Be awkward autistic virgin

>Be awkward autistic virgin
>Decide to get /fit so women will like me
>Make gains
>Women are interested in me now
>This doesn't make me happy like I thought it would
>Every time a qt likes me I get all faggy and butt hurt
>Tfw I know that most of these girls wouldn't give a crap about me before I started working out

Should I just become gay now?

faggy and butthurt about what? Just bone them for the sluts they are and bounce. When you find a girl that's wife material then you should keep her.

People like good looking people. You're just going to have to accept this fact instead of getting triggered because women didn't want to fuck you when you were a fat neet.

>Should I just become gay now?
What do you think?

you should an hero

>Should I just become gay now?

Good luck. I wish I could be, it's make my life a fuck of a lot easier. I just can't get past the idea of being sucking/being fucked. Doesn't do a thing for me

its the initial step.

girls aren't going to just know your personality automatically, otherwise they'd be trying to hand out with every dude they see

it attracts them, then you need your personality to keep them.

Be grateful that women show interest in you now that you've improved yourself. Some of us have busted beta faces and overall inferior male genetics that no amount of lifting will compensate for.

women are into HOT guys. Because they look good. If chad has a good personality too then its a bonus for the roastie but until then, you literally just have to keep up a conversation with a girl once you get the gains in order to smash.
All girls 18-30 are trying to live the fast life. So as long as you don't seem like Ted Bundy or some autismo, you should be able to bag a couple girls, no strings attached.

Yes come to the fruity side

>wtf why isn't love equally distributed to everyone simply by virtue of existing
This is the kind of shit that leads to commies.

Don't be a commie you faggot

but equal distribution of love would be perfect

What are you a fucking commie

You have shit genetics and don't deserve anything other than to die, deal with it

>people are attracted to attractive people

would you smash a fat old roastie? nah nigga

It all depends on getting the right one.
>falling for the "right girl" meme
It's sort of true. Yes, sex is awesome and it's not that hard to bone a sloot, but it doesn't feel right man. I've been there.
>be with gf of one year
>we have differences that we feel we cannot overcome
>get in contact with slut I went to school with a few years back
>meet up and take her to the park
>folks everywhere playing pokemon go
>find a bench in secluded area
>start fingering her
>almost 0 opposition
>fuck her till about 3 am
>finally drop her off at home
>get home
>feel like I'd been the worst human being ever and tell sloot to fuck off forever
>overwhelming guilt
>realize getting dick wet isn't the only thing in life
>get back with gf
>tell her everything that happened
>somehow manage to get her back and she forgives me
>feel like I recovered
>still feel like shit every single day to know I fucked a slut that didn't give a shit
>feels bad man

user sex isn't everything. Find out what you want in life, chase it and achieve it. Fast and easy isn't always the best route. Don't become gay if that's not what's in your heart kid

IT's almost as if you can now experience what women do on daily basis

>iktf and it's not a Veeky Forums meme
Idk why but gf now is overrated
>wanted gf bad
>look good low bf
>get gf
>no emotions even during kiss
Why is this happening??? I feel like I'm too obsessed with myself and I can no longer accept other human being in my life

But I have great genetics

>Every time a qt likes me I get all faggy and butt hurt
I will never get people like you. Would you honestly give the time of day to ugly and/or fat girls who didn't do anything to look good?
Everyone likes a person more when they take care of their self. Get over it, you whiner.

Then why are you alone user


Accept women. You now know what they are, just accept it. The view most people have of women is distorted by romance and feminism, it's either "they're weak and need help" or "they're like men but have vaginas", both are wrong, they are very different from us and they are the strongest gender in social dynamics, in a party the value of a 10 is higher than that of a millionaire or a guy with your ideal body. If a woman seems innocent, it's because she chose to look like that and is acting with a persona, if she looks like she wants you to treat her like a guy, what she wants is you to treat her like a princess without making it obvious. But that's just what they do and think they do, not what they really look for. They don't want to win, they want a winner, they don't want to choose, they want to be chosen, they don't really care if you're nice or if you're an ass as long as you're fun (aka being arouund you makes them feel good) and they believe you have a higher value than her.

You can't place your happiness in the future, "once I do this or have this i'll be happy" doesn't work, it'll motivate you to get there, but there is always another mountain. If you can't appreciate what you've accomplished because you think that it would've made you happy, you're just another guy that fell for the social hierarchy trap. People aren't happy, most feel happiness for a few minutes at a time, even the ones that make their dreams come true. Happiness is a state, not a feeling, and it's not something you have to find outside, it's something that you already have. Your default state is happinnes, you tell yourself you aren't because things don't happen as you wished, but if the way things go is irrelevant to how you actually feel, if achieving you dreams is something that only brings temporary happiness, then why not assume your default is happiness and you're running away from it?


