile...
Tfw no friends at work or irl (no social skills and shy)
How many of you have had a prostitute? What's it like to be the scum on the earth?
Are planks and stomach vaccums, in addition to most big compounds, enough to get good abs?
What is objectively the best exercise for bicep gains?
Lift for 8 years
That first SUBWAY® sandwich of the day
ITT: fat logic
What are some good workouts to do in the shower?
Why didn't you slay when you had the chance!
My gf is black and we both go to the gym and honestly, up until a few days ago...
Crumpled or folded
Why does my current boyfriend's semen gives me diarrhea after swallowing?
JUST hang me
More of these kind of infographics?
Daily reminder that THIS is the body you WILL get if you keep falling for the 'strength training will make you...
What's the point of being so strong if you don't do any sports, and have a receding hairline?
What's your darkest gym secret?
QTDDTOT questions that don't deserve their own goddamn threads!
Sup Veeky Forums, what got you into weight lifting?
Is lifting natty a waste of time...
So we have otter mode,what other modes do we have?
How does it feel to have missed out Veeky Forums
Would you lift with a thicc bae?
I know Monster Ultra is the meme drink around here (which is funny for me because I haven't been on fit in a long...
Does anyone on Veeky Forums participate in martial arts?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
What did the guy said, Veeky Forums?
Anybody here lift for their european ancestors and to make odin proud?
Any lanky here? I want to kick your ass
What's the point of big musscles if you can't even run fast?
It's true
ITT: post tinder matches
Who /greentea/ here?
I want to become a Chad :)
Is it possible to make gains on a tight buget Veeky Forums? Do you really need to eat chicken etc everyday?
Started lifting a week ago
Is depression real?
A grill (we're both 18) invited me to her house on saturday to watch a movie and play vidya
Why in the name of Christ is it so fucking impossible to find fat free cheese, even online...
I feel nervous/afraid/self-conscious about going to the gym. What do I do?
Read sticky
Is being a manlet ok as long as you're non white?
I miss my GF, she's traveling around the world and I'm scared of losing her. (I met her in USC). Pic related
Is life just one big meme?
Daily reminder that plant protein sources are inferior to animal protein sources in every way...
What do you mean there's no alcohol in your apartment?
What are the best martial arts to get into?
How important is the bio availability of protein in a food source?
When did start doing trapbar deadlifts instead of conventional?
Do you bros use dank as a supplement or no. If no what is wrong with you
Tfw day one of nosmoke
ITT We rate each others groceries
I'm out of milk
Do I at least look ok? 6'2" 165 lbs
Tfw missed teenage partying
Any cheating stories?
Think I'm getting pretty strong
47 years old
Pay for one pl8
Is "time under tension" a meme or does it actually influence muscle growth?
Test levels
Need help Veeky Forums
/cbt/ manlet edition
Who /lose interest in girls who show interest in you/ here?
Is intermittend fasting the best thing ever?
Does furiously masturbating to crossfit girls like pic related make me gay? Will I ever fuck and marry women like this?
OK Veeky Forums, which is a more manly physique
Can a bald guy be a Chad?
Tfw too busy pwning scrubs on dota to lift
Help me build a lifting routine in exchange for friendship
Do you keep your brain Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums?
Rower HIIT targeted my back and abs couldnt do my routine next day WTF!!!
Who here bulking?
Do any of you know what it feels like to be on a team...
Arnold's back, boys
Is it possible for a girl of average genetics to attain a body like this...
Is keto a meme?
Who here loves Veeky Forums bimbos?
What does Veeky Forums think of chelsealifts...
A little under two months progress, around 20 lbs gone
/plg/ Powerlifting General
What do u guys bring to the gym
Genetic blessings
Is all protein equal?
2 months lifting
Name the top 3 websites you visit besides Veeky Forums and we try to guess who is the Veeky Forumsest based on their...
Some day you won't care about lifting anymore
Is bulletproof coffee just a meme or does this stuff really work? I'm
Foods you can eat w/o guilt
/fit Survey time
Roll for planks
Why do non-celebrity oly athletes have such underwhelming physiques?
Hey Veeky Forums
Feels/Mental Health Thread
Girlcock is GOAT
Good 4-5 day bro split
You lift....for girls? Have you tried talking to us like human beings?
