I'm looking for crossfit memes. Do you guys have any?
I'm looking for crossfit memes. Do you guys have any?
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Try to top this.
He seriously deserves to drop that barbell and kill that kid so he can go to prison for the rest of his life for being that fucking stupid
I wouldn't worry about even dropping the bar. Literally just the act of doing a snatch can damage an infant's brain.
Crossfit is a meme in and of itself. Both in the literal, real definition of meme as well as the INTERWEBBOBOBEZ MEME definition.
RIP kid
Well since we're talking babies...
by the original definition every sports practice is a meme...
When a regular abortion is too cheap for you
or too expensive...
Made me lol
>too expensive
A month of membership at a crossfit gym could likely pay for 1.5 abortions
you would know dyel
I am dyel mode, but that's for different reasons. My family lives in an affluent area, and when you search for gyms that have decent free weight setups, the market is almost entirely saturated with gyms that have crossfit programs or are crossfit exclusive
if you so rich nigga, how come you aint getting your own weights tho?
because he's underage and still lives with his parents rofl
I would fucking love to, but I'm the only one in my family who lifts, and I only go to that area a handful of times a year, so the cost of that vs a gym membership is not justified to my mom and step-dad
damn shame my man...
buy what you can do is lift them concrete slabs namsaying?
There's a pretty well-furnished gym a couple miles from my family's place that actually works pretty well for me. They offer student rates during school breaks, so I can come in, do my lifting for the month, then head back to my normal place. But it's a damn shame because there's a furnished basement that would be PERFECT for a workout area if they got a relatively small rack and bench, but they're content with going to Planet Fitness, and I'm relatively happy with the gyms I go to
>I am dyel mode
Quit reading right there. For you see it was then that I realized I no longer valued your opinion as a 4channer nor human. Thanks for playing newbitch. Better luck next time.
I've been dyel mode for the past few years. Crohn's and cystic fibrosis fuck up making gainz, fampai. I lift when I can, and every time I get back, I get a little bit better. I'll probably be dyel mode until I'm 30, and if it happens so be it. I ain't even mad, though
Fresh OC.
5'7 135 here what's actually bad about cross fit? I'm new to fitness I got a trial membership but I've been too busy and it's far so lately I've been doing at home stuff. I have adjustable Dumbbells so it isn't that bad but I want to get actually big I think crossfit would be good motivation for me
What is she deadlifting? 45lbs??
Crossfit treats exercise like a sports performance.
In sports performance, you take risks to win. This is not how exercise should work.
They deliberately and shamelessly promote kipping pull ups and dips just to get more reps at the expense of your joints.
Their top athletes are obviously on steroids. Just look at their women. It is a joke.
Retarded programming taught by people who often don't know what they're doing as part of adherence to a false philosophy.
They have you do olympic-style lifting for reps against a clock which is a) stupid due to the technical nature of the lifts, and b) made worse by the fact that most of the people that run crossfit "boxes" don't know how to coach on the finer points of the lifts, which leads to injury, and in some cases severe health issues (the commonality of rhabdomyolosis led to the coining of the endearing phrase "Uncle Rhabdo", which is not shit to joke about).
The philosophy driving the "training" is also bad. The idea is that you work against the clock in order to produce the most power/strength-endurance that you can since they try to eliminate the concept of specialization in training. It sounds good, but proper training regimens do not work in this manner without the use of PEDs.
Effective training is almost always focused on one aspect of fitness in order to obtain the most expedient and efficient kind of gains necessary for an activity, while also attempting to maintain other aspects of fitness. At a level beyond novice/intermediate, you can really only improve one aspect at a time. If you start trying to improve your marathon time after running for a year, you're not going to slap on a bunch of weight to your deadlift during that time, and vice versa. You can train to incorporate all aspects of fitness, but you can't do them at the same time equally.
this makes me sad
I'm just imagining him dropping it at 0:03 and the bar pushing the patella all the way down to his ankles
This is especially worse considering it's using a ton of kipping.
The violent shakes and the strong possibility of losing grip via violent flops makes this a must do when preggers
what am i missing here?
Nothing. He did a good job and lifted the weights :^)
Look up proper deadlift form and watch again
Ride to a snap city
where the fuck are their cuck husbands?
holy fuck, how did he jerked the barbell without hitting the kid?
What's the difference between Crossfit and HIIT? They seem very similar to me.
Look in the upper left corner, its a rack
It is not a snatch
That is an overhead squat
Doesn't make it any less retarded tho
I dont' think I've seen anyone, be it bodybuilder, powerlifter or crossfag deadlifting a one rep max with good form.
HIIT is a broad definition, high intensity interval training. Lots of science behind HIIT.
Crossfit is nothing but raffle fitness
taking steroids for this
To make this somewhat productive, what would be the way ti get a decent workout in as a pregnant woman? Yoga and walking? SS?
You think it's a good idea to go for PRs without a belt and to start the movement with rounded back? kek
Bodybuilder don't care about compounds and the people who consider themselves bodybuilders are usually roid monkey who has no clue
Powerlifters are fat and ego lifter
Crossshit is instructed by a 4 months newbie DYEL and use fake plates
I don't think neither of them qualify of "proper form"
Heck, even when I lift 4.5 pl8 I tried to do it with proper form, but I was too stuborn to let go and just lifted the fucker with proably the worst form I've ever done.
My back hurted for a few days but I lifted the fucker.
kek, my thoughts exactly
>Bodybuilder don't care about compounds and the people who consider themselves bodybuilders are usually roid monkey who has no clue
Perfectly captured by Piano man's 8 hour arm workouts.
