Veeky Forums
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Health #389
Okay im Veeky Forums now how do i get a gf?
What would you rather be
Tfw a girl talks to you at the gym
Whey flavors
You know the drill faggots, get to work and come up with some alpha responses
Is it possible to make gains as a poorfag Veeky Forums? I can basically only afford to buy rice,eggs...
These are my stats for 3x5 after 6 months of working out
What was the worst realization you had about your body brahs?
Is this achievable natty?
NEW CBT: skelly edition
That second cup of the day
Live in UK
Hey Veeky Forums
Would you keep her safe in your big arms, Veeky Forums?
Glute appreciation thread
Mental Health General
Is this really just a cut?
Thought i was always 6ft
Hello Veeky Forums. First of all sorry my bad english
Is manual labour a good way to get gains?
You're in the gym when this guy asks you to show him where the showers are
Ab wheels meme or not
Day 4 of DNP
Why didnt you warn me Veeky Forums?
Post nationalist music ITT that will motivate during lifting/sporting
TFW Hoodie Season
It's getting pretty cold out there Veeky Forums. What are you wearing? Fuck off Veeky Forums
Early morning
Fit sex
I want to get fit. But god, dammit is it expensive to maintain a healthy diet. $7 for a small bag of almonds...
Face Scars
Who /calisthenics/ here?
How many setsxreps for rdl
What can I take to feel intoxicated?
Why is mcdonalds bad
Just eat less bro
Meanwhile in /fat/
I can feel my gains melting away
Anyone sleep in their car? Any stretching routines so you dont fuck your back/posture up too bad?
Is there any hope for my GF and I? I lost 40 lbs (still cutting, but people actually compliment me now)...
/nfg/ - No Fap General
You can only post in this thread if you've done either squats or deadlifts within the past 24 hours
Would you use your muscles to beat up another guy for calling your gf a whore?
Tfw jacked off 5 times today and still horny
/run/ - Running General
Try to brace core when squatting
So Veeky Forums
Doesn't fingering a girl hurt her if you have callused hands?
Tfw you get stoned and take an honest look at yourself shirtless in the mirror
Tfw too intelligent to lift
Fit anime
Push up thread
Lanklet Appreciation thread
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Get under heavy bar
Is this possible? She's about 150-160 lbs
Have you noticed yourself liking "high test" women more since you started working out?
This movement! + Sexual Health Thread
What is the best pre workout??
What fictional profession would you be if you made it?
Underrated goat foods
Christ-cucks at gym
Left: PPL
Tfw smart but work a part time wagecuck job and live with parents and zero (literally zero) social life
Would couch to 5k help me get back into running? Thoughts/ideas pls
Started hitting the gym a month ago
Smoke cigarettes at work
How do I fix my life
/fraud/ sterons general
So my gym just added these in their bathrooms. Isn't this basically encouraging steroid use...
Second date at the gym?
Veeky Forumss thought on Melatonin? Is it addictive, is there ad-verse health effects?
That guy who rests between sets
Is lifting natty a meme? I really don't want to waste my time. Did it improve you as a person at all?
Veeky Forums music thread?
How is that cut going for you Veeky Forums?
Since last one died
How to Not Get a Boner
What are your opinions/experiences with personal trainers?
Is this not the purrfect women prove me wrong
One chance at life
College/Uni Thread
Why do people keep saying Vegan_Gains looks bad?
Veeky Forums tattoos thread?
When it comes to girls do you prefer fit or thick?
Ask a 24 year old on HRT anything
Bumper plates on the inside?
Conor Murphy natty or not?
Say my name
Not smoking too get a deeper voice
Why are you telling me that I shouldn't eat this donut? It's my birthday...
/bar/ general
Veeky Forums BTFO
Why Kinobody is not the king of Veeky Forums? He is natural in good shape and also not totally jerk like Zyzz
Times you fell for Veeky Forums memes
You are in the gym and this qt hollas at you, what do you do?
When did you guys realise that OHP alone isn't enough for juicy delts?
I want to go from a 300lb to a 600lb deadlift in a year
Wake up
Good feels?
