Your thoughts on leg day?

Your thoughts on leg day?

Least pleasant day of the month

If you have a whole day dedicated to legs you're probably retarded

I just do sprints kekkerino, my legs aren't defined but they're proportionate and my calves are just naturally hyooge.



Why would you not have a day dedicated to your biggest, most difficult lifts?

>Me in the pic

I don't get it. This guy takes steroids, shouldn't hypertrophy occur on the calves as he walks to do groceries, or anything that involves legs for that matter?

Fuckn this is uncanny.

Squats can legit suck my dick

>calf raises always make me feel like i'm straining to take a dump
>men should train legs because skinny jeans make you look like a faggot
>hardly anyone at my gym does squats
>calves, delts, and forearms are easiest to neglect

>It's a "user posts a picture of a jacked guy wearing shorts to give the illusion that his legs are unnaturally skinny in comparison to his body" episode

t. Guy in pic

Every day is.

was gona say same
its shop obviously

underrated as fuck

Why the fuck do you want legs for if you compete where they wear shorts ? The smaller your legs the more mass you can pack top and wreck your weight class

I do back, legs, chest and shoulders twice a week, everything else gets done on a Saturday, including arms.

I'm 5'9 and stocky build so my legs are pretty big, I think that if you're not creating a whole body, then you aren't really training properly, the military refers to your body as a "combat chassis" it's literally the vehicle for everything you do, it only makes sense to train all of them.

I'd like to point out that after a few weeks of training legs there are no real DOMS, so whenever people bitch about leg day pains on social media or IRL, I know I'm talking to a dyel fagit.

Feel like shit before because squats make want to kms, feel fucking amazing after because I just moved a ton of weight compared to upper body day

Literally nobody cares amk

Everyday is leg day.

>fite me

>Your thoughts on leg day?

There are two types of people... people who complain about how hard leg day is... people who squat 2 or more times per week and have good leg development and strength.

Upper body strength and size comes fairly easy relative to leg development... re-prioritise training around front and back squats, don't complain about training legs, and then never look back...

The most i workout legs is walking dumbells to the bench; all you need imo

Dom pls

you arent lifting until you squat.

I thought it was an epic fitness meme,then I realized I like running fast,jumping higher,having strong kicks and a nice ass so leg day is mandatory.

Legs are naturally pretty big. Calves especially. I still do legs once a week. Other muscles twice a week tho.

>the dinaric alp genetics

For a second I thought this nigga wore a kilt to the gym

>tfw forearms are the muscle group I train the most

>not wearing kilts or jadensmiths to the gym

me too
>tfw no gf

Haven't dont it ib months so i wouldn't know

My lower legs looks similar due to clubfoot surgery. Thighs looks even more massive in comparison. It's a life of pants for me, feelsbadman. It's more turkey legs rather than chicken legs and I didn't even start with SS.

>leg day

I train legs 4 days a week.

I personally believe any lower body day is more important than upper body day

>I'm 5'9 and stocky build

So, a fat manlet?

Lets see what you look like, i want a good laugh.

>this is what dyels actually believe

Me in the right

Man you look fat. Why are you wearing red shorts? And whos is that next to you?

best day.
hardest but also most satisfying.

I always wanted big legs when I was a kid via chicken legs so I enjoy leg day.

Plus I want a big arse for power so that works too.

legs are everyday

Having a whole day dedicated to any body part, really.

>Legs are naturally pretty big. Calves especially.
Keep staying delusional.
>dinaric alp genes're retarded.
