>less bf%
>less bf%
It's not easy but definately possible. I'm almost there after 3 years starting from skellington. Although I feel like I'll still look small with 15 more pounds desu. Those guys in pic related are probably more like 250 depending on height
I've noticed neck development with deadlifts or maybe try Big Lenny's way of working neck.
who is the specimen?
Qt daddy that posts in cbts.
IIRC, his stats are fucking nice, too.
So recently I've upped my calorie intake by a good amount. I'm 6' right now, how do I go about getting my bulk on? Compound lifts? other than Deads and pullups what are good compound lifts for arms/chest/back
dont forget to work your glutes so that wo(men) find you cute
As a natty you can only gain so much weight in your upper body in a particular time, I'd say if you eat 3000+ you should do full body every workout, maybe different intensities but you'll make little mass gains if you only train upper.
Great upper body compounds are Barbell Rows(all variations), high pulls (or whatever they're called, upright rows, snatches, ohp, Overhead squats, behind the neck ohp, standing tricep extensions(not sure if those are a compound)
Also weighted dips/push-ups are a good chest enhancer
I train legs very often. My upper body isn't small, but I'm tired of being on the verge of "big"
Thank you for the list, I'll start working these in more often. I think I do too much isolation when it comes to upper body