How do you like your eggs Veeky Forums ?
Anyone else believe that browsing Veeky Forums and other lifting sites for a long time has given them body image issues?
Fat hate stories
I'm sick and tired of your r9k BS
Nolife WoW expansion launch
Progress thread
Progress Thread
Hi im a noob and i read the sticky but made my own routine, please critique it
Too much red meat gives you cancer
Low T
Fit Telegram Meetup
What would Veeky Forums rather take as a pre-workout
Eat meat
New Current Body Thread /CBT/
Eat fast food
1RM Thread
Who do you lift for, Veeky Forums?
PLG General
Manlets of Veeky Forums, what's your excuse for not committing suicide yet?
/fraud/ general
Veeky Forums Humor Thread
ITT: Subtle lifting shirts
Do you only wear hoodies at the gym?
I just bought these (the 5-50 lbs version). Will they be enough for me to at least see some gains for a few months...
Frogs and Feels
Recovering Fatties
Post yfw you realise 2pl8 is pronounced "two plate" and not "two plate eight" and you've been lied to for all these...
Greatest fighter of all time
Guys, how do I have sex?
I sometimes wonder why I pushed myself so relentlessly in weight lifting. My motive, I think...
Simple but good Veeky Forums feels
Veeky Forums is nothing more than /r9k/ on roids
Routine general
Fat fuck here
On ss for 6 months
Qtddtot questions that don't deserve there own thread
Veeky Forums I'm embarassed. I've been lifting for 2 months and for some reason I was doing poorly today...
The human body is fucking great isn't it?
3rd day on DNP (second cycle)
Why aren't you vegan yet Veeky Forums?
Whats your experience with bulletproof coffee?
If I don't jerk off 1-3 times a day I get constant rock hard erections
Willow is watching you
Started juicing
You come home after an exhausting workout and you found this , what do you do ?
Help. how many sets and reps for these exercises if i want hypertrophy?
That first draw of the day
High test thread
/dickhealth/ general. Talk about our dicks in here as in how to make them stronger...
Never tried excercise before. 90kg/178cm. Thinking about getting into Crossfit
Whats the most efficient and effective way to fix your sleep cycle?
Rate my glutes boys ;*
TFW just downloaded like 15 cuckold porns
Tfw you're so far down the shoe inserts hole you can't even go out in public without them anymore
Running in the rain
Are grippers just a meme? I've been using a set for weeks and still don't see any results in the slightest...
What is the best protien powder?
How can I achieve this mode?
What are some actual weird guys at your gym? No exaggerated meme lies allowed
Best drugs to take to not ruin gains?
Linda Durbesson is my glute goal
Girl pulls down the neckline of her scoop-neck t-shirt to show more cleavage when talking to me. What that mean?
What would you rate yourself on a scale of attractiveness?
Bench press
Tfw the best physique on Veeky Forums
So Veeky Forums if my dick keeps slipping out of her vajooy during sex does it mean my dick is small...
Official survey
Welp im about to go bang a chubby bitch. Breaking a 6 month dry spell and hopefully I get my mojo back
Do I look good enough to put this on my tinder or is that just embarassing?
Alright Veeky Forums lay it on me, how are my genetics? I'm genuinely curious and don't know
Is he natty?
Social gains
Tfw 9pm
Hey Veeky Forums do you guys ever eat pasta?
Guys! you realize once /lgbt/ is gone, Veeky Forums will become officially the gayest board in Veeky Forums
Feels thread
You'll never be like Zyzz brah
That first sip of the day before hitting the gym
Where to meet grils irl
Cute guy keeps hogging the squat rack
Alright faggots, what's the best system? Aerobics or Jazzercise?
Where is muh daily high test thread bros
Daily Reminder
PLG - powerlifting general
Are you people gay?
I only eat Pasta
Taking the perfect Veeky Forums selfie
Daily Reminder Thread
Do you shave or wax your disgusting body hair?
How much does Martin Shkreli lift?
Is it wrong to indulge in a gallon of milk on the weekends as part of your "cheat meals"?
Mode us!