Going into the third year of a health and nutrition major...
How much heavier are hard rubber plates than iron plates?
When his height starts with 6
How lifting helps you in other things
Veeky Forums humor
Study Shows Watching Clips Of Porn Raises Testosterone And Improves Squat Performance
One of you faggots redpill me on MK-677
How long you guys hold a plank?
Sacred Deer Returns
I don't lift for women
He counts the bar
You are either born with millimetre-perfect facial bone mass, height, a robust frame...
The fuck is on my hand?
Boogie has a wife
33 year old virgin
Manlet tears
Tfw have to workout becuase you weren't born with chad genes
Not taking, every year, medication for threadworms
Manlet Hate General
You thicc yet user? you didn't fall for the twink meme, right?
Tfw the problem solves itself
Roll for number of push ups, last two digits is your number
How hard is it to quit this shit?
How Did He Do It Veeky Forums?
Will getting Veeky Forums broaden my shoulders or am I stick as a stick for the rest of my life?
Do Veeky Forums girls make better gf material?
Veeky Forums bros how do you deal with anxiety? Shit is wrecking my life...
That girl at the gym with the fake tits
I'm 6'0" and every single day I think how much happier I would be in my body if I was taller. Do I have body dysmorphia?
Just had possibly the best feeling workout of my life
Are there any lifting routines that are more butt focused?
Tfw 6x5.5
What is the IRL manlet cut off?
Can working out reduce anxiety? i have constant anxiety and some days panic attacks
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Bodyfat estimation thread
Cooking lvls?
Flavor Thread
Butter 4 da gainz
Fit ylyl? havent seen one in a looooong time
Prove me wrong Veeky Forums
Why does Mo Farah lift like this?
Making straight gainz
Cheat or not?
Training arms with an injured forearm
Attention new skeleton faggot. You do not have a crazy metabolism, you don't eat enough...
Not lifting for girls?
Test came back at 353
Fat pig here. Is there a service I can use where someone will call me a fat pig everyday so I stop over eating...
Had two coffees today. Still tired af
Tfw too nerdy to lift
Guess how long other people have trained by looking at their bicep
Is whole grain a meme brehs?
This bad boy JUST NOW arrived in my country
Tfw to inteligent to lift
How accurate are the electronic body fat meters
Why no love for the second sip of the day?
2 hard boiled eggs
Goal/Ideal Thread
Cutting with weightlifting
Workout Motivation High Test Edition
You see that guy?
Hungry, user? Have a slice go ahead!
Sup Veeky Forums: as I lose weight that little cavity in my chest starts knocking at the door
Name ONE good chest exercise that isn't bench press
Good calorie counting apps? Do you guys use a notebook to record your shit or just your phone?
Is there any way to artificially lower testosterone for a blood test...
Have you ever spotted a fellow Veeky Forumsizen while at the gym?
Mental health general
What are you Veeky Forums goals for the rest of 2016/2017?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Finally get /gf/
If I go full starvation (-1000, Veggies/Fruits/Rice/Coffee everyday), will I lose both my muscle mass and fat...
Is crying at your friend's death considered low test? If yes, can you say, that pic related is feminine...
Who here /morningperson/?
Has being on Veeky Forums made you gay?
Biggest piece of advice you could to yourself when you started to lift I'll start
10 years ago you were happy user
Reminder that THIS is what women want
Fruity cereal
TFW so out of shape that the epilpitical machine at my gym makes my quads feel weird within 1 minute
Meet a girl from Japan a few years back while studying in China on a scholarship
Is Intermittent Fasting a meme?
Any Germanbros here? Is Fitnessfirst good? I am currently at FitX. It's good and cheap...
So on average we have pretty avg dicks , how do we fix this?
Is adrenal fatigue real? I've been looking up my symptoms for a long time but I've never had an answer...
How do i fix this
TFW can barely bench press 135x5
Roiding for this
You know whats funny?
Who /pfit/ here?
New gym policy of no single members
So i started hitting the gym a week ago
Fucked a fatty AMA
Do Asians at American colleges do steroids
So im doing greyskull and was wondering what I could do instead of squats...
Shit normals say
He doesn't do this
So I do a lot of mealprep
Just ate 3500 cal for the first time today...
