How fucked am I Veeky Forums, just got my test levels checked and im .3 above the lowest limit, so the doctor wont prescribe me anything. Is there anything I can do besides acquiring shit not from a doctor?
How fucked am I Veeky Forums, just got my test levels checked and im .3 above the lowest limit...
go to a different doctor more sympathetic to your predicament
Who dat ??
Nailed it in one
I went to a drop in, I wonder if I could somehow lower it just a bit more and go for another test, just spend the day jacking off then go in.
Irina Popova
Re-do the test. Jack it five times the day before, and drink liquorice tea the whole day. Don't sleep at all and drink a shit-ton of coffee. Have low-power body language and speak meakly the morning of the test. That'll surely push you down.
anything is worth a try at that point desu. just be as beta as you can during the doctor's visit too
Literally do as said
d-doctor p-please respond. ahah Im gunna give it a try, id rather try this before I try anti depressants because Im pretty sure this is why Im so fucked.
There's other stuff you can do too. Best is to limit sleep to 6 hours a night for a week before the test, do no excercise, eat lots of crap like candy but avoid fat and protein, and - if you are truly desperate - eat the menstrual blood of a woman.
Yeah that last parts gunna be tough, but ill try the other things, im just sick of feeling like shit all the time
Let us know if you manage to pull it off
literally a thread about lowering test levels
Small sacrifice for a better overall future
Just like a nuclear blast in Toronto :)
Get at least 8 hours sleep, get enough sunlight, excersise regularly, eat lots of carbs and natural fats. You should be good.
>consistent 8 hour sleep
>bacon + eggs
11.7 nmol/L mustard race reportan
I always get 8 hours or more usually 10+, and egg tons of eggs and meat, iv been eating really well for a long time, it evidently dident help much.
Im already this low, if I can go just alittle lower Im all good.
Somebody link this tweet?
I tried going through his twitter but I can't see anything.
Drinking coffee has an effect on test?
Only if you drink way too much, then it lowers it. Really, drinking liquorice-root tea is way better for lowering T.
and eat*
Is it coffee, or caffeine? Also any link to study or article? I couldn't find anything other than 'men who consume caffeine before weight training see increase in testosterone' or something.
Also how much is too much, I drink probably 2 X-large size cofees a day, as well as tea all day and PWO on workout days
Not sure, really, just googled "how to lower test" because I want to do what OP wants too... personally I don't believe coffee will lower it that much, if at all, now that I've read a bit more. Suggestion retracted; drink liqorice tea instead:)
>just bought licorice tea
>look up a study
I-its bullshit....right guys?
cheers bruh
Just take it easy with it. One small cup every few days ain't gonna do shit, especially if your lifestyle apart from that is healthy and geared towards high T. I drink it myself sometimes because it soothes my stomach; have not noticed anything bad at all.
I'm just sayin that, supposedly, from what I've read but have not scientifically verified - if you want to lower your T, drinking a fuckton of licorice tea is A PART of a long list of shit you have to do. I will try this myself soon, and report to Veeky Forums.
Danke. No need to worry for me then, I just have it as a treat every once in awhile
Will the super market brand work, or do I need to order some far eastern shit.