The only argument people can say against this is saying that if you want something and you're already happy you're not going to get it because it takes effort, you lack motivation if things are already good. That sounds reasonable, but be honest, if you have everything, will you be lazy or "chill" or whatever everyday? You might think you would, but the truth is that you would get bored so fast that you would rather be doing manual labor instead. The harder you work, the tastier the food. The less time you have to do what you want, the more you enjoy doing it. I lived like a neet for 2 years and while I felt the feeling of being happy once or twice, the truth is that my favorite activity was to sleep, simply because I didn't want to be awake doing nothing and living the current day like the one before. What brought me the most pleasure at that time was watching a movie or a series and binging on stuff that made me escape and forget who I was and what I was doing. I actually daydreamed of working a job or going to law school or something. After my neeting got busted, I moved and after getting myself together again I started doing some stuff, small stuff. I'm not happy, I feel happy more frequently than I used to, watching a series or reading a book feels much better because I know I can't be doing this forever, my time is limited. Everytime I break a rule I posed to myself I feel awful, everytime I accomplish a goal I feel amazing. I'm not "there" yet, I know there isn't a "there", only a journey to realize I'm already there, but it's good.


Everything people do is for happiness, people are willing to do truly devastating things just to feel happy for a moment, drugs that will destroy them, they are willing to kill themselves to achieve happiness, it's the most valued thing, but is this happiness? Death is where we are all heading towards, it isn't a variable, it's a constant. If you're not growing you're dying, and after some time, you can't outgrow it. I don't really care for the meaning of life or whatever, but if there wasn't happiness then there would be no reason to live, really. So wouldn't it make sense to cut the middleman and try to reach happiness without trying to get something else first? What do most people think happiness is? I'll try to use an analogy, imagine a guy that has his hand over a fire, it's hurting a lot and he is trying to deal with it and he believes once he gets some water he'll be happy. He does it and gets relief for a few seconds, but his hand is still in the flames. This is what happiness is to most people, relief to pain. Instead of looking for ways to relieve the pain, why not try to put out the fire? Instead of treating a symptom, why not the disease? This is all a way of thinking, "I can't be happy until" "I can't be happy without" "I can't be happy with". You see you are not happy, you try to change things because you know remaining there isn't working. It's logical, if you were not working on a completely wrong assumption.


The assumption that your default is being unhappy. The assumption that the fire is burning your hand, the assumption that there is a fire. I'm not talking greek here, happiness isn't a thing that can, by it's very nature, be temporary or finite. If it was, looking for it would be meaningless. Happiness is a state, and it's your default state. Everything that exists outside of you is limited, it's finite, you can't get infinite in the finite. You are happy until you believe you are not. Then what do you do to be happy again? You can't simply believe it fully even if it makes sense, because of all your memories and experiences that made you feel unhappy. You used logic to assume that because those things made you unhappy, that you had to change so you could be happy again. This built up a fortress of experiences that gave you the notion that to be happy, you had to change and keep changing. Like I said, that is fine but you can't really expect happiness out of it because it's not something that can be found outside. As long as you believe you need something to be happy, then you are not going to be happy when you get the thing you want.


Okay, you can't change your past, you have already experienced things that made you believe a false fact. You used deduction," I am unhappy about this, therefore I can't be happy until this isn't a problem anymore". The thing is, you can change your beliefs. They are hard to change, you have to first understand why you think something is true, and piece by piece form the puzzle as to why you believe it, then piece by piece understand why what you thought of before is wrong. For example, let's say in kindergarten someone made fun of the way you spoke. This made you feel bad, doesn't matter if it's embarassment, anger, sadness or whatever it may be, you wish it didn't happen. So you decided that you would do what you could to make sure it doesn't happen again. There you are, the first time a guy assumed he had to change something to be happy. Oblivious to the fact that even after he does change, he won't be happy, he will only be avoiding unhappiness for a period of time. Changing isn't the problem, it's natural to want to speak in a way people won't make fun of you for, but the thing is, the moment the guy placed happiness in the hand of others, aka how others viewed him, he had no more control of happiness than a dog has control of when his owner gets back from work. This doesn't mean he should have ignored the way people felt about him and just spoke in the weird way he used to, the problem is the reason he chose to do it. He chose to do it because he believed that other people can make him unhappy unless he didn't change, what he didn't realize is that the moment he believed that, his happines was no longer something he could grasp.


