Whats the opinion on scooby? can I rely on his advices?

whats the opinion on scooby? can I rely on his advices?

Good guy, good advice, but don't do skateboard squats unless you have a bad back
You can probably eat tastier foods than he recommends too

Dude has huge nips...

...but his husband has none. I don't even.

>there were people who have seen this pic and didn't know he is full homo

Some say he's not natty but I personally think he is pretty natty

I wish he was my dad

I would literally let him fuck my boy pussy and I'm not even gay

Nah hes not natty why you think hes bald?

Im not gay but I wish a guy would fuck me in the ass. wut?

> implying people don't go bald natty.

Yeah but steroids speed up the process.


Definitely entertaining and good fatherly advice.
His Videos about Natty are really good simply because he puts the finger on it.
Our unrealistic expectations about Bodybuilding.

He promotes a healthy, balanced and varied diet.
If you look at what dietitians recommend you'll see the parallels.
I also think it is better to take a little bit from everything than just stuff yourself with one thing.

His advices on training with elastic bands are nice.
But you should decide yourself how you want to implement his ideas in your routine and dietary plan.

No, listen to Mike Chang fitness guru.

I cannot believe I argued with people that he wasn't gay a few years ago. In hindsight I have never been so stupid.

>he didnt even know who harambe was
0/10 worst youtuber in the history of that shitty fucking website

Scoopy only uses high quality 4chin memes, not reddit ones.


I don't really care if he's natty or not.
Simply because I diet and train for health primaliry, secondary for looks, posture, status, sexual health etc.

If he is not natty I will never make the same gains as he did.

If he is natty I might never make the same gains as he did because:
- I dont have the genetics.
- I'm not as dedicated as he is.

So the outcome is the same.

Forgot one important thing.
He promotes Cardio.
I think if you don't want to look like a baby you should definitely do cardio. Only then you'll grov veins that make you look like a manly man.

Wanan settle this in the ring right here riht now?
Change out of those leather clothe-

Lets GO! *Bangs hands on locker*

Scooby is very likely natty. He cultivated the mass over decades, adding ever so slightly more over time.

With his time spent lifting, and the amazing shape he's in - it's entirely possible


I haven't watched his vids in years but he's the only guy in the online fitness world who I have any respect for

He's just trying to help you out and he's like a thousand years old and I'll never look like that. I am a mirer for sure. Luv ya goobs