Why is it when someone posts or says they eat any type of junk food or fast food, maybe even slipped up and at a lot of it that it is automatically assumed they're fat? I'm a skellington here and I eat loads of sweets, but people assume I'm fat what gives?
Honestly how could people insult good tasting food by assuming only fatties indulge in it? Fatties will gain weight off of any food.
Pic courtesy of Google image search
Kayden Wright
Veeky Forums knows less about nutrition than Veeky Forums would like you to believe
Jace Collins
You really need to ask? We are all Veeky Forums autistics who lift weights and very particular about our diets. Anything other than what we do is considered retarded and triggers our autism.
Julian Reyes
only an american would think that looks good. why is all pastry covered in unnecessary frosting there? the stuff underneath is way tastier and has just as shitty macros
Levi Torres
I wonder if I can jizz on some cinammon rolls and give them to women without them noticing its not icing.
Hunter Jones
you would need to mix it with sugar.
Elijah Peterson
As long as your jizz is a transparent white nobody will notice
If the girl sucks of dick then she's a whore and will notice
Luis Hughes
what's the cummiest ratio you can mix them in without getting noticed?
Luis Jones
You're only going for a glazing so I would say 3:1 ratio Sugar to Cum.
Jonathan Rodriguez
What happens if I smile and say "I pumped a special hot ingredient onto those cinnamon buns" when I offer it to a girl that I know for a fact wants me to fuck her brains out?
Gabriel Ward
She's going to post a picture of the cinnabuns to her Instagram and laugh at you while saying how she gave them to your mother
Brandon Wright
>Why is it when someone posts or says they eat any type of junk food or fast food, maybe even slipped up and at a lot of it that it is automatically assumed they're fat?
because it can be assumed that a skellingtons diet can handle a bit of regular junk food
Luke Hall
>I'm a skellington here and I eat loads of sweets kek the delusion is real
Anthony Reyes
I don't know I have this one friend who I've known for like 15 years now. He eats absolute fucking garbage every day and in copious amounts and weighs maybe 50kg soaking wet. In our late teens/early twenties we used to hang out almost daily so I got a pretty good look at his diet and it was literally NOTHING but fast food, frozen pizzas, frozen dinners and a package of cookies or a chocolate bar or both for dessert. It was non-stop and he never gained any weight.
The flipside is once the "gym craze" hit here like 5 years ago he tried working out with the rest of us but despite eating all these calories he could not put on a single pound of muscle. He never fully committed to it only going about twice a week or so but still you should get some newbie gains. He looked absolutely auschwitz tier skelly even after lifting and eating.
When I asked he wasn't aware of having any disorder but maybe he does have some condition. It's pretty freakish. He has some pretty serious self esteem issues about his size especially since most of our group of friends are pretty athletic even if not powerlifter tier.
Isaiah Cooper
It's not about being skinny or fat, it's just that if your body can't store what you eat, then you won't ever make it.
People who think "I eat all I want and don't get fat" fall in the following categories.
1) You don't eat nearly as much as you think you do. This is about 80% of people who say they eat all they want and can't get fat.
2) You have the type of body that can't hold on to energy. This is fine while you're young and your body can just make you burn it by having you feel like you can't stay still aka the sugar rush, people that no longer feel this have their insulin too high for the brain to interpret their leptin, which would normally say "go burn some energy, I have too much and I'll be busy processing it so stop eating". This happens by the amount of sugars you consume in your diet. For some people it is less of a problem, but exactly because of that they get fat as they age, and because they are past their prime they can't easily lose it anymore
3) You can't gain weight. This might sound like a blessing for most people, but I knew two people my whole life like that, a guy my age that has every kind of problems you can get from eating an unbalanced diet and too much sugar, has depression and actually had to go on a diet simply to try to fix some of his problems. He still hasn't. The other is a woman, I don't know her very well, she is old and looks like a plank, not tits, absolutely no ass. If you held her by the feet you could confuse her with a broom. She can't get in a relationship and she dreams of being able to gain weight. If you're here, literally can't get past ottermode in your whole life, and even making it there without roids would take years, while you could not keep your muscle even by eating 2 times your caloric requirements.
