>date shy awkward girl for 2 years >I break things off the first time a year ago >she cries to me and blows up my phone >respond back and take her calls >decide to fix things because I love her >a year later >she breaks things off with me then goes to another guy and leaves me a message it wasn't meant to be but she hopes I'll be happy with someone else >what the fuck! This is all happening so fast. >ignores me and refuses to talk when I want to
They fucking make you feel like you matter in their world until they are done with you. Worse enough, she was my best friend. Rarely had anything to eat for the past week and almost threw up eating a burger. Might as well fucking cut right now and become a temporary vegan.
You are really letting this dumb slut rek you like this lad? All women are animals bro, you got to train them not to be before its too late
William Lee
Newsflash. ALL WOMEN ARE CRAZY! They do lots of shit that doesnt make sense. You cannot take them seriously. Hold your ground no matter what, otherwise they wont find you attractive.
Joshua Hughes
Because she made me feel important and became a big part of my life. And probably the hottest chick I'll ever date. And compatible with my hobbies and humor. And didn't want to ever get fat. And was white.
I don't think I'll ever find a girl who meets or exceeds these qualities.
Levi Bennett
I know how you feel user, it's a personal insult on a level that cuts deep, I think it's one of the most humiliating things one can go through.
Do not try to get her back or to get back at her though, there is nothing you can do other than self improvement and moving forward
Nathan Edwards
Itll be ok. Have a good cry, let that poison out of your system, and get on with your life. There will always be another girl, just work on yourself and good things will come
Levi Torres
>tfw trying to just explode with tears and baw but all I'm able to do is slowly cry silently
I don't plan on it. She didn't make me hate her because she tried to be nice about it. I kind of wish she made me hate her by cheating on me or something so it would be easier to move on.
Aaron Martin
>dating fit longer than a year >not impregnating her if she's "the one" >not marrying her
Your own fuckup fir following western cultural indoctrination you learned from TV
Dominic Wilson
You're not going to like hearing this, but here's the rub: You're also a selfish piece of shit.
But stop worrying so much about it, everybody is. Everyone is out for their own best interest. Hell, that's the whole reason why you broke it off with her in the first place right? If anything, you trained her that that kind of behavior is acceptable. It was only until you DECIDED you loved her that you would fix things AT YOUR OWN CONVENIENCE. Did it never occur to you that she might do the same?
Fuck, retard, you're just as bad as she is. Crying your fucking eyes out cause you got a taste of your own medicine. You two really were meant for each other.
Fucking move on. This little "pain" you feel is barely even minor compared to most problems in life. You're just fucking spoiled brat who's jealous she's already banging some other dude, taking creampies and deepthroating and gagging on his dick and swallowing his load.
Gavin Cox
>thinking impregnating and marrying this cunt wouldve made this situation any better
Jason Miller
>You're just fucking spoiled brat who's jealous she's already banging some other dude, taking creampies and deepthroating and gagging on his dick and swallowing his load. i'm adding: and not even thinking about you for a second
i was in the same situation you were op, cried like a bitch for way too long and just told myself to get up and stop that shitty behaviour, because it isn't getting me anywhere
Evan Bailey
It would have made it harder for her to move on.
Brayden James
If you love something, let it go man. It will come back if its meant to be.
>dated ex for 3 years >dumps me for another guy >worst moment of my life ever >5 years pass >have another gf and this one is much better >ex all of a sudden wants to talk to me because she misses me
But at that point I didn't even want her anymore lol so I guess my beggining quote was pointless for my situation. You aren't going to get her back, not now anyway. She is with another guy and in a honeymoon phase. Getting an ex back takes a year at least, but at that point you probably won't even want to be with them.
Ian Long
HA! It's easy as shit for her to move on AND get paid for it.
Jacob Gonzalez
>harder to move on
What is alimony, what is divorce court, what is child support? Fuck you're dumb, son
Nolan Mitchell
>trusting women >ever This is why you fuck and dump them. If you develop feelings to women then you dun fucked
Andrew Price
>If you love something, let it go man. It will come back if its meant to be. this sentence has never been true in the history of dating user just something you tell yourself so you can sleep at night
Lucas Perry
How am I supposed to start a family and raise kids then?
Hudson Hill
Well yeah but no Because western world has fixed this
The entire society will make sure to make your life a living hell and praise women as soon as she lost interest in you
Christopher Fisher
why would you want to be a worthless disease ridden degenerate off yourself subhuman
Hunter Powell
>almost 2017 >marriage Kek
Lincoln Thompson
It was for me, but I didn't want my ex back when she did come back.
Aiden Robinson
Women are a meme you can fuck.
Seriously, once we have androids, lots of women are going to be foreveralone basement NEETS.