6/6 (I fucked up, there is actually more coming, probably 4 more.)

Of course, this happens several times during a lifetime, to the point where this belief becomes so firmly rooted that it isn't something as simples as realizing you were wrong, it's easier to change religions as a devout, giving up meat, quitting heroin and crawling back from depression simultaneously.

Because those are things you can believe in, because others do and you see that they do, so you feel secure that even if you are wrong about changing what you believed, at the very least your mistake was an understandable one. But the thing is, like I said, people aren't happy, but we can't really show it or we'll just make ourselves even more miserable by pushing away everyone close, and as antisocial and independant and as bad as people make you feel and as good as you can feel when you're alone, the event that made you believe how people see you controls wheter you are happy or not is still there. Even if you changed how you speak and you are now everyone's ideal person, will they make you happy for it? No, because they are not trying to make you happy, they are simply trying to be happy themselves, and even if they were, if their sole reason of existence was to make you happy, it doesn't matter how sadistic and authoritarian you are, you would at some point feel guilty about having people do everything for you or whatever they can do will not be enough anymore. This is why hot women will date guys that don't pay much attention to them, it's deeper than daddy issues, it's simpler too, the more validation you get the more numb you get to it and the less it makes you happy and the more important validation from someone that doesn't give it to you becomes. The moment you make it obvious you believe they are worth more than you are, they lose interest, because your validation doesn't make them feel happy at all.


So we now know a lot. We believe in bullshit, but we can't stop believing in it even if we consciously know it's bullshit, simply because we have been holding on to the wrong belief that, by now, letting go seems more scary than suicide. Letting go of the belief you need to act or do or have or not have something or someone to be happy requires you to be happy while you don't act or do or have or not have whatever it is that makes you think it'd make you happy. Say for example that doing X makes you happy, can you do X all the time? Then what happens when you're not doing X? Will you be okay with having to not be happy most of the time if there is an alternative? I've written enough already, time to tell you how to do it. You already know why you have to do it, you already know it's not going to be easy, but you can't imagine how hard letting go can be. First, sum up all the reasons you think letting go is a stupid idea. Don't worry, we all have them.

Reason=A Why it's bullshit=B


A If I don't need to care what people think of me, I'll act like a retard.

B Wrong. You already think that doing something that makes you look like a retard is bad, you don't need to care about how others perceive you to not want to think of yourself as someone who looks like a retard. The difference is where it comes from, do you not want to look like a retard because of how others would see you because of it, or simply because it is something you don't want to do? If you are convinced it's the latter, keep going. If you believe it's the former, do what you can to see why that's not true. Remember, even if you don't need the approval of others to be happy, doesn't mean you'll act in ways people will hate you or dislike you for. Just because you're already happy and don't really need their approval doesn't mean you have to make sure you don't have their approval to be happy.


A If I don't need to care what people think of me, I'll be a lazy piece of shit and I'll never do anything with my life.

B Wrong. You might think that this doesn't make sense, because "if I am lazy and already am happy, won't I just keep being lazy?" You will be happy either way, the thing is even though happiness is a state, it doesn't mean you'll want to stay like you are when you understand you are already happy. The shift isn't from "I'm unhappy unless" to "I'm happy like I am" it's "I'm unhappy unless" to "I'm happy regardless of". What is happiness again? Relief from pain, not having your hand in the fire for a few seconds. Think of the carrot and the stick, even if the mount doesn't get hit by the stick (since there is no stick), the carrot is still there in the horizon. Happiness is a state in which you know you can't get hit. There is no fire, there is no stick, you are already happy. But the carrot is there, just because you feel pain-free because you know that you're already happy, comfortable because you know you don't "need" something and safe because you know that since there is nothing you need, there is nothing to fear losing, doesn't mean you can't get the carrot. The carrot is still there, you will be happy regardless of the carrot, but you can be happy with or without it, you don't need, doesn't mean you can't chase it, can't want it, can't have it. You can, because you know you will still be happy with or without it. There are no risks that you can't take because you know this, there is no obstacle unsurmountable when you appreciate the journey, there is no burden too heavy when you don't feel the weight as a problem.


A If I don't need to care what people think of me, my dreams will never come true.

