Just a reminder that THIS is the body you WILL get if you keep falling for the 'strength training will make you...

Just a reminder that THIS is the body you WILL get if you keep falling for the 'strength training will make you aesthetic'meme.
Don't believe me ? Respond with to any stregth fan with 'post your physique and they WILL stop responding.

Other urls found in this thread:



ss+gomad or gtfo

so what are you 'supposed' to do then?

and for the record this guy only really looks like he's a pale manlet, which isn't a problem of strength training.

And he could probably change his diet to focus on his abs more.

Balls, SS+GOMAD made me ripped.

I'm not afraid to post my bod! Eff your SS Standards!

Only if you're a turbo manlet.

Srsly, if Candito was 6ft instead of 5'4" or whatever and had long legs and torso he'd look fucking great.

Also, pic related.

Post body OP

you stupid fucking bitch, you only do gomad for 1 month

those thighs are too big, it's scary

This is the real question that "strength routines are a troll" fags never respond to. There's never an answer.

If they got stretched out 6 inches or so they'd look fucking great and he'd be a normal height.

As it is he's just built like a tiny tank and is a good powerlifter because if that.

trolls have no real answers

so it goes

shitpost x f

oh wait already a failure

beginner here and dont want to do legs so i can be otter af

can i get a routine??

good for an athlete though. builds like this are particularly good for sports like rugby, wrestling and powerlifting (of course)

Do allpros beginner without the squats

ok this is silly but how about
>cable rows
>barbell curls
>side lat raises

all 3x8 tuesdays and thursdays....

I'm skinnyfat and my goal body is somewhat like pic related

you can get that by just starving yourself

just do the fucking squats

Just shut the fuck up you retard

nah I wanna be like chad. I never saw chad do a squat EVER

>6 months of GOMAD
By the end you would sweat, cry, and cum pure milk

Implying i don't want that

Do strength training plus aesthetic training. Look up programs like PHUL or PHAT. You will look good and have plenty of functional strength.


Deadlift 545 for 11 at like 170 bodyweight

wtf, just do pushups and eat 1500 calories a day if that's your goal, faggot.

I have a simpler one: kill yourself

Nobody said strength training will make you aesthetic, retard. They said doing for a few months BEFORE doing a split will boost what your split gains. Please tell me you didn't SS for a year before making this salty post.

Do you want to be "like chad" or chad? Because chad doesn't copy someone, or doesn't do something because of what people will think.

he's a powerlifter, you dont have to be a hardcore powerlifter to do strength training, you can do a mix of strength training, bodybuilding and do alright

>being this dyel to don't know that cutting with that body would give you insane aesthetics

enjoy your swimmer body lmao

>do SS they said

muh functional strength tho

Why do you have 2 bellybuttons?

laparoscopic appendectomy. Better than a fucking massive gash across my stomach

meant for

Didn't want to sound mean, just curious bro, no need to get defensive.

I have a lot of stretch marks and i'll have loose skin when I hit my desired weight so even if I get to my ideal body weight and bf it'll still look weird.

how long you been doing SS for?
If you have only being doing it 6 months then that is an amazing result
If you have been doing it for years then YNDTP

lel why do you have an asshole on your stomach

that's just a skinny faggot, you'll look like that if you eat a deficit and do push ups and ab work.

>tfw you fall for the ss meme

>the newfags turned Veeky Forums against scooby and zyzz
>tfw you will live to see them turn Veeky Forums against candytoe too

I never liked scooby to begin with and I joined Veeky Forums right after zyzz died, I think he was an alright dude, shame about the heart genetics

Just do 5/3/1 and put in a few isolation exercises in all your workouts along with PLing accessory stuff

doing ppl right now... will i turn out like this?

Goal body desu senpai

I think you misspelled steroids and drug abuse

What do your workouts look like?

Just the standard Coolicada one with deadlifts.
Push (Chest/Triceps/Shoulders):

Flat Barbell Bench Press: 3x5
Seated (or Standing) Barbell Shoulder/Overhead Press: 3x5
Incline Barbell Bench Press: 3x5
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise: 3x10-12
Rope Pushdowns (circuit machine): 3x10-12
Overhead Dumbbell Extension or similar triceps exercise: 3x10-12
Shrugs(circuit machine or dumbbells): 3x10-12

Pull (Back/Biceps):

Diddlies: 3x5
Lat Pulldowns with (Long Bar or V-bar) (circuit machine): 3x8-10
Seated Rows (circuit machine) - optional if already doing barbell rows: 3x8-10
Face-pulls: 3x-10-12
Barbell Bicep Curls (Alternate between close and normal grip): 4x-10-12
Choice of one other bicep exercise (typically Hammer Curls): 3x10-12

Legs (Quad/Ham/Calves):

Barbell Squats: 4x5-6
Leg Press (optional if already doing above squats): 3x8-10
Leg Extensions (circuit machine): 3x10-12
Hamstring Curls (circuit machine): 3x10-12
Standing Calf Raises (circuit machine): 5x10-12

I usually do either P/P/L [REST] P/P/L or P/P/L/P/P/L[Rest]

Jesus christ
I'm already at the point that i don't know if i'm being baited by fit or not.
I just started SS, i'm a complete begginer skinnyfat. I look like that fella from nightmare before christmas.
Is 6 months of SS enough? Should i move on then? I've read a lot of good stuff about SS out there but everytime i browse here i get confused. I just don't wanna be the walking dinosaur

steroids wont get you that young, look at Rich Mariachi, Cocaine and a heart condition will.