Fat Help
This guy will walk up to your girl and slap her ass and you'll do nothing
Roiding to look like mr hanky
Fapped again to porn
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Do you get more mires from Asians?
Trigger Veeky Forums with one word
What would you tell your 16 year old self?
I did my first work out today. I'm pathetically weak. Far weaker than I expected. Dumbbell press with 20lbs dumbbells...
I've doing calisthenics and running for almost 1 month i run about 2 miles a day...
Rate my shopping Veeky Forums
The biggest benefit with NOFAP
What is Veeky Forums eating for tonight's debate?
Explain why people take advice from this thing
Who can squat more?
High Test Thread
Current year
Post your post workout meal
Goal-body thread
Which Veeky Forums youtubers should i watch? Which ones are full of bullshit?
He was so based
Have any hardcore/metal type music to share?
Guys I literally don't dream. I go to sleep and wake up the next day. Am i fucked? Wtf is happening?
For the past hour I've been eating this 1200 calorie dinner to hit my bulking target for today
Are deadlifts a meme exercise?
I'm about to finish my bench and squat
Do mericans really tip the front desk at the gym or is it just a meme?
/Feels/ Thread
Any other phd students here? Or people that work in technical jobs?
I'm getting fed up of all these high-maintenance privileged western white girls...
PLG General
How do you deepen your voice?
Debate thread
Missed the gym's monthly safety meeting
Tlw 22 and have been smoking since 17/18
Is (pic related) best one for squatting?
Routine Rate Thread
Was he right?
Lifting musics
HOLY FUCK i have this weird impingement on my left shoulder when i do raises...
Am i still skelle?
When did you realized that lifting natty is pointless ?
Is he dating Harley Quinn now?
Is doing roughly 2 hours on the treadmill a day good for losing weight and building stamina...
Rate my post-workout meal and post yours
Mfw I hear 25+ yo guy calling his mommy to make him a meal after gym
Moral vegetarians BTFO
400m sprinters
Do you know what the natty limit is around here, son?
Well, Veeky Forums?
I'm sorry; first-time poster on Veeky Forums
What lift gets the most mires from normies? I usually see chicks staring when I OHP and front squat
Whats the lowest you guys think would be okay to drop your caloric intake daily?
Is this synthol
Happy Monday, Veeky Forums, how you holding up?
I mix whey with water, should I add anything else? I'm new to protien shakes
Can we have a thread about Veeky Forums reading and books...
Hey Veeky Forums, read the sticky
Walk into work
If I am not done growing yet and I take mk-667 will I grow taller?
Daily reminder that this is the /pol/-Trump approved female physique and anything heavier will lead to your cleansing...
>lifting for girls
Sleep bad = life is shit
Veeky Forums, I just flushed 40$ worth of marijuana down the toilet
Hey, im newfag to Veeky Forums, just read the sticky and i have a question...
If men call short women "petite", what do women call short men?
Anyone got any tips on how to maintain healthy shoulders?
Happy national pancake day Veeky Forums!
You been mired lately Veeky Forums
Psychedelics and lifting
How to become the American male?
What's your gymbro/gymbromo/gymhusbando/gymbroette/gymwaifu like Veeky Forums?
S e x
Lucid dreaming
Are bodyweight exercises a meme?
Would you eat your own cum if it had 20g protein in it per ejaculation?
What does /fit think of the dyel faggot...
Workkout music share thread
/run/ - Running General
TFW everyone is getting 400+ deadlift within 8 months
University & Fitness
Post em up and rate Veeky Forumsizens
Other than height, weight, penis/boob sizes, and bigger muscles
What do i do if I have a fear of girlsn/fit/? How do I fake confidence?
Can you escape your genetic fate by lifting?
Not doing trapbar deadlifts
I'm 6' 200lbs, is there literally any reason not to do PSMF for a month...
My girlfriend does not care about herself
Kryptonite thread
How much do you bench?
Tfw Kissless virgin
Tfw to intelligent too lift
That file that best defines how you're feeling right now
/plg/ powerlifting general
When will they learn?
"daddy goes to the gym because he hasn't grown up"
How the fuck is she not dead yet? even her fucking favorite fictional character is Jack Skellington (no fucking wonder)
What does Veeky Forums think of Scott Herman?