Literally my only need to interact with women if for sex. If I had an android that looked like a hot 22 year old that would fuck me whenever I wanted and clean my house, I would never have any need or desire to talk to a real woman.
Nolan Cruz
Get it out of your system. Cry if you must. Maybe a deep talk with a close bro if you have one. Best advice when you get past that is rail some fuckin coke have fun and hook up with some slut
Alexander Davis
t. sixteen-year-old
Kayden Gomez
Fuck op I don't know here's my story
>meet qt 4 months ago things going well >go on dates spend multiple nights at her house >even spent a whole week there >do couple things >we open up to eachother Hey I might get that qt gf to >get on the topic of us one night after seeing her ex messaged her Yeah I know I should have left right then >she says she doesn't feel a spark >then proceeded to say >I love the way you treat me and how safe I feel in your arms > love when we cuddle and kiss >says she didn't feel a spark >her and I talk the next day and agree we are just going to be FWB like before >still cuddle and have sex >spend multiple times a week there still >things are better than before we are way more playfull Here's where i think something >last week as been weird >she doesn't go to bed till I have to leave in the morning for work >two nights ago she got into bed and I went to cuddler her and she said she didn't want to
Finally ask her what's up and shit >she says she's second guessing the benefits parts of our friendship >text her saying you've never had a problem before and you loved it then say >text her saying "let me guess your ex is trying to get back in your life"
>pic related what she said
Shit seriously sucks.. A part of me wants to stick around cause I know shits going to fuck up.. The only reason her ex texted her was cause he broke up with his Gf. But then again I really like this girl and I know it will be hard on me.. It even harder to think that she's going to try to make it work with him even after she told me how he was to her
>tfw fucked another girl last night and didn't even enjoy it i could only think about her
Colton Fisher
>lots of women are going to be foreveralone basement NEETS.
Nah. Are you THAT stupid to think that Chad would fuck a FUCKING ROBOT and pinch his dick OFF while hot women are around DESPERATE for cock? FUCKING LMAO. Those robots would have a good purpose, I'd say. Incels like YOU get to experience what a pussy MIGHT feel like, and you're left satisfied even though you'll feel the REAL thing.
I say good thing, because your genes will die off and NO ONE would even care. Not even you. LMAO
Ryder Cruz
Is her knew BF not white?
Did you get cucked lad?
Henry Nguyen
Yeah, the only time something like that us true is in the case of an extended absence, like your SO going to the International Space station, being deployed overseas, or going to some remote science facility in antarctica. But in the case of your gf dumping you AND hopping on another dick immediately after? Yeah no way dude, and OP probably doesn't really want her back anyways once he realizes how much she hurt him. If that shit was meant to be then she wouldn't have left him.
Aiden Fisher
>be in first relationship age 20-23 >start off as cool guy and she's head over heels for me >over time get soft and cucked >dumps me
>learn from my mistakes >get into another relationship >2 years in, kept my cool, always a little bit distant >she can't get enough of me
You gotta learn from your mistakes boys its the only way to get better.
Hudson Price
Pretty much this. Bonus points if the android has a human personality and is programmed to love you, so that you wouldn't even miss women. It's be so much easier and comfortable that way, because desu at this point I am kind of over women.
But you're fucking tripping if you think women wouldn't have Chad Thundercock 3000 androids as well to satisfy their needs and make them not give a fuck about men. The robot would do whatever they want and wouldn't care when they're useless sluts or treated them like shit.
Alexander Bennett
Listen to some Tom Leykis if you have to, stop being so weak. You were an idiot and set yourself up for this to happen, make sure you don't do it again and move on.
Wyatt Roberts
Are you even 18?
Carter Sanders
>Veeky Forums - robot9001
Liam Hill
Did I fuck up?
Ian Anderson
You're amazing
Alexander Murphy
Jose Wood
fucking utter dick head
>nigger >/pol/
*shakes from anger*
Evan Gutierrez
jesus christ, the joke was stale but this is taking it to the next level
Elijah Ward
You limp dick asswipe. When you dump someone, you don't take them back, you gutless faggot. How could you let this happen?
Jackson Foster
doubt it, monkeys cant read
James Young
can feel you bro. try to keep your head up and stay motivated
Because I really still did love her. Never stopped loving her.
Logan Hernandez
This. Dating a girl I loved for about a year before getting cucked. Literally the worst feeling couple of weeks. I moved on then several months later the bitch starts texting me again telling me she still has feelings and sees me in dreams. I try to contain her usually, I'm trying to go for an easy fuck right now.
Brayden Harris
yes lad
Wyatt Cook
Well she stopped loving you and rushed to gag on another guy's cock and swallow his cum as quickly as she could. That should be motivation enough to want her to never be a part of your life again. Just be thankful she pulled this shit before you knocked her up or she fooled you into marrying her.