Who /greentea/ here?
it tastes bad.
Love it ! I always have it with a bit of honey from a local farmer so it doesn't taste too bitter.
Haven't had it too much lately but it's starting to get cold again so it will become a daily thing again
Enjoy your fluoride.
This shit is my fuel
Fuck coffee shit is awful and makes me feel like shit.
I can drink a couple cups of this and feel like a god, no jitters, alert, focused and energized while still relaxed.
Also if you don't drink it plain you're a fucking plebeian
Best green teas:
>mint green tea
>ginger green tea
>gunpowder green tea
Enjoy your tooth decay and conspiracy theories you pleb
Cheap brands tend to have more flouride but its not a problem at all when it comes down to it.
Earl Grey. Good enough for Picard good enough for me:
>ginger green tea
Shit is amazing. I like ginger matcha too
Mint green tea helps my gut feel great for some reason. Love it!
who Matcha in here
who loose leaf, who mint green, who stevia, who has cool mug?
I turned allergic to green tea after many many drugs.
Add a spoonful of sugar
Forreal though if you don't like the taste (you will grow to enjoy it especially if your tea isn't bottom of the barrel kirkland) just wait for it to get cold and chug it down like medicine. The health effects are great but really it's about how it makes you feel and I feel unstoppable when I have it.
I'd recommend people who haven't tried it to try it. If you are a daily coffee drinker you may want to take a day or two off to reset your caffeine tolerance.
The nice thing about the tea is the lower amounts of caffeine, if you lower your tolerance it becomes the perfect amount. No headache no nothing.
Combine with adderall and (cigs if you take addy) for the most god tier study session/work grind imaginable.
Matcha is okay but I don't like it all the time I'd rather have two bags of tea in a cup if I want more caffeine. There is too much lead in the leaves to drink consistently.
Mint green is the GOAT though
Great tea to start with if you "don't like the taste" of green (you probably burnt it if it's nasty)
Good goy
what are the best green tea brands? Are there any good bottled ones in stores?
>l2buy propper green tea not the cheapest brand you can find
>l2brew green tea at 70° because hotter makes bitter
>l2keep the tea only 2 minutes in the water
enjoy the godly natural sweetness of mother natuers gift to humanity
Any tea that doesn't stain your teeth?
What brands are good? I've tried several and they all taste roughly the same.
Yes, I have a cup every single day. I was thinking of getting on a fat burner w/ green tea extract though.
Any recommendations, or is it not worth it to go on a fat burner (i.e. one with relatively natural ingredients, not something like DNP), this would be for body composition rather than losing weight?
Green tea lowers testoterone dose-dependently. Also it inhibits DHT and raises epitestosterone. It's poison.
You forgot to mention it fucks your thyroid and is contaminated with tons of heavy metals
Both completely untrue.
I'm drinking some right now, not for meme reasons but because I like it.
>insert consumable thing into google + lowers testosterone
>find study showing said consumable thing lowers teatosterone
>insert same consumable thing into google + raises testosterone
>find study showing same consumable thing raises testosterone
>find additional studies showing no effect on testosterone
literally everything you consume simultaneously raises/lowers/has no effect on t levels.
i'm partial to Tazo's green tea and lemongrass/spearmint blend.
those are shit studies.
also, excessive consumption of almost anything other than water (and even still then) is bad for you.
5 cups of coffee a day is just as fucked for you.
>peer reviewed mechanistic research
Nah bro green tea is fine bro. The studys are shit you know?
ITT autistic trolls autistically trolling autistic trolls
it colors my teeth green, which is fucking nasty so i quit drinking it. i liked it tho.
basically this
Scientific articles are designed to be persuasive based on empirical evidence and for this same reason, they do not really like to mention contradicting evidence.
It's understandable they want to be successful in the scientific community, but the truth is kind of distorted.
I like green tea, I also accept that it might have some negative side effects. But you should take things with a grain of salt.
I work at DavidsTea so YEET
Recently quit pic related and switched back to tea.
Feels better, not sure why I kept drinking coffee for as long as I did.
I'm sort of an alcoholic will green tea actually help my liver?
i do it for the taste. i like the taste of tea, but i really like the taste of coffee. I make the strongest espresso that i can with the boldest finest grounds. A mug of it every morning before work with nothing added.
I've never liked any other tea but green tea is great. And you definitely do NOT need to add sugar like some degenerates were suggesting. I only buy the loose (bags are shit) unflavoured kind. Pic related is probably my current favourite. Though right now I'm drinking some stuff I got from a local asian market because it's 1/5th the price but it's not quite as good.
This is my 2nd favourite. These "flavors" (they're both unflavored) can be found by pretty much any manufacturer if you can't find this exact bag. I'll go make some tea right now tbqh thanks for the idea OP.
whenever I take acid I go through like 12 cups of green tea in an evening. it's wonderful.