>Roman soldiers had to be at least 5'10" to even be considered for the prestigious job of being a soldier.
>tfw even Romans knew manlets were inferior
>tfw they would never have chosen me
Us manlets just can't catch a break.
>Roman soldiers had to be at least 5'10" to even be considered for the prestigious job of being a soldier.
>tfw even Romans knew manlets were inferior
>tfw they would never have chosen me
Us manlets just can't catch a break.
Other urls found in this thread:
>not allowed to go to war and die
damn so unlucky
The skull of the gladiator found during the refurbishment of the Yorkshire Museum being held by its curator Andrew Morrison. He was very tall for a Roman, standing at 5ft 10in, and of muscular build. The average height for people living at that time was 5ft 3in.
You lying sack of shit, do you genuinely think they filled all those fucking legions with like less than 1% of total roman empires population ?
Got a source for that ya cuck?
I can actually answer this quite well. See the legion's were confined to being filled with roman citizens only. This means that if you were some peasant in a backwater alley of Ravenna then you couldn't technically join the legion. Instead you had auxiliaries where the majority of the foreign troops would be in.
Under 6 foot is manlet
Well until the cohort reforms introduced by Marius, they were citizen body only. After that, non citizens could enlist in the legions in exchange for citizenship and land.
Lamao you cant even be a judge in China if you are under 6 foot
You didn't answer his question at all fuckwit.
>stay at home and fuck lanklets wives
>and of muscular build
How could they tell he was muscular from his skull?
Just assumed because he was a gladiator?
Oh sorry, well for a while yes, they filled up the legions with only citizens of rome. Considering Rome had a population under augustus of around 1 million it's not far fetched to believe possible that they could maintain a height requirement upon joining a legion.
Does your average height figure include women at the time? And is it the average height of Roman citizens only or does that include less successful civilizations at the time?
jaw bro
>Roman soldiers had to be at least 5'10"
This isn't a fact. Making shit up on an icelandic fishing fleet down time chat board is not funny.
romans use military service to increase their social status, slaves could get full roman citizenship ect. so yeah you would be condemned to being a pleb just like irl haha
>The average height for people living at that time was 5ft 3in.
>tfw 6'5 with a large frame
>tfw if I'd been born in Roman times I would have been a giant and raised from birth to fight because of it. Either ripping apart the enemy on the front lines of the Empire or worshipped as a god of personal combat in the colosseum
Why'd I have to live in the 21st century? Why even live such a comparatively mediocre life?
I'm still not following, does the jaw form differently depending on how muscular someone is? How does that account for change in muscle mass throughout life?
learn to google
So let most of the genetically superior men die?
No hanks I want to have children and a happy family.
no you would have been an uncoordinated lanklet liability (LL) and you would have been one of the first to fall in combat you delusional fucking lanky
Being tall doesn't automatically make you an amazing fighter. You'd get wrecked by the men of that time with fender bones and stronger muscles
The caption was probably attached to a picture of the skull but they likely have the rest of his skeleton too.
You can get some information about how muscular somebody was from the size and shape of the bones and insertion points of muscles.
He would probably be one of those guys wearing wolf pelt and holding the eagle banner
there are these things called bows and they shoot these other things called arrows
so in ancient rome you would be average height?
At that time it was not about height, but about heart and your love for the Emperor.
I'm 6'1
If you had been born in Roman times you probably wouldn't have grown to be 6'5" with a large frame.
Our genetics haven't changed much in 4000 years but our access to good quality food, healthcare and public sanitation as well as not having to perform backbreaking work from the age of five are relatively modern changes.
>Le people were short in le olden days meem
>its another episode of "Veeky Forums manages to find another obscure thing to be insecure about"
le no argument manlet
shh kid
>implying tall = lanky/uncoordinated
Whatever you have to tell yourself tiny
I'm aware that being bigger doesn't automatically = better fighter (though it's certainly a strong advantage). That's why I added the part about being raised to fight (the assumption being that I would end up in that situation because of the abnormality of size for the time. The owners of gladiators would have always been looking for potential fighters to make them money.)
