Foods you cant believe are actually good for you

foods you cant believe are actually good for you

Other urls found in this thread:,_Resistance_to_Degradation

These are legumes... Why tf wouldn't they be healthy?

because they taste so good you faggot retard

thats what this thread is about

food thats healthy for you that actually tastes really good, so there i spelled it out for you

post a banana you fucking cucklord

Avocados are great bulk food, I can't eat them alone though, gotta season them at least

Beans are fucking delicious

They're great, cheap and nutritious

Well, red kidney beans are toxic (read: diarrhea) if you don't prepare them properly



think again, hotshot

and water is deadly if you don't drink it properly (read: drowning)
so I guess step 1 is don't be a retarded shitcunt?

literally all "whole" foods are healthy. if it grows on earth and preparing it requires minimal altering its as healthy as food will get.

Not this stupid paleo "beans are bad" shit again. Fuck off.

Cottage cheese

basically any healthy food unless you're a fatasfatass who has been on sugarbinge for 20 years straight

Oh I guess you're right since the biased "Paleomagazine" not backed by any real science says otherwise.


Quark- delicious and the best source of protons I know of

muscle milk is basically lead paint mixed with whey powder. you probably have 4 kinds of cancer by the time you read this


aren't protons made of quarks and not the other way around?

Only one of those points is valid (fodmaps), and that's for a small group of people who require a specific, abnormal type of diet due to a gut issue. A lot of paleo foods would also be excluded from that diet.

>legumes have LECTINS!
>which are destroyed by cooking

>legumes aren't nutritious because meat also has minerals!
>and no fiber, and a bunch of saturated fat and cholesterol, and is classified as a probable human carcinogen

>legumes have CARBS!
>the slowest-digesting carbs out of practically any food that has carbs, having been used to treat diabetics for hundreds of years, and is associated with lower body weights because legumes are so satiating from all the fiber, water, and protein they have

At one point they even claim that fiber isn't vital for health. What you have to keep in mind with Paleo is that everything they say is starting with an assumption and then trying to gather data afterwards to support that assumption, and they have to ignore anything that disproves the assumption because that destroys the whole diet philosophy.

Preach it brother.

A+ post, gonna save it for future deluded paleofag threads


Welp, never drinking water again


> number 9


white rice is terrible for you

brown, black or red rice is based

Sweet potatoes are so good it should be illegal



>literally all "whole" foods are healthy. if it grows on earth and preparing it requires minimal altering its as healthy as food will get.
this is dumb and whole foods are a meme

I ended up dreamer bulking on those on accident. Borderline binged on em. So good. Those purple ones too. Mmm. Then my oven broke because I used it so much.

>white rice is terrible for you
a meme

theres a reason the chinks live longer

t. faggot

I read that the difference between white and brown (the most common) is not that significant. I have always used white rice post workout and worked for me great. But really do look up the nutritional facts between both, it isn't that great of a difference desu senpai. But I see your point on the other 3 types of rice being better for you. I just question that whte rice really IS terrible for you

>dairy products

I agree, many in the paleo community are quacks. I do think paleo has some merits, chiefly, advocacy of consuming less refined carbohydrates and consuming more fats.

wtf i hate water now


>X food is good/bad for you

easiest way ever to spot a retard

>>which are destroyed by cooking,_Resistance_to_Degradation

>and no fiber

>and a bunch of saturated fat and cholesterol

>and is classified as a probable human carcinogen

>because legumes are
*better than eating pure shit

>saturated fats
gee I wonder why


do you also avoid grains and nightshades because they contain lecitins?

how do you get enough carbs following this diet?

im asking becasue i suspect i have leaky gut and following a leaky gut diet and being Veeky Forums just dont go hand in hand so im hesistant about making those sietary changes

>sugar is bad

>these are considered ''sources''

>reddit is a source



Oh wait your shit diet already has

protip: make milkshake out of them

fuck dude what is that, it's making me hungry

>poisoning the well

FUCK is kerrygold actually good for you? i literally just got this olive oil spread instead and i even had a coupon for the kerrygold


yes, two quarks to be precise


White rice os the white bread of the rice world. You shouldn't eat it any more than you should be eatingg wonderbread. You need a 100% whole grain rice.


nigga im not even going to open that link


"many lectins are destroyed by normal cooking (which is why grains and beans are edible)"
"Beans that had been presoaked overnight before cooking lost all lectin activity after 10 minutes at 100'C, but if they were boiled without this pre-soaking some activity remained after 45 minute"
"Many lectin-containing foods evade cooking because they are normally eaten raw, such as the tomato "
"The average American consumes around 200 mg of lectin per year from tomatoes alone"

With no evidence that the lectins still present in cooked legumes or those in even raw paleo foods like tomato are dangerous, it's a dumb point to make.


More low carb idiocy. They get out of conceding certain points by just denying reality altogether. Fiber lowers LDL cholesterol.... well LDL cholesterol is good, says ME. Therefore fiber is bad! I win!

>anthony colpo great cholesterol con

One of the most retarded bloggers in the low carb community. Plenty of videos on him and his arguments.


"The WHO says this, but that's wrong because I FEEL like it's wrong, and I'm not the only one that feels that way!" and then posts a quote from the meat industry who unsurprisingly disagreed that their products should be eaten less frequently.

This, I cant believe some people flush this stuff down or throw it away each day!!