Real talk here Veeky Forums:

Real talk here Veeky Forums:

Is the dating scene dead nowadays?
Are there any girls out there worth a relationship, rather than a fuck n dump?

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>Are there any girls out there worth a relationship, rather than a fuck n dump?

Yes, lots. But most of them are already in relationships.

I know a perfect girl that would be a perfect girlfriend but she doesnt share the same feelings I have for her, but she gives me hope that there are more like her out there. Probably even better then her

Dating sucks these days. Girls that are 4 won't even look at a guy unless he's at least an 8. I blame Tinder.

Im probably a terrible person to ask but i had a relationship that ended after many years so i was kind of hopeful going into the single market again.
It was terrible, ive met very few single girls during this two year period and ive managed to get laid two times

Seems dating as a straight guy can be explained as follows:
>Somewhat attractive
>Decent personality
Pick one, in very rare cases two

then i'm fucked i guess? 5 years until 30 and i have yet to have the experience of living with a girl

>This way of thinking
>Waaaahhh... Why cant I get a gf?
>All women are evil sluts

Typical virgin on Veeky Forums and r/redpill.

Grow up!

Like i said, im a terrible person to ask because im not too experienced with girls since ive been single two years and barely met any single chicks

Its a game where the odds are stacked against you, but youve got to understand its like that everywhere
Do you think youre the only one applying for a job? Seeking an apartment? Competing in sports? Applying for college?
Men face competition all the time, its what makes us great and i did oversimplify

I choose to improve myself and hold out hope i find a girl who fits my reasonable demands
I havent had much luck with dating since im not really a hookup person but i imagine it cant be all too difficult to bang girls off tinder if youre somewhat attractive

Also, speaking from experience living with a girl is terrible. Really brings out the worst in them so i wouldnt recommend it

I'm serious here user

Been trying to get back into it these past few months. It's tough. I've had several first dates. Can't get a second date to save my life. It doesn't help that I'm literally borderline aspie, I guess.