JUST hang me

JUST hang me

I cant make it. 2nd week of going to the gym and I'm so weak

Very good curl there if you are doing them right and the other weights are really a tough effort for you (nothing wrong with that either! You're doing fine mate).

Pretty much the same as my lifts when I started a couple of months ago, except my rows where just 90lbs and I don't do cable rows. Curls are now 35lbs and rows 140lbs. It's a slow climb but you do improve. Just keep going. Are you eating well? I'm at a 800kcal deficit hence the very slow climb.

Seems kinda shit

Even girls curl more at my gym, but at least I do full rom and carefully I guess?

I am also on a similar deficit (only estimating my tdee not really sure)

>2nd week of going to the gym and I'm so weak
>I'm so weak
>2nd week of going to the gym
hmm maybe there's a connection?


>2 weeks in and you already want to quit

If this isn't b8 you need to find some motivation or accept you're just going to be a fat fuck

I got curls from doing weighted pull ups alone. Once I was at 70% of my body weight without ever curling once I could curl 60 lbs.

Cable rows are kind of pointless if you got pendley throw in pull ups instead.

That's you're routine? wtf

I do assisted chins

No I do chins, squat bench and rear delt work, I just figured that stuff was uninteresting

>chins, squat bench

Good focus all your time on chins and pendleys then.

The strength you could be using on those two are wasted on those cable rows. You can still do assistance exercises like curls and rear delt flies at the end but you normally dont need too identical rowing movements especially as a beginner.

It's typical progress I mean.

135x5 bench, 180x5 squat. Rear delt is boring

For chins I can only do 60 lbs assisted 3x5

My routine says it's optional and I kinda like them honestly. Feels nice pulling shoulders back

I'm worried about chins tho, I suck at them

You should be able to fully retract your scapula while doing pendley rows. You should also do chins first if they are your weak point.

If you worked your chins and pendleys hard enough your seated rows would seem pointless.

You're just a beginner in 6 months youll be jacking it to pics of yourself

Slap on 2 more sets to each of whatever you can do.

Thanks bro :) that's my dream

I suppose.

My order is this:

Squat, bench press, chins, pendlay rows, Bicep curls, cable rows, rear delt shit, cardio(sometimes)

Rows idk. I'm knocking out my pendlays and shit hard but my cable row keeps goin up. I love it

standing or preacher curls?

Standing supinating curls.

I only hammer curl 27.5lbs too...(I alternate them each time I do curls)


you do all this in 1 day?

make sure you are resting enough and don't go crazy because when the weights get heavy you'll struggle


That's workout A


Opps :)

Drop biceps and focus on compound heavy movements.
Incline Dumbbell
Weighted Pull-ups
Weighted Dips

You can get really strong in just a few months

This is my routine

>only 3x5
What the fuck is this bullshit?

Literally every beginner routine?