What's a good martial art to practice but won't have a high risk of injury?
Why wouldn't you want to be bruce lee mode?
What are the most Veeky Forums alternatives to coffee? Cutting cals but want to keep the caffeine...
I'm a second year medical resident ama
Progress Thread :)
Be 30 year old khhv, not accepted into wizardry obviously
Can I eat this everyday?
Viking gains
Jones Creek Grassfed Beef
Why most of martial art schools focus their training in light endurance per example push ups, horse stands and sit ups...
Some girl told me that she read Aspartame is bad for your health, particularly men's spermcount
Just a reminder that THIS is the body you WILL get if you keep falling for the 'strength training will make you...
How many 'fat acceptance'/'body acceptance' SJWs could make it through this movie without saying some negative shit...
Get fit
Is life as a manlet even worth living?
Redpill me on crossfit
Walk into gym
Is it okay to skip a rest day once in a while?
Chicken vs Beef
So just found out my razor of 5 years is actually "disposable"...
Motivational Thread Sunday Edition
Where can i find a gf like this? ;_;
Any medfags here? Or anybody know what causes or how to stop trembling...
Is ice cream fitness a meme ?
You have 2 options:
Why we never seen black men on cbt threads or asking for advice or posting pictures of themselves?
Who /worstcombination/ here?
Daily reminder Ä°'ve barely been lifting a year
Tell me , Veeky Forums , what did she do to you to make you broken inside ?
Ideal male face
So studies are now showing whey protein causes balding in males
Veeky Forums hair
/fraud/ general
Ate a whole box of Oreo's again
Meanwhile, on bizarro Veeky Forums
Finally getting rid of my glasses after 12 years
Does anybody else's diet make them shit blood?
Why does this cute 40 y/o woman out bench Veeky Forums?
I've been benching for months
I'm looking for crossfit memes. Do you guys have any?
How do you enter the strong jaw zone? any way to strengthen a jawline?
When did you grow out of the ego deadlift and realize that romanian deadlifts are much better and back extensions are...
Is this squat form Veeky Forums approved?
Zippy Water
What was the point ?
First sip
Who chinlet here
You don't eat IIFYM? Idiot
Headphone thread
Tfw trying to drink your shake
MTV BTFO's Masculinity
Big Lenny Competes At The 2016 Ruby Championship
Do you NoFap?
In the middle of a set
Is this the natty limit?
Fat2fit-->work in progress thread
How do I avoid looking like this as a girl? I want to tone but I don't want to get huge like this
How do I cut calories without feeling weak, hungry and thinking about food constantly?
Sexual Health
Been doing No-Fap for 3 weeks now and I dont feel any different and it wasn't that difficult to do...
Reverse progress thread
/plg/ powerlifting general
Eccentric Reps
Does anyone on Veeky Forums ride bikes for exercise?
How long to achieve this natty?
Who do you lift for?
Reminder that the strength base is a meme
The Try Guys Go Bald
Fitness Planet Thread
Do you guys shave all around or only beard and amrpits?
Why do women like lean faces?
You've gotten a lot bigger recently, user. Give me a hug. I-I just want to see if you can reach around me, idiot
What was your max amount of scoops you consumed?
Look at myself at the mirror
Is this the dream Veeky Forums?
Will roids get me a gf? I've tried lifting natty for 4 years but nothing
How tall is too tall bruhs? I'm 6'7 and it freaks me out. Where ever I go everyone's always looking at me...
Rest Day Thread
Routine thread
1300 calorie breakfast
Tfw theres a qt girl at the gym
God I fucking hate commerical gyms so fucking much...
Progress Sunday
Have any of you ever tried GOMAD? (gallon of memes a day)
Why is it bad to eat 30 bananas a day?
What time to go to the gym?
Fellow Ausfags, where do you go for quality weightlifting equipment without breaking the bank?
He doesn't do jason blaha's 5x5
Lost 50 lbs in 4 months but i still look fat
Why do people take steroids? Is it insecurity?
Are chest supported rows a meme?
Music thread!
Ectomorph thread, where my lanky's at?
Doubles decide what kind of fitness topic we discuss today
How does it feel knowing that you're spending so much time taking care of your body...
Reminder that this is the fate that awaits you if deadlift and squat heavy
Is this machine useful?