Or I could have ended up as a peasant pulling a plow in a field.
Actually the romans loved pitting big guys vs little agile guys and usually prefered the little guy to win.
You would have gotten ripped apart by a coordinated unit back then. Being tall makes you a larger target, and weakens the overall cohesion of the disciplined fighting force that was the Legion
There's also these things called armour and shields that stop arrows
True, I probably wouldn't have been that likely to reach the same size unless I had some incredibly privileged life for the time
or you could stop posting. im seriously cringing dude.
You probably would have been born to a Germanic tribe and killed by a 5'5 Roman lel
Yeah, it'd probably be just their style to put me against sime little guy in full armour with a spear with nothing but my bare hands to fight back. Just to make a show of it
Fair point, considering how they fought I probably wouldn't have been a good fit for the army.
You'd have to be athletic not just tall, I know some guys who are 6'5-6'7 and they're incredibly uncoordinated, clumsy skellies with no athletic ability at all
Roman citizenship was extended into all Italia during the late Republic.
>or you could stop posting
Make me, cunt.
Yeah, but in that situation I probably would have been a beserker, getting fucked up on alcohol and drugs before a battle so I probably wouldn't have cared
>lying this bad
could've tried to be more convincing user
leave the classics to the real folk
actually no, romans and greeks were manlet as fuck compared to the barbarians and germanic people
also your average germanic warrior looked like a fucking gymcel while the average roman warrior looked like a fucking rock climber
omg you are so fuckin austistic please stop posting this is not your fucking blog you fucking weirdo
> Manlet squad
> Not considered soldiers
Bullshit. Most euros are short as fuck m8. They'd struggle to get the numbers needed to do anything.
>yet another delusional lanklet believes his height is an advantage for anything but reaching up high and running fast
Gold medalists in gymnastics and weight lifting are nearly always manlets. When judo had an open weight class a 5'11 manlet conquered every heavyass lanklet the world threw at him. Your average navy SEAL is 5'11, aka manlet kings.
Lanklets are only useful for loaded carries, fleeing and picking fruit.
>Lanklets are only useful for loaded carries, fleeing and picking fruit
u forgot drowning in pussy and compliments
Did Romans lift weights? How did ancient soldiers get big? Apart from fighting of course.
I suppose that's why literally every fighting sport has size and weight classes. To protect the heavyweights from those dangerous lightweights.
they had stones, like, light stones for dyel lanklets and big stones for buffy manlets
those "dangerous heavyweights" can only be got with modern diets consisting of +6000 cals and steroids
you wouldn't be able to do those in ancient times
all ancient lanklets were skellington, this is out of the question
>tall fags realize a bunch of 5'5 Romans went around kicking the shit out of endless numbers of snow giant barbarians in their own homeland, civilized them, then passed the torch of civilization to them
>being heavy=being tall
thats just how the usual tall person is
there are some tall guys with manlet proportions and those are insane, athletic and strength wise but those are rare
Hahaha go join a history course son
>>and of muscular build
>How could they tell he was muscular from his skull?
>Just assumed because he was a gladiator?
He wasn't a chinlet
>20%/30% decrease in muscle mass/overall strength < superior tactics, shields, short swords
user...being huge hasnt really played a huge role in armies for a long time
>dumbass horses
>most troops were average build farmers with long pikes (reach)
Though for the elite troops with the heavy armor, being huge probably mattered a lot.
The Emperor protects!
You can tell the muscularity of someone from their skeleton, assuming the taphonomy isn't totally fucked.
High levels of muscularity leave pathologies in the bone
>armour and shields that stop arrows
Man those Huns will be really fucked if they try to invade Europe with their shitty arrows.
