>you see that guy?
>is he actually writing down his lifts? what a loser
You see that guy?
Other urls found in this thread:
>treadmill for 20 mins
>squats with the bar + pussy pad 3 times
>box jumps for 15 secs
>call it a day
stacey pls go
The irony of these threads is in the fact it's OP who is the real loser.
Well they're not wrong if you're using a fucking compisition notebook. Have seen this.
the only people I've seen using notebooks in the gym have been very successful lifters.
>Of course not. I have a photographic memory when it comes to quotidian affairs such as training. I was simply fiddling with a playful take I've been developing on the Standard Model of partial physics.
welp, wish i was at your gym then. From my experience it's soccer moms and the elderly carrying binders and notebooks to track their machine-assisted numbers.
>caring what anyone thinks
Not ever gonna make it
I kinda agree with you but the catch is that they've all been those huge monkey creatures who look like they get confused during a 15 second television commercial.
Just because some guy is too dumb to remember his lifts doesn't mean the notepad will add anything to your workout.
>Oh my notebook? I'm writing a story. I write in it and read it at the gym. The title: "The Strongest Version of Myself".
You're retarded. How else are you going to track long term progress?
im a noob and i carry a small notebook in my pocket to write down my progress
do people really judge you? im not gonna stop just curious
>Chapter 1: Weighted Dips
>partial physics
haha, found the faggot who fell for the notebook meme.
>I have written down the holes to place the hooks and safety rails
by not having alzheimer's?
I like logging in my workouts in my pink little notepad so I can always remember my lifts and see how well I progress each week.
Only dyels care about someone else in the gym whereas true olympic gods don't give a fuck.
>partial physics
Same. Feels good to look at the progress sometimes, keeps me motivated.
Real man.
you already know the answer that you shouldn't care about other people but yes they do judge/laugh internally at you. especially if you're a newbie since logging down your newbie gains is literally retarded. the only semi acceptable situation would be something like an experienced powerlifter comparing routines or something.
Is that the physics of partial reps?
>how well I progress each week
>progress each week
>each week
>not tracking lifts with google docs
>he can track 8 weeks of progression on several compounds lifts mentally
Hahahaha, sure thing kiddo.
Okay on your average PPL you will have to do 15-20 different exercises in a whole 3 day cycle. You now need to remember the weight and repetitions of each one. How do you do this then user?
Oh wait, let me guess, you're new and doing SS and are surprised there's actually more than 5 exercises in the whole world.
>user pls go
>not the prison tat'ing every set and rep on yourself until your body is a canvass of gains
Aww, did I trigger the nerds who can't even remember what yesterday's breakfast was? Why bother lifting if you're already mentally senile?
I'm currently doing PPL with about 22 different exercises and have never had any issues remembering which weights to use or how many reps to do. Get your head checked if you can't remember a few little numbers.
So what was your weight in cable pulldowns 8 weeks ago?
yeah idk they can suck me, it's obviously not impressive but tracking my progress definitely helps me stay motivated and realistic
psst get a load of dis guy
What was your bench 2 years, 7 months ago for a 3rm?
Also, I don't remember them because I don't have too, I have more going on in my life than lifting and 4chinz.
I use a pocket notebook for lifts, to-dos, and reminding me of shitty events that I have to go to that my brain doesn't care to remember. Makes my life easier.
>mentally senile
what other kind of senility is there?
I don't do individual cable pulldowns, you want regular lat pulldown or reverse lat pulldown? Well whatever you want they were 87.5kg for 5x6 and 75kg for 5x6
so you carry around a pen and paper and continually scribble down on a little notebook because in case you need to know your bench from 3 years ago that makes it easier? seems like a lot of effort for something that will never come in handy
>Never come in handy
Nigga wat. There's countless reasons to carry a pocket notebook. How lazy are you when it literally takes a few seconds to write some shit down.
if the information is so far in the past like your bench from 3 years ago that you can't remember it without a fucking notebook it's probably not worth remembering in the first place
unrelated question not meant as an insult:
are you also the type of guy who takes loads of pictures to "remember the moment"?
I type everything in my smartphone.
Maybe some people think I'm writing w/ stacey.
But it helps to make continuous progress
I don't take pictures to 'remember the moment '. But I do take pictures to show the progress I've been making in the gym.
It's not necessary to remember your lifts from years ago. But trying to remember everything that you do if you have a busy lifestyle is much easier with a pocket notebook. I'd forget my own gf's birthday if I didn't write that shit down just because i don't give a goddamn about birthdays.
It's fine if you don't use one at all, but you shouldn't be such a lunkhead to people that do.
There is some serious crab bucket shit on here, for trolling or otherwise. If you plan on lifting long term with serious goals you intend to achieve, then yes. You need to log your workouts. No better time than at the end while you're still at the gym.
I'll take the bait, but for everyone else. Tracking your lifts helps maximize performance by being able to progressively overload in a safe manner and pinpointing any issues or barriers.
I think a lot of people would benefit from seeing their lifts from years ago, especially if they made major progress in that time. To be able to see from what little you started with compared to where you are now would feel like a major accomplishment.
>Maybe some people think I'm writing w/ stacey.
No... no one ever thinks that.
>If you plan on lifting long term with serious goals you intend to achieve, then yes. You need to log your workouts.
Do your muscles not grow if you don't write stuff down? Does your body go "hey there's some protein here and we need to rebuild this muscle but the guy didn't log his workouts so I guess we're not doing it today"? You don't fucking NEED to write down anything ever if you don't want to. In your personal experience it might be HELPFUL but to say that it's NEEDED is dumb as hell.