Can anybody explain to me what this is? I've never seen anybody use it here and there isn't a single label on it
Tfw too intellectual for gf
I know this guy,he's an amateur body builder (about 20 years old, 5'6ish)
Why the fuck is my cum yellow?
How the fuck is she still alive? How long does it take the human body to completely shut down, due to malnutrition?
Rizin Grand Prix 2016 Free Stream
If you had to give one piece of advice to an incel...
Will this exercise fuck up my elbows?
How does one achive such body???
Lifting weights and gaining weight
Routine Thread
Tfw smoking weed mutiple times a day
Apparently this guy is Veeky Forums's hero
Im fresh into college, and have already fucked 36 guys in the past couple weeks. i dont wear protection...
Fat Hate Thread!
Time to show your stats Veeky Forums!
That Burlington WA shooter was a lifter
DMAA PWOs back on market
Mental Fitness
Is quinoa a meme?
Miley Cyrus is vegan
Current Dyel Body thread /cdb/
Shave pubes
/plg/ powerlifting general
Yeah you can lift, but can you fight?
TFW had to work to buy my own things since 16, had to pay entirely for college on my own...
Really. REALLY. makes you think
Ok my fucking dandruff is driving me crazy. Nothing seems to work
What does Veeky Forums see in the mirror of erised? Gains? A gf? Something else?
That guy who does sit ups and push ups on the gym floor after every set on the bench press
Take a shit
How much do I have to lift to get an average gf like this? What about bodyfat?
Does anyone else have an exercise science degree, or is anyone in school to be a PT or PTA?
ITT: people you see at the gym
What underwear does Veeky Forums wear?
Trying to go vegan or part time vegan or whatever
Gym receptionist makes a snide comment about me working out on a Saturday night
Who can bench more, Obi Wan or Anakin?
Deadlifts are the best all-around exercise
Hey fit!
Doing squats in squat rack
What do when Girl Mirin?
How much more weight should I lose?
Veeky Forums feels
/run/ - Running General
Is being racist Veeky Forums?
Tfw you will always be a super dyel
Veeky Forums names thread
Tfw i want to try marijuana before i die while i'm still young but don't want to affect my test levels
Be me
Lifting after a night of molly
Is Squat a meme
/plg/ - powerlifting general
What does a 1/2/3/4 body look like? If you just reached this or are past it could you post your body?
There's a rapist running loose on campus. And he looks like he lifts too
Rate my 3 day split
What food is best for chest muscle. Pecs I mean. Not traps theyre big enough
Why not have a thread listing the positives of being a so called ""manlet""
Things normies say
Week Rest
What did he mean by this?
Good feels
I don't like her anymore
Work out with gf
Anyone else bulk diet through the fall and winter?
Veeky Forums humour thread
So I just bought all of these supplements, what can I expect?
I am depressed, help
Whenever I'm in the gym, and a 9/10 girl is close to me I get a boost of test and can lift much more than before
I just bought pic-related but don't really know what to do with it, redpill me on cauliflower
Anyone follow this program? I'm looking for a new way to challenge my body (did heavy lifting, did an iron man)...
Barbell smith hasn't finish my barbell
High test GONE WRONG!
When someone mentions powerlifting
Depressed brah
Guys it Saturday, how do I USC CHAD GOD MODE?
How important are rest days to making it?
Just experienced my first sip™...
Push up thread
Beardgains and gym gains
Hi dad, I'd like you to meet my prom date Jamal
Fit triggered?
Mfw my gym injury is finally healed
At what point, to you, can you say "I've made it"?
I'm physically addicted to coffee, but not mentally
How to raise Testosterone levels besides looking at pictures of THICC women?
I did a complimentary session with a personal trainer this week and they told me my SS style workout is all wrong...
Situations that occur to you on a daily basis
What do you call this body type?
Redpill me on not wanting to kill myself
Squat more then i bench
Ryan Madison
Ectomorph ayy lmao
Lifting and normies
/OWG/ Olympic Weightlifting General
Grocery roast
One chance at life
If there was a pill I could take that would make me gay I'd probably take it
Soup Veeky Forums
Being NEET and overtraining
Anyone else have fordyce spots?
Bicep rate thread
Starting strength on a cut
What does Veeky Forums think of stronglifts (especially w/r/t their app)?
