What did he mean by this?

what did he mean by this?

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Is Rich Piana secretly a bad dude or something? Why does everyone hate on him so hard? I've never seen anything that didn't make him seem like a pretty normal, nice guy who enjoyed bodybuilding. Albeit the whole so-cal, flex-fit hat wearing, whatever image is not my cup of tea but whatever.

People hate success. He is one of the few big roid monsters that actually enjoys lifting so Veeky Forums gets triggered.

He became a meme because of his stupid shit.
> 8 hour arm workout
> 4 scoops
> 8 meals a day

Many don't hate him as such, just see him as a walking meme and good source of lulz. He apparently cheated on his ex-wives but other than that he doesn't appear a bad guy.

He has a hobby of slapping retards from time to time but we all have our vices.

I don't hate him. He was actually a great inspiration to me.

>trying to shit out the last pieces of humanity inside you

>cheating on your wife is bad

Go back to Tumblr

He's a meme roid clown.

Can't really hate him like one would hate for example, vegan gains. I feel sorry that his wife divorced him because of his erection problems, but que sera sera.

A little infidelity's good to shock and confuse your partner

Go back to your third world shithole