Tfw went from being a 3/10 to being a solid 8/10 just by losing weight
Extremely sore lower back after deadlifts
Tfw ugly
Well, Crossfit Football is closing down and transitioning into some paid program...
Who do you lift for?
Fitness and culture
What can we expect in 2030 Veeky Forums?
No GAINS edition
Azn bros GTFIH!!!
Eat 3500cals a day
How many skills and extracurricular activities can someone realistically pursue while working out...
Is this the biggest lie ever put forth in the world of cardio training?
How's your fridge lookin' Veeky Forums?
His height starts with a 5
Progress/transformation thread
Why arent all of your jeans Athletic fit?
Have any of you Veeky Forumsguys considered joining the military...
Ideal Veeky Forums gf thread
Tfw when your house rats are so fuarkin shredded that traps don't even work because they just use the traps to do push...
Natty inspiration thread?
What do you think of for a motivation kick while lifting?
If I want wide shoulders should I focus more on "upper back muscles" or "lats"
How dd being short affect how people treated you?
Sexiest body part on girls?
Well Veeky Forums, it looks like I'm going to go bang my first fat bitch tonight...
Foam rolls
Veeky Forums is kill
Tfw Arnie finally found a worthy heir
That first sip of the day
Who /bear mode/ here
Anyone have deformities or anything in general that affects your fitness?
Will lifting get me a white girl friend
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Singles - Water
What's the best way to develop nofap discipline?
Your Cunt
The fuck have you done to me Veeky Forums
BACK thread
What's the best fitness tracker?
I fucked up guys, I need to find a new gym
Hi Veeky Forums Guy from last night here who's gf did this to him
Lifting for 3 years
The god's food of all foods
When was the last time you were really happy Veeky Forums?
Hair Growth
ITT: kryptonite
How do i get a body that girls think is cute Veeky Forums?
Has anyone had any experience with Muay Thai?
Remember all the people who said Zyzz's body was achievable natty with 4-5 years of lifting with good diet?
Go to Google or whatever you use to search for images
Please show me your ideal body aesthetic sempais. mine is image related
Veeky Forums meme routines
Who is she?
Hey I bought this yesterday in a Dutch supermarkt, it is quark(?) from Sweden...
How to achieve Gilgamesh aesthetics?
Fitness Tip to Femanons
Plug in headphones
I'm thinking of doing situps and pushups everyday in the morning to wake up
In contest prep
I broke a plate again Veeky Forums
Get over a whore after getting cucked
What's Veeky Forumss idea of a 10/10 female...
How to achieve American Psycho mode?
I'm about to lose my virginity to another virgin
Be me 6'2
Is this achievable natty?
Power Level Thread
Images the give you hope
I recently got clean and decided to get fit...
NoFap: October
How to improve erection quality?
ITT post one picture that best describes your life right now
Welp. That's it guys
Alone on Homecoming
Chin up replacement
Spices and seasonings
He doesn't do cardio before his squats to warm up his legs
Motivation overdrive:
>Tfw too satanic for preacher curls
This is your """HERO"""
Is there anyone out there that managed to turn their lives around from NEETdom/drugs/laziness/fatigue by getting fit?
How do I get friends and social skills?
Plg general
Has it been decided that this is the GOAT core exercise?
Who here still /lonely/ after getting Veeky Forums?
Lift 1/2/3/4 plate
Veeky Forums Halloween costumes
Tfw you will never be as Alpha as Technoviking
He doesn't even have a rice cooker
Will lifting finally get me a girl? I've been lifting for 6 months and still haven't met any girls yet
Alpha Destiny
Anyone here do what this guy does?
/ASG/ - Actual Sports General
Fit I think I might have a problem. My newfound self confidence has, interestingly...
C'mon boys, post 'em
/sqg/ - stupid questions general
Gym closed today because of black lives matter
Is Paleo diet a meme?
I'm obese and need to lose 50 pounds. I reas the sticky. Can I get sone food advice?
How many of you bench press less than 135 pounds?
I just found out that I have had dangerously high blood pressure for 3 years and I reckon I am probably going to die...