When you've been lifting for several years, you 'need' to be able to look at routines you've done with vastly different progression schemes and see which ones actually netted the most gains over a period of time.
>lifting for several years
>doing other people's routines copied from the internet
>mentally sound
pick two
only absolute newbies or the dumbest of the flock follow premade routines. ask anyone with 2+ years in the gym and they'll tell you they just pay attention to how their body feels and go by that
No I just use an App on my phone, which then gives me charts and graphs so I can evaluate my progress. Not tracking progress is retarded and makes it painfully obvious you're new.
>I use an App on my phone, which gives me charts and graphs
>makes it painfully obvious you're new
How's SS treating you? Looking forward to getting on a real program?
>Go to powerlifting gym
>Every single person has a notepad/binder and writes down their lifts
>Girls lift more than me because I'm dyel
Well this is just categorically untrue. No 'pre-made' routine and no routine are two completely different things.
Some guys like Mark Bell claim to just go by feel all the time, but these guys are the exception not the rule. All the champions in their sport have a plan.
Actually if you're not trolling, check out this video series. youtube.com
no offense but why would I listen to theoretical weight training advice from some dude who's half my size and looks like he doesn't even lift?
you already used that one
Mark Bell has also been training for decades so knows what works for him, lifts with enough frequency on almost everything to maintain the strength he has and also the mental toughness to push himself hard when trying to improve.
Tbh, if you have lifted for over a year you should be starting to understand how you respond to different levels of volume for lifts and what accessories you can correct your weak points with.
After two years all programs should basically be templates which you use your experience to modify personally.
Of course you get as much out of your training as you put in. So if you just go through the motions you may as well just stick with someone elses program and go through the motions
Just started using a small spiral notebook. You can use it to reserve a bench whilst you grab weights plus being able to write bigger numbers in the book is encouraging to me
Anyone here go to the Y?
They give fucking checklists to people who don't have their own routine. You like print one out of the computer. People walk around with these clipboards and do 2 sets of some random exercise, check the box, then move to something else.
>not using Google docs or some other document app to record your lifts on your phone.
The fuck? I'm in 2016, right?
>taking your phone with you into the gym
never going to make it
we're browsin with a bunch of barbarians, lad
>not bringing your phone into the gym
>forced to listen to gym music
Don't tell me you either have an mp3 player or enjoy the gym music, because I'll die of laughter.
>all these posts thinking Stacy is laughing at you for keeping track of your lifts
>not because you're using a real life notebook to write shit down like a fucking child/boomer instead of your phone
The autism is strong in this thread.
Was for
>Privately owned 24 hour gym with keycard access
>Go at 3AM when empty
>gym has airplay stereo with subwoofer
>Play whatever
Makes my old gym feel like a fart in the wind, I love it
of course I have a dedicated gym mp3 player. an 8 year old ipod nano that weighs like 28 grams or something, has battery life for 30+ hours, is tiny in size and doesn't really matter if something happened to it.
enjoying that $600 six inch touch screen in your short pockets while squatting?
>I come to the gym to rock out bro, get pumped! xD
hey millenial
>I listened to two hours of music at the gym so now I can't use my phone for the rest of the day before I recharge it
mfw you fell for the smartphone jew
>being born before 1982
>being on Veeky Forums
Don't bully the oldfags, I want their wisdom
>implying music takes up that much battery life on a mid range to high-end phone
>implying I don't just throw my phone onto the charger when I get home while taking a shower and eating
I'm sorry you don't have the amenities of first world living, Pajeet. Google won't even give you guys real android.
oh yeah my bad. what are the people born after 2000?
I've never bought a phone that wasn't high end and every single one of them has had absolute fucking shit battery life, especially if it's anything that uses the internet like streaming music.
I mean every single one after these beauties. literally 3 weeks of battery life even with moderate use. had to recharge them so rarely I always forgot where the charger was
This. This is why you keep records. It's not just about remembering specific weights for the next work-out, which admittedly is important, but about tracking what actually fucking works. This is why autistically tracking lifts, diet (calories and macros), sleep, bodyfat, muscle size, etc. is useful. It is autistic as fuck but it's the only way to know what works.
You also see what you miss. You can see and be reminded of that week you skipped working out or those days you failed your diet plan, you can't ignore your failures but have to own up to them.
Besides it's great motivation. I'm a noob and sometimes feel like my progress is so damn slow and I feel bad about still being skinnyfat and weak despite three months of lifting. Feels good to see that, hey, I dropped 25lbs, lost 4.5 inches of my gut and doubled my lifts. Will feel even better in three more months, and way better in three years.
Stop buying iPhones. Stop buying Samsung. Problem solved.
>but what else is there besides Samsung and Apple?
Learn how to research things before you buy them, and stop falling for corporate Yiddish marketing tricks.
I feel like this post made me laugh way more than it should have
Underrated af
I had the lumia 920 and it was actually a good phone but it was bulky as all hell and also had shit battery life. all the "good value" brands like honor are a meme and a scam tbqh
I'm a 30 year old man and I have a tiny, plain black notebook I write down my lifts in. Because of the faggots in this thread I have decided that I will go out and buy the cutest Frozen-themed notebook I can find and a matching pink pencil and use those from now on until my last day. I will also print out pic related and bring it with me to the gym, placing it on the wall when I do deads and squats. Fuck you.
Kyle Keo holds the WR for is weight class in powerlifting.
yeah I saw some of his videos. pretty impressing how he can maintain that dyel physique with those lifts.
Just read reviews of any electronics before you buy them.
you really think there are people on Veeky Forums who don't? this site is not especially popular among teenage girls and middle aged housewives.
the man