>Powerlifters are fat and ego lifter
Reminds me of this:
>Crossshit is instructed by a 4 months newbie DYEL and use fake plates
>fake plates
Didn't realize this until a couple weeks ago. Always thought those women were squatting 2pl8s until I realized those were 15s. Sad!
Kipping pull ups are no more damaging to your shoulders than is running to your knees. Kipping pull ups are not taught until you can already do pull ups.
Time is a variable that can be manipulated like any other. Form fails under 1rm attempts, but that is ignored for no reason.
You have never trained hard enough to get rhabdo, and it's harder to get the longer you've been training.
The obsession with efficiency of training gives you away as a novice lifter, and your impression that a crossfit workout entails trying to train every aspect of fitness at once gives you away as someone who has never tried it.
If all you can do is parrot memes about crossfit that you learned from Dom Mazetti, you have no business giving advice about it.
It seems to work just fine for Konstantin Konstantinovs. Are you strong enough to prove him wrong?
>Time is a variable that can be manipulated like any other
Training for time under tension != training in timed sets.
>Form fails under 1rm attempts, but that is ignored for no reason
Because most people who train don't work their 1rm too often, let alone have the bad habits used when testing them be repeated for entire sets
>You have never trained hard enough to get rhabdo
I've never gone into respiratory failure from shooting up heroin. That doesn't mean I don't know its something that can and does happen, and is fucking dangerous.
>The obsession with efficiency of training gives you away as a novice lifter
Literally every sports training protocol is based on efficiency by producing the most lasting results relative to the goal in the most expedient and safe method possible.
But it is at this point that I realize this post was shitty b8
How do the chains even work? I mean the are on the ground so the weight is lessened.
The chains are for stabilization training
>Kipping pull ups are not taught until you can already do pull ups.
That's bullshit in 90% of cases and you know it.
And they're extremely damaging when people do them when they are unable to perform actual pullups because they rely solely on momentum rather than back strength.
Stop being such a cuck for crossfit.
>I mean the are on the ground so the weight is lessened.
Yeah, that's kind of the entire point. When you do the concentric part of the lift, the chains come off the ground, increasing the difficulty.
Wait what. I was lost but now I don't even know how I am existing in 1904. Can you clarify this?
>trying to defend kipping and an overpriced, poor form, cultish, meme workout
>I have adjustable Dumbbells
Look through the "Workouts" section. Tons of workout routines for limited equipment. Also just read everything else on that site cuz it's all useful as fuck.
As you rise in the squat, the chains begin coming off the floor meaning the weight of the suspended length of the chain is essentially added to the load on the back. It also engages stabilization muscles for balance because the chains have more flexible movement, and are thus more subject to imbalances in form
huh , I kinda get it , I think I will need to try it out for it to click 100%
To super simplify, let's say you're squatting 200lbs worth of bar and plates and have about 40lbs in chain attached.
At the bottom, all the chain should basically be on the floor. You have about 200lbs pulling you down. At the top, almost all the chain will be off the floor and you're fighting against 240lbs. You can use this to have a little bit below your regular max on the bar at the bottom and a fair bit above your max at the top.
There's other uses for it, but that's the gist of things.
oh snap
>not lifting in high heels for maximum gains
This might be the dumbest one yet
Why exactly do you think that people get taught to kip before they can do unassisted pull ups? Gyms literally keep bands for the exact purpose of giving assistance when you can't do strict. You bought the memes way too hard instead of looking at how it's actually done at a real gym.
No, training programs are not programmed for efficiency. Please review your Sheiko and go back to learning about maximum recoverable volume before you start shilling for Rippletits.
the arch on his back
>Why exactly do you think that people get taught to kip before they can do unassisted pull ups?
Ego lifts designed to keep their dumbasses in the class and thinking their doing something outside of snapping their shit up.
The entire goddamned thing is a fucking cult. Period.
Just stop, man. We're getting b8ed here
Progressive resistance, the weight is light in the harder part of the lift and heavier during the easier lock out part. I've never seen someone use chains with 100lbs of weight though
It's impossible to say from a still pic, but its entirely possible she's using the chains for speed work. That wouldn't be out of line strength-wise for an average size woman.
Because she's a strong, independent woman who don't need no proper footing?
Follow this user's advice, for he echoes the teachings of scoobs
Poor form, and hitching at least twice
but he didn't even finish the lift
>huge fetish for pregnant women
>mfw these images
Fucking loled
He never rounds his lower back, the fuck are you even memeing about?
Have you watched him deadlift? He's not catbacking it, but he's pretty clearly got a rounded lumbar to go with his thoracic rounding.
I think the chick who keeps posting this pic is fat.
Crossfit nowadays is about showing off.
>Why exactly do you think that people get taught to kip before they can do unassisted pull ups?
They don't unless you're at a crossfit gym...
This is how you learn to do unassisted pullups
Keto clears Crohn's right up, no excuses.
Controlled lifting is fine. If it's not terribly dangerous when not preggo you can do it preggo.
I think you're gay desu
Gay in the sense that you need to kill your self
Just my opinion though, ape
i have a kid and as much as i disagree with the concept of having someone murder their child to learn a lesson, im willing to toss that aside in this situation simply because this is crossfit and this idiot most likely does dangerous shit like this with his kid constantly. all i hope for is that its painless for the poor tyke and he is reincarnated as Gains McRape and shares a prison cell with his former dad
cheap than adipowers, i squat in a pair of pumps i got from the thrift store, i get deathstares from a lot of the regulars but i also put +50lb on my squat right off the bat
They look like pistons in engine