Fat Hate/Fat Stories
CBT: Noob Gains Edition
Tfw far too brainy for "gym culture"
Well congratulations, Veeky Forums. You got yourself strong
Weight loss
People keep telling me I have big arms or that I'm a really strong guy
How do you know when to stop...
Rate my gf's ass Veeky Forums
When did you realize that girls only care about face and body aesthetics and don't really about personality...
Guess my bf%
Form check
Is this achievable natty?
Skelly Crew
Almost one year of lifting
Why dont you guys train any type of martial arts yet?
Ok, I recovered. For those of you who forgot, I'm attempting to fuck this milf...
User are you on your way to Hotel Calypso aswell? Meet you by the pool :)
That first meal of the day
What'd you think of this documentary?
Can you guys photoshop muscles on me so I can decide if I should start working out
/tinder/ general
Enter gym
Rate my glutes boys? ;*
Tfw you're cuddling with her and she says she can't sleep
Do you think that humans will ever evolve to withstand bullets and blades?
Really bad sex
Why bother lifting if you're a manlet?
Walk into gym
What are some good, healthy, Veeky Forums breakfasts aside from oats...
What the fuck is wrong with my body, Veeky Forums?
You Laugh, You Lose
Why are women selfish pieces of shit?
This crossfitter broke her humerus trying to set a PR and has a gofundme now...
/chinlet/ general
The grand discussion
Symmetric strength thread. Also, when it says 'black squat' does it mean low bar or high bar?
Tfw stalling on OHP
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Natty transformation thread?
2 hour workouts
Can you tell just from a picture which one of them works out hardest?
Daily reminder that THIS is the body you WILL get if you keep falling for the 'strength training will make you...
I just made these motherfuckers
How do i quit women, Veeky Forums?
Daily reminder
Why aren't you roiding?
Sex advice first time
The Zone
Bulking general
/OWG/ Olympic Weightlifting General
Calflets BTFO
How do i quit porn, guys?
Tfw girls look at me and talk to me now
Time to start cutting
Help! 2.0
Fit girls thread
Can we have a lifting music thread?
Low test(350ng/dl)
Girlfriend starts getting Veeky Forums starts posting fotos like this on her ig. What to do?
How is Dom so fucking strong? He's not even that big, yet he is strong as fuck...
Clinton voters are low test beta males. Make America Great Again
That post workout cig
Gym music thread
Admit it already
I just want a girlfriend
/fraud/ general
Doing turkish get-ups
Shit protein powders
Your first stall
Got drunk last night and now i'm having the biggest headaches possible
Scan membership card at front desk
Torn Calluses
Since lifting I have 40 hairs growing out of the same pore, help what's happening to me?
Guys I suddenly remembered something and I must share it with you
Party hat time!
Mirin thread
The government has just appointed you health czar, and you must now solve the obesity epidemic
Tfw celebrating birthday alone with a protein powdered cake
Come join the Veeky Forums Discord you homos!
Overweight or obese?
I have $300... What buy
Do I have ass potential ?
AFL Grand Final
Day 3 NoCoffee
I guess this is Veeky Forums related, but me and my GF were getting a little hot and heavy...
Progress thread
College/uni thread
"Hey uncle user, what are we gonna do tonight? Your house is boring!"
Is it worth lifting with these horrible genetics?
I lift the maximum that is possible for me, if I add even 0.5kg on both sides of the dumbell i cannot even lift it...
So I had a nice conversation today with some people at work
That first bite of the day
ITT: /momscience/
Hey guys, I know this might not be the most fitting board to post this...
The jump rope meme is gaining alot of strength lately
Veeky Forums BTFOOOOO
TFW I'm this weight at 5'11
Kevin Hart is an overcompensating, squeaky voiced manlet who doesn't realize that all the ladies care about it Height...
Just lift and workout
How to stop the manlet hell
Facial aesthetics thread
Post your go to workout albums
TFW replaced squats with trapbsr deadlifts
Hi Veeky Forums
What did Zyzz see, Veeky Forums?
Do I send the next text tonight or do I wait?
When did you realize Veeky Forums is the ultimate gains goblin and you'd be better off not coming here at all?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
How has this organ ruined your life?