That's the natty training meme not the strength training meme you newfaggot

Trust me user you've been memed with SS. Just do any intermediate routine, some cardio, eat right and you'll look aesthetic and get strong as fuark.

It's a fairly rare person who'll be on SS for six months. Most people aren't going to go four months on it before it stops working.

Why should a beginner use an intermediate routine?

Same here. I've begun to question my routine.

Fucking memers.

SS and SL are both fine the meme is to do either of those without any accessory work, add some exercises like dips/pullups/chinups, one triceps/biceps exercise of your picking and maybe some ab work and you'll be fine.
T. SS veteran

just look at people who actually did SS/SL and see their results

Because intermediate routines are usually set up to give you both strength and hypertrophy. Your lifts will still go up but you'll also look juicy in the process. Check out 5/3/1, Texas Method, PHUL, or PPl. I'd recommend 5/3/1 for you. Minimal accessory work and heavy lifts.

>implying my physique looks that good

Oh, it makes sense,

>5/3/1 as a novice

Enjoy never being strong. Terrible advice

Better advice: Greg Nuckols beginner programs. Basically SS with all the shit retards like op were supposed to add but didn't

So you'll tell people to do an intermediate routine because it gives better hypertrophy, but you'll recommend they do TM despite the fact it has even less volume than SS does?

>check out 5/3/1
Daily reminder the man who made 5/3/1 was already an elite powerlifter when he made that routine for HIMSELF, doing that routine as a beginner will yield slow as fuck results and only a fool would do it as a beginner.

w2c skip leg day routine for beginners?

you will make gains but you are wasting a lot of time in the gym if you are a beginner. If you enjoy being at the gym whatever, but if you are busy then do a proper beginner routine

>adding 5lbs a month as a novice

Please never post advice again

This is the people giving advise on this board, this right here is why people keep doing stupid shit that causes them injuries/health damage

its a beginner routine that is intended to take you through your beginner strength gains as fast as possible. It is accepted by most trainers to be the best way to begin for a long term pursuit in size and strength.
>will you look good starting from dyel in 6 months?
not very
>will you look much better starting from dyel on any other routine in 6 months?

don't fall for the memes. Do a proper beginner program (doesn't particularly matter which one) then when you stop progressing linearly (REALLY REALLY FAST) then you can switch to a hypertrophy (muscle gain) focused routine.

If you continue training strength after beginner stage then you may get sub-optimal hypertrophy gains, but at low body fat, strong people look good 9 times out of 10 and you don't even have to keep going down the strength path

is there a "stronglifts" for Veeky Forums, where it neglects squats and dids to assure we still fit in our skinny jeans?

>Don't believe me ?
It's all in the numbers.
Number one:
That's terror.
Number two:
That's terror.

no but you can just do what 99% of dudebros do and ignore your lower body

omg sounds good, routine? (srs)

this x 1000

Noobs worry way too much about this shit. You should be worrying about your diet and sleep rather than your beginner routine.

Size and strength gains you get when you're starting are called 'noob gains' for a reason - you will get them almost no matter what the fuck you do. Your body very readily puts on size and strength when you begin. SS/SL/any good beginner program will help you make the best of your noob gains and make you as strong as possible in the first 6 months of lifting.


are all equally important. Don't neglect any of them

Appreciate. Ty.


This is the stupidest post I've ever seen on Veeky Forums, congratulations.

Capped for posterity.

The point of a beginner routine is you progress much faster than an intermediate. An intermediate may have more volume sure, but if you're progressing weekly instead of each session you're progressing magnitudes slower than you could be. If you add 7.5kg to your squat over three weeks of an intermediate program it's perfectly possible to have added 22.5kg in the same time on SS. A whole fucking plate! It would take you over two months of a weekly progression program to do the same thing. And when you're adding intensity that quickly, and you can because noob gains are seriously that fast, all the extra volume in the world doesn't make up for that (and it won't be that much extra on most intermediate programs).

You're talking out your ass and if you followed your own shitty advice when you started then congratulations I guess, you played yourself.

>bench press
>drink bleach


>implying this isn't the natty limit

Honestly, that is exactly the body I want. It'll look better on me too, since I'm 6'3".

Chest and triceps
Back and biceps
Chest and shoulders
Back and arms


I'd be fine with that honestly.

I think
Chest shoulders triceps
Back Biceps Forearms
is better so that there is less overlap and shoulders get as much as chest

hmmm maybe chest shoulder triceps during Mondays and shoulders chest triceps during Thursday,

Well what about Stongmen?

Yet that's ok
Wouldn't mind a less clothed version to see better

agreed and checked


>le alpha male

>joined Veeky Forums

haha ebin memes my fellow white aryan man

okay white boy

The issue with 5/3/1 you're crying over is how much weight you are supposed to add monthly. It is perfectly possible to add more weight than prescribed

well my friend you have been trolled exceedingly hard, see I'm not actually a Caucasian anglosaxon man!

Is Candito Natty?

he claims natty but his father is an old time roider veteran so there is that, he's also a world class athlete

Get on gear and do a split with crazy volume and high reps
Alternative,shitpost on Veeky Forums about a style of training not giving you the results you wanted and then cry yourself to sleep x1000

He's too young for that lifts

High volume + high reps = aesthetics.

I fell for the strength meme a few years ago. All it did was make me look terrible and put huge strain on my joints. Drop the ego and get a good body instead.