>you wouldn't be able to do those in ancient times
Are you being serious? If you were even slightly wealthy getting enough calories for a serious surplus wouldn't be a problem
Yes, the average malnourished barbarian was stronger than a professional soldier with daily training and access to gymnasiums. Ok.
Google sagittal crest
You probably would've died prior to the age of 5 because of lack of healthcare and nutrition. If by some grace of Jupiter you made it past childhood it's very unlikely you'd reach the height of 6'5, and if you did, you'd only be brought down by tough as shit little Romans who made a career out of slaying taller germanics.
>enlist in the legions
No, they could enlist in the military. They would be confined to the Auxilia. When their 16 years were up, their children would be awarded citizenship.
>and access to gymnasia
Stop. There were never gymnasia in Legionary forts
Not present on homo sapiens. A sagittal crest is a only present on Australopithecine hominins
Europe's average height is 5'10
Which part of my post do you think is wrong?
Elite troops were mostly selected for superior equipment, valor, and morale integrity in the face of very terrifying danger. This was to keep the unit together which made them much more powerful than if they were to break and fight alone. Physical strength is a plus, sure.
Elite troops isn't like in Starwars or whatever where the elite troops have different armor and are doing back flip 360 no-scopes. 300 is another one. That one Persian giant that shreks everybody on the battlefield in real life would be taken down pretty quickly by 3-8 guys with spears and tower shields working as a unit.
>tower shields
What? Tower shields are a specific response to a specific problem, and were never used in Hellenistic/Classical field battles
The minimum was 1.65m you retard.
Idk where you found this user, but this is one of the funniest things ive ever read
>implying the gladiators were anything but captured slaves or poor Romans seeking to pay off crippling debt
Top cuck
You're right. I usually throw any shield bigger than a large shield into the tower shield category.
>they haven't played mount and blade warband or the total war series
lmaoo fucking armchair generals
found the manlet
>I usually throw any shield bigger than a large shield into the tower shield category
What are you talking about?
Nice to see the Etruscans talking shit as usual fucking jelly fuckboys
it's that he is a manlet so every shield is tower shield category
So many butthurt manlets in this thread, holy fucking shit hahahahahaha.
Kek you small manlet ants are too funny
I do think that being bigger must have been a boon in the later, medieval europe. As the nobles were able to afford good food, and good armor. Their presence must have been a tactical kind of thing back then.
Shame about the crossbows, but a knight was looked up (get it manlets) for a reason.
Though the lanklets dont realize that 70% of their troops used to be farmers with pikes, and cloth armor most likely.
because sharp, long thingy > big muscles (for the same reason why we also killed animals who were bigger than us in the past)
but armored knight > near manlet with sharp, long stick.
but then
3 near manlet peasants with long sharp stick > lanklet ( or some deviation of that)
>tfw I would have been a god of war back in the age of manlets
You would have been a manlet too, thanks to the goverment fucking up with mutant pigs you are not a manlet
The romans were never able to crush the germanic tribes. The shorter celts was an easier target.
5'4 consul of Rome reporting in
Fucking bitches fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
>grace of Jupiter
It's true though. Most people had bad nutrition and there was lots of disease, both of which led to less growth than we have today. People in the west in today's world grow much bigger because they have better nutrition and less disease.
You were fighting against birds
Wasn't much of a risk
>wat were we doing again sergeant baggo waggo?
It was more to do with shields being at the same height to work effectively as a unit. Remember the bit in 300 where the hunchback couldn't raise the shield high enough? Same idea.
But yeah, of you could find enough Manlets there would be nothing to stop you constructing a miniature testudo formation to distract the enemy with laughter.
Being so tall compared to the rest of your comrades would be a disadvantage in formation combat. Plus you would be an easy target for arrows and javelins. Imagine you're in formation, the enemy shoots a barrage of arrows at you and your allies. They all put their shields above them and you do too, but because of your height you would either need to crouch down or get shot.
____-_____ That raised portion of the line is you and your shield, you gonna get shot son.