Post any bulking related information. Good foods, motivation etc. Going shopping later so if anyone has any easy foods i can try i would appreciate it.
Bulk thread
Haven't tried this yet but it looks good
>Bulking salad
So what, you just hate enjoying food?
Has anyone made either of those? What the fuck is psyllium husk?
>b-but muh bulk
You don't have to get fat as fuck to gain muscle
There's a shit ton of options that aren't salad, I'm probably at 12% rn and have been bulking for a month. I just don't get them mental gains feeling like a scrawny bitch when eating
Never mind it's some sort of fiber, probably to make passing the thing easier.
yooooooooo i made this image, no fucking joke
lemme amend it though, since i made it like five years ago when i was just starting out:
nowadays i don't brine the chicken; instead i pound it out with a tenderizer (lay a paper towel on top of the breasts while you hit them so you don't get splattered). This changes the baking time: should now be 45-50 mins at 385 F.
However, brine if you have the prep time, since it does make the chicken stay moist longer
I also skip the celery and triple the grapes
I can't believe this post was ignored.
Pro BB diet (includes him buying everything in the store except spices).
Brining chicken is based as fuck. I can't eat non-brined chicken unless its a real fatty piece that has been on the grill.
Give me reason to break my diet, lads. When does ''bulking season'' officially start?
End of summer so right fucking now
>brown rice and oats are too much
Then eat smaller portions?
Sweet taters
>2 tbsp Coconut oil in every coffee
>whole milk
>peanut butter
>ground beef
>hemp seeds
>chipotle or moes few times a week
>kale and spinach
>squats, deadlifts, overhead press
get fucking huge
>bulk thread
>no fat milk
Hows coconut oil taste in coffee? I have some but usually add milk + sugar. Maybe i will try it tomorrow morning.
did anyone listen to that bullshit npr report? I have maybe seen one "anti-semetic" pepe ever. And I used to be a robot.
weird as fuck in regular roasts. you're gonna wanna use a vanilla creme or other girly flavored coffee, and either use a blender or a shaker cup to mix it so it froths up nicely
I didn't listen, but I hope that shit catches on. Neo-pepe (aka Kek) might bring in the edge lords, but it'll scare off the normies and delay this site's total assimilation into leddit
We need to turn everything into a symbol of hate now. Lets dress jesus up as a nazi in charge of concentration camps.
They're not baked, so use honey. If they were baked, you could use either because cooking honey makes it lose most of its nutrients.
Also, use almond milk instead of regular milk to avoid dat dere estrogens and phytoestrogens from regular milk and soy milk, respectively.
What kind of brine do you use?
I drink milk all day erry day. I seem fine.
I tend to vote democrat in national elections, and even I think NPR is full of dickheads who like to smell their own farts.
As for bulking, oats and peanut butter washed down with milk will do it.