Gabriel Edwards
I'm on a cut you fucking piece of shit
John Watson
post more
I like to see pictures of tasty food when cutting,
Carson Collins
If you're 1, you're just an idiot and that's most people. If you're 2 then if you don't act while you can you will age 20 years in the next 10 for the fact that you've never had to exercise self-control before. If you're 3 and you're fine with looking like a kid and actually dying at 50, then you're fine. Statistically however you are 1 or 2 98% of the time, and being 3 isn't really a blessing since to achieve what others can with a loose diet and a lax habit for 2 years it'll take you double the effort, the time and the discipline. The worse though is if you're 3 and think that because you're no getting fat or gaining weight, you are staying healthy no matter what you eat, or that any problems you have can be solved by taking some vitamins once in a while. Around 80% of obese people have health related problems because of the food they eat, this isn't actually that much of a problem because someone who is fat understands he most likely will have problems because of what and how much he eats, so he'll discover such problems early and deal with it as long as he cares. What people don't understand is that it doesn't matter how much subcutaneous fat you have, what matters is the visceral fat, and that isn't visible without doing tests. 30% of people who are on the appropriate weight for their age and height have the same risks as fat people, except they don't actually have the obvious symptom, obesity, so they won't bother to check up their health regarding food related diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes type II, fructose-induced cirrpsis and so on, and as such are much more likely to have their conditions reach a point of no return, leading to death or a miserable life.
Dylan Clark
My mother doesn't like cinnamon rolls.
Lucas Fisher
He more then likely doesn't eat as much as you think he does. Like he eats like shit but he just grazes on it and doesn't GORGE on it. That and he's probably the kind of guy who just moves around a lot and fidgets and shit. He's probably burning retarded amounts of calories without even knowing it.
And just wait till he hits mid twenties. He's going to EXPLODE in weight.
Lincoln Gutierrez
If you believe you are type 3, I recommend you get your bloodwork done and do a CT scan of the abdominal area. Not gaining weight means your cells aren't using insulin like they should, insulin is what makes your fat cells grow and multiply (as well as a lot of other shit). Basically, get tested. Having a disease might help you eat like a pig without looking like a pig, but it isn't something to be envious about or wish you had.
It isn't a gift, blessing or talent. You didn't win the genetic lottery, you got the short straw. Oh, and I hope I made it clear, if you're type 3, you are not in the healthy 70% of people that are in their recommended weight, you are absolutely in the 30% because you have never learned self-control or had to work to burn your calories, in fact you had to eat more than most obese people do just to function normally, I'm sorry to inform you if you are the third type, and I hope you're not too late to get yourself tested that being the case.
Adam Rogers
>Like he eats like shit but he just grazes on it and doesn't GORGE on it. But that's exactly what I'm saying. It's not just that what he eats has shit nutritional values, it's that he eats a lot of it. A frozen pizza for breakfast, mcd for lunch, another frozen pizza for dinner with a package of cookies for dessert. Maybe another frozen dinner later if he wants something to snack on. He definitely is not one of those people who eats huge meals but just once a day. >And just wait till he hits mid twenties. He's going to EXPLODE in weight. He's 27 and still looks anorexic.
Elijah Davis
Is he fairly active and hyper or does he spend a lot of time on his ass not doing anything? Because something doesn't add up.
Dylan Powell
He has a job and plays casual sports with the rest of us. Like a few hours of football/futsal a week. I've never heard of him going on a run or anything and I don't think he goes to the gym anymore. >Because something doesn't add up. My guess is his body is incapable of getting the normal amount of nutrients from food so a lot of it just passes through him without being absorbed. That's the best I can come up with because I believe in calories in/calories out and he's not following that rule. I've heard similiar complaints from other skellies that I don't personally know well enough to know their actual diets.
Josiah Roberts
He is most likely type 3 as described in and that's a problem, read and If he is type 3 and doesn't get checked soon, he'll die before he can make it to 35.
Evan Taylor
Yeah that sounds about right. He definitely does have the "I can't gain weight so I can eat anything" attitude. I wasn't exaggerating when I said two frozen pizzas a day and that wasn't like a cheat day saturday, this is the stuff he eats every day because he's figured he can't gain weight so he only buys the stuff he deems the best tasting.