B Think a bit. I don't know what your dream is, but if you need it to be happy, then what you want isn't to achieve your dream, it's happiness. The only problem you have is still believing you need to get there to be happy, and thinking that if you believe that you don't need to get there to be happy you're never getting there. That's bull. Once again you are making the mistake of thinking needs are more important and greater motivation than wants. The thing is, when you don't have a need for anything, wants are all that's left to get. Yes, you are happy regardless of achieving your dream or not, but you will still want it as much as someone that believes he needs it does, the difference is that this time you know it's not for happines because you're already happy, and you know that you can take greater risks than the guy that needs his dreams to come true, because in the end, this is the same as how to deal with women. You show intent (you want it) But you don't need it (If she rejects you, you're still happy). A person that is happy has a tremendous advantage over someone who believes he isn't, because the stick distracts you from the carrot, when you know there isn't a stick, the carrot is all that's left, and you can focus wholeheartedly on pursuing it.


A If I don't need to care what people think of me, I'll never do well in a job or in a relationship

B Wrong and wrong. Yes, you don't need the job or the woman once you understand you're already happy. The first is a bit complicated, but the second is completely easy to understand if you've read the start of this post. She doesn't want someone who needs her, she also will brainwash herself to not want someone that doesn't want her (women's fantasies are all about how the guy that has no reason to treat her well because he is better than her in every way still does it because if Zeus came down his mountain to impregnate her, she would think he is literally making fun of her if he showed any interest in her without somehow thinking she is special. Now if Zeus were to come down the mountain to get a new wife every 20 years and she missed her chance, she would tell herself stories about how boring being a god in the mountain must be and how she would hate living like that, aka she will rationalize that if she didn't get it it's because she didn't want it and will actually truly fully believe it). You are Zeus, you have no need for a specific woman to like you, you are already god, but since you are Zeus regardless of getting the specific woman or not, it means you can have her or you can't, it's your choice and your godhood aka your happiness isn't on the line.


As for the job, it's complicated not because it is hard to explain, it is hard to understand. If you work under someone then you think you truly need that person's approval because, after all, if he dislikes you you lose the job and risk... what exactly? Being homeless? Going hungry? Sleeping in the cold? Dying? You are happy, did you forget? You are happy regardless of hunger, temperature or life. Well, no, you're actually not happy in death, but even if you knew you would die tomorrow, you'd be happy until then, because you want to live, you want to eat, you want to stay warm, you want to have a home, but you don't need it. Because death will come, regardless. Just like you are happy regardless of, death will come regardless of, it's a constant. You are going to die, how you die doesn't matter, because you know you'll be happy in your last moments just like you were before you even knew you were happy.

I wrote this for me more than for anyone else, but I still want to have other people see it. There is something I have to tell you though, even though you are already happy and you just have to let go of your needs to understand it, it doesn't mean once you let go you're done and happy forever. You are happy only while you believe it, and you'll get a glimpse of it on your first time. You will forget. You are human and you will forget you are already happy. You will also remember it. You don't need to remember, because if you did, your need to remember you're happy would prevent you from being happy, because that's a need as well and happiness comes only when you realize there are no needs for anything. Well, don't stress about it. Everytime you think you need something, remember you're already happy and you don't. Not having it is not the end of the world, chasing it won't make your happiness go away. You want it, you don't need it. You already have what you "need" and you can't lose it.

No1 reading that shit nigga

Holy shit you're actually a good person with both standards and a conscience. God bless you user, I hope good things happen for you.

That's fine too, user. I enjoyed writing it.

ecclesiastes 1:9 mate. cheers for the writing, but nothing will teach OP better than life

I liked it. sick my dick

People spend more time on Veeky Forums than actually socializing is about 90% of the problem.

Get off adderall.

Not sure how this quote applies here.

Kek I never thought of it this way

It's just ephedrine, caffeine, a bored mind and time to do w/e I want.

I read it. Fuck you

Going gay is pretty cool, because men are actually capable of love

>Should I just become gay now?

no, it's a mental disorder/disabilty/fuckup

Then be a top.
Not all gay relationships or flings are versatile, there are actually plenty of bottoms, more than tops in fact.
Imagine yourself as the top/dominant role, hell maybe even act dominant in a mental image, and see if it does anything.
You can still go for men and not be into sucking their dick or taking dick, just find a bottom.

As a bifag I can confirm this - if you get a guy that's not a stereotypical flamboyant faggot you have a much easier time than with women. No mind games, no bullshit, no homo.

Damn haven't heard an hero in a while. Thanks for keeping it alive user

Plus one

>When you find a girl that other men approve of
Hate to sound cliche but just do you
You will find someone who likes you more than you do and you her.
Lift your Shit.
You don't need to be 15
You don't need to be 20
Or 30
Or40 better start to worry
50 is pretty much end
60 just kill yourself