Letting deadlift weight fall?
Have tinder for a while
Gary Johnson
Strongman general
/fraud/ general
Why aren't you roiding yet exactly?
Who here gets completely wasted every weekend and still makes gains?
What is the best natural way to boost test
Mental Health General
Anyone else just thinking about giving up and becoming a fatty?
Tfw at the gym
Prometheus from the Filthy Frank show
Anyone have experiences with Alcoholics anonymous...
Post what you lift to brehs. I need to expand my playlist
Did lifting get you a thicc cosplay qt?
ITT: Impressive physiques
At the gym
Who here /lazycook/?
How /chad/ are you?
Fuck you
How does this board stack up to reddit in actual helpful fitness advice?
Hey Veeky Forums. I'm a 5"4 manlet. My son is 15 now and only 4"10...
Hey, ameribros, ruskiy here from /fiz (our ru /fit)
Low libido
You Cunts!
Where do you get your Veeky Forums clothes?
What does Veeky Forums think of this guy?
Is this why so many minorities get into lifting...
One will protect you, the other three will try and kill you
1. Your lifting years
I just bought a bigass container of cottage cheese because the nutrition facts looked really good. Little did I know...
What does it mean if a girl who's walking past you looks into your eyes but doesn't smile? Mirin?
Do you use protein powders, Veeky Forums?
Post routines/we will all make it edition
Routine general
Is it true that if you are a guy that is 27 or older and single you will have to date fat women, ugly women...
FPH FPS motivation thread
Lifting for women
See girl I banged when I was aesthetic
How'd he get a physique like this when he had to dedicate most of his time/energy to Boxing training?
Stepping over a barbell
Don't be a dick, Veeky Forums
Any pills or techniques to get harder erections?
Did DNP for 5 days (200mg)
He's gonna make it, right bros?
Is it true that one cheat day won't cause any fat storage?
How does Veeky Forums deal with unwanted gay 'mires?
Why did lifting literally kill my gaming "addiction" over-night?
What should I do if I'm doing my barbell glute bridges and I lock eyes with a grill who's using the leg abductor?
Why even bother if you are a manlet?
Tfw quit Weed and Porn for good
When your mum sees your pubes in the toilet
Takes me way too long to piss
What's the point of lifting natty if this is the limit?
Is this achievable natty
Why aren't you Veeky Forums yet?
How the fuck does facebook know my friends?
Roll your Push-ups
Arnold Schwarzenegger will die in your lifetime
Tfw porn addiction
How do i be stoic
Do BCAA's really help prevent muscle atrophy on a cut or are they a meme invented by shills Veeky Forums?
/run/ - Running General
Goal Body Thread
Hey women and traps of Veeky Forums
Guys I've been living in Japan for awhile and it's tough finding ways to get pumped for a workout...
What does Veeky Forums thinks of my grading system?
Are wide lat pull downs a meme?
Not counting the clips
tfw only 5'8
Serious question: do girls only like otter mode or do they also like big guys?
Lifting for women
Adonis Belt
How do I get rid of BACNE
/mental health general/
When did you get over the deadlift meme and realize it's an ego lift?
Why do people take steroids? Is it insecurity?
Things Normies say:
Do Asian women like big muscles?
/tinder/ general
Trying to deny this is the greatest physique achieved by any human being who ever lived
Foods you cant believe are actually good for you
Is it degenerate that I want to fug my sister who is turning 15 soon?
Roiding for this
Roiding for this
Are fit asians the GOAT of fit girls?
I love this piece of equipment...
That first puff of the day
Has anyone here managed to overcome chronic fatigue?
Which one u are, Veeky Forums?
When someone blatantly lies about how much they lift
ITT post your physiques and guess how long others have been lifting
How do I avoid being small in clothes
Can $500 buy the right equipment for a home gym to get a decent looking body?
How do i cop this physique?
Do you shave your hairy ass?
How do I get this body?
So it took Christian Bale 6 months to go from 120 pounds skeletal to this
Getting Veeky Forums didnt help one bit
/fraud/ general
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games