I've had this small black pebble like thing under the skin of my penis for awhile...

I've had this small black pebble like thing under the skin of my penis for awhile. I even went to the doctors and they had said at the time that it wasn't harmful and will be fine but jus today I noticed it looked a bit bigger or swollen and when added pressure it kinda stung. To my knowledge it looked like it was trying to pop out.

What do? Is it really harmless?

rubbing alcohol + box cutter + tweezers + cotton swabs

now is the time to excise the evil

I can't diagnose without pics.

Squeeze it


+ whiskey


seriously dude, we can't fucking know what it is without a picture (pls don't post it). If I had to guess I would say it is some type of blackhead - just squeeze the fucker out.

Lymph node, maybe?

Fine. Here is it

Is it a cyst?

dig it out, put it somewhere safe (glass jar), bring it to the doc for a biopsy

POP THAT SHIT. And post video plz

Looks like a black head, just get some tweezers and get it out. Doctor probably doesn't want to do it for you.


Fucking ugly-dicked motherfucker the fuck is wrong with your shit

You sound like a pussy bitch

only if it's solid, if it's a cyst it'll just be puss

that shit looks painful

ay lmao

Says the nasty-dicked faggot

It's a mineral deposit. You need to wash your dick better.

Dicks are ugly in general

Not even OP

Go and see Doctor Pimple Popper.
She'll make everything better.

Spooky shit

I've had that. It's a cyst type. It passes eventually. Very common to people who had circumcision

Get, tweezers, needle, some rubbing alcohol, and cotton swabs.

You know what to do OP

>another lonely night spent looking at pictures of diseased penises

where did it all go wrong

Does it get worse from here?

gently but firmly squeeze it. Does it feel like it will pop?
If so grab a pin and stab it
If no go find a better doctor.

In the mean time, wash your cock daily, its filthy

nigga that's the eye of your unborn twin

>aesthetics on a strength routine

Also need to put a rag in his mouth.

When you shaved your balls in the past probably got a cut and within it a hair grew. I had this before and literally just picked the ingrown hair out and the little hole healed up over time. Mine was not as large but I had the same thing user.

Its staring right into my soul