How to get in shape for the army? Would 5x5 3 days a week and then running 1.5 miles on my off days be good enough?
What's the point?
Tfw no hobbies, no interests, nothing to do in life besides lifting weights
That first slip of the day
Be honest here, has Veeky Forums turned you gay?
How many years of lifting and dieting to achieve a body like this? Is it even possible without roids?
Your thoughts on leg day?
Chill at gym
So, why can't I literally eat 0 calories a day until I'm at my goal weight?
3x5 X 5x5 beginner routines pros and cons?
What was Zyzz's bf% here? Seems like 13 or 14%
Quinoa, lentils and black beans
That feel when you're trying to make it but your bad genetics are preventing you from it
Tfw hobbies include:
Which of the following would you rather have ?
/fraud/ general
Is black hair with bangs your favorite hairstyle on girls, Veeky Forums?
Can we discuss how sexy black men are?
Matt Ogus is 5'5"
Man injects testosterone → gets more manly
Yes I work out just so I can have sex. Holy fuck...
How does a mans arms not get tired in missionary position?
DMMA is back
Do most bodybuilders have small cocks?
Has anyone ever thought of making a custom barbell or set of weights...
Barrel chest help
Will lifting get me a hijabi gf?
Tinder General 2.0
Post your goal body
Who here bullies?
Be awkward autistic virgin
Why do I feel like a manlet around other tall people? Even if they're the same height as me?
Stop doing Squats to reduce leg size?
What's Veeky Forums's opinion of quest bars...
Help team dubs decided next reply
What are your thoughts on dirty bulking?
Average protein shake: 200 calories with water
Be female
$200 for this 45lb 7ft olympic bar 300lb weight set. I can't find shit on my local craig's list
Holy shit. looks like men hit the wall at ~50?
What is the most important thing for lifting besides consistency?
Tfw gym has a no singles policy
What's the male equivalent of this?
Hey Veeky Forums, I'm a flabby piece of shit who has never touched a weight in his life...
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Greyskull lp or C6W?
Outside of Veeky Forums, which boards to do think are in shape?
Why do you lift user? Is it for ... girls?
Hey user, I've been seeing at the gym a lot lately
How do I fix butt wink Veeky Forums?
Why is this not you, user?
How much bigger do I need to get for girls to invite me to smash
A man's meal
This is literally the natty limit
Veeky Forums I have an overeating problem. I am going to try Soylent to curb this...
Whats good bodybuilding routie?
Advice for the anons that have lower back pain:
There's a very real possibility that I might be going to prison within the next year for a very long period of time (6...
Why are you inside on a friday evening user?
Keto diet and alcohol
Can you do anything to improve your face?
How fucked are my teeth?
How fucked am I Veeky Forums, just got my test levels checked and im .3 above the lowest limit...
Hello guys. I've come to the terrible realization im just a loser. And I don't know how to fix myself
Does my gf look Veeky Forums?
>tfw winter bulk
Keep losing fat?
Is david laid mode achievable natty?
Fit's thought on Chiros?
Just a daily reminder that THIS is the body you WILL get if you keep falling for the 'strength training will make you...
Did lifting get you a cosplay qt's at cons?
TFW can't feel lats being activated
Hey fit. Fat femanon here. I've been trying my hardest to lose weight, eating right, excercising correctly...
Feel thread
1/2/3/4 plates
Rest in peace Andy
Tinder general
I'm 1.78m. I was 95kg and fat
Feels thread
What is the difference between drinking coffee and just taking a caffeine pill?
How much do you think he could bench press?
Can I still make gains and not die if I just eat rice, beans and multivitamins...
TFW no gf but I did my first set of deadlifts ever and I can rep 245 with good form, Am I going to make it bros?
Counting calories meme
What is the natty limit for 6'4"+
Explain in 3 words what it feels like to take pre workout
Anyone here believe violent manlet theory?
ITT: We post meme food that people pretends to enjoy
Gotta confuse the garage right babe?
High Test Thread
What could this pain on the elbow be? I've googled for a bit and I saw it might be olecranon bursitis...
No thanks user, I heard lifting weights will make me look too manly
Is this achievable natty?
Last threads
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/dng/ Dueling Network General
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/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
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Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
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Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
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