Veeky Forums humor
Veeky Forums humor
This is how to fuck with manlets kek.
>planet fitness
I get it
because manlets would be the only ones able to read that
If I wanted to hear a joke I would ask f
What happened? He just dro
Did you press enter by m
Candlejack you gu
Is this a ne
But I'm 5'7 and still can't
I cannot handle this fag
>tangos neutraliz-
>i read that whole thing
just fucking kill me now
not sure which is worse
>advocating for the practice of a low protein diet
Stop with this shit
It's somehow even worse than the sum of its parts.
>popular fetish
I somehow have more faith in people than that.
>implying that there is anything wrong with peeing on your partner if you are in a heterosexual relationship with your spouse in a religiously valid marriage
>implying that isn't the most fucked up shit in any context
better than sodomy.
So how do I get my gf to pee on me? She's "uncomfortable" going it because it's "humiliating" but she doesn't get that that is the "fucking point" because she's a woman.
>Force her to drink a LOT of water (pretend its some meme diet bullshit).
>Initiate sex
>Go nice and slow and continue until she inevitably has to pee
>Prevent her from getting up to go pee
>Eventually she cant hold it because women ar weak and she will pee on you
sick reference you oldfa
Thanks counter sniper bro.
Top kek I actually did this a few times and she's ain't falling for it again. Thanx for the creative input, though.
AH fine--if you guys and girls don't appreciate my uploads fuck you
keep em comin ive been reading them
What do you want? Lavish amounts of praise? You are posting some good shit but damn though. You need to control your tism my good friend.
>leaving class late
>tired and broke
>start heading home
>qt girl I know and her friend stop to say hi
>"hey user, are you going to the party the group was talking about? It's not that far away from here"
>no, I'm broke I'm just going to head home
>"oh hey don't worry, I can lend you some cash tonight and you pay me back anytime, it's just us three"
>her friend tells her she isn't going
>"well looks like it's just us user"
>n-nah I don't like owing people money, t-thanks anyways
>go home and stare at the roof for the next couple hours
been a while since i've seen a candlejack reference, and now twice this we
Is it at least the popcorn ceiling that you can pretend is a large snowy mountain range and you're zooming around in a hover craft looking for signs of life when you know you're probably alone, just like in real life?
Have a blast from the past.
dat tism
love u !
>go to planet fitness
>try to do tootsie throws in the dumbbell rack
>someone presses the lunk alarm
still can't stop laughing at this one
> Promoting a low protein diet
> Golden showers
> Furries
This is the most degenerate shit I've ever read, and I went through it all. I disgust myself.
>those alien toes
Tfw I've been on this board for over 5 years now and didn't realize it till I saw this pic again
maybe you guys shouls focus a little less on lifting and a little more on your social skills?
I know it's harder but the payoff is tremendous
>live turd
good one
q u a l i t y
nice post
does rippetoe have a book on that too
i don't see anything in the sticky
>tfw I was in the original thread
>no matter how much time passes I always return to this place
my knees are weak user
hold up
>all you really need to do is put plastic on the bed
what? isnt it gonna run off the bed onto the floor?
came from /b/ then started to come here post zyzz 2012 and actually left for awhile cause was making it a bit but life hit me hard and now im starting to come backa gain
>MFW there are people who think this is perfectly normal behavior to engage in
bretty hot
What the fuck did I just read?
I truly have reached the point of no return. I'm not gonna lie, I was intredasted the whole time too.
What is this, a Picture for manlets!
>sexy smutty story
It's just porn. Call it what it is.
Bros before hoes
Fuck off
>not doing Quattro Formaggio's 8 hour pizza night
>doing tootsie throws when 'GoZa front raises x F is better for PF Aesthetics
You deserve that lunk alarm
All worker bees are male
Plants have male parts that need fertilising
Worker bees are haploid females. They're basically the traps of the insect world.
> having less high protein foods can make your cum tastier
any source on this?
f-for science ofcourse
You did it wrong retard. You're supposed to actually say "candlejack" before y
Some guy bought his dog to the gym today, some little Jack Russell looking thing.
>I'm doing some warm up squat sets.
>There's a guy in the next rack over squatting 4pl8
>He's sweating like a motherfucker
>I spot the dog in the mirror in front
>It's coming over
>I'm balls deep, mid rep
>Doggo veers at the last second
>It starts licking the other guys ankles
>He stops his rep in the hole
>Dog still licking
>He giggles like a schoolgirl
>Starts wobbling
>Face like a tomato
>He falls, and the bar crashes on the safeties
>Doggo starts barking at him
>Embarrassed, he grabs his stuff and leaves
>Dog owner starts kekking audibly
And here's the doggo, managed to get a quick pick
>gf wants to buy me embarrassing outfits to wear during sex
>Wants to play with my asshole
>The more muscular I get, the more she wants to
>I don't even like humiliation
I feel like I'm taking a great opportunity away from someone
you guys are both faggots
worker bees are diploid females
the sex determining locus (SDL) needs to be heterozygot, so worker bees hatch from fertilized eggs
unfertilized eggs spawn the haploid males
in the rare case, that the SDL is homozygot in diploid bees, they develop into sterile females
t. hymenoptera expert
why is there a porn casting couch in your gym?
Considering that it's right next to the front door, I'm amazed I've only noticed it now that you've mentioned it.