No GAINS edition

Hey Veeky Forums, so i fucked up and i got Elbow Tendonitis. (golfer elbow). How does one even recover from this.

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stop golfing

I dont golf, thats how the injury is called. Its in the inner part of the elbow.


It will probably take a few months to heal OP, time to hit t rex mode

Yes you do man, don't lie to us.
Stop fucking golfing.

Massive amounts of chin-ups

can confirm that this way of fixing injuries works, I get running injuries a whole lot, and the best way to fix them is go even harder and not use any pain meds of anti inflammatories. doctor used to say it was stupid but then relised how well it was working and said to keep doing it

I got my elbow tendinitis from chin-ups. Doing them on rings doesn't cause the problem. I'm not even going to bother watching a rippetoe video.

not sure if serious or not

>stop using computer
>stop jerking off (not joking)
>do NOT do any arm extension exercises, but pull ups are worse, closely followed by chins

Let it heal basically. I get it when training weighted chins, mainly.

No joke, I used to get knee and hip and the occasional shoulder injury from off trail running a lot (more often than not from falls) so my idea was if I go harder next time the injury will be put under strain so the body's natural response will be to get it fixed faster since its being used lots. this seemed to work and because after every injury (what wasn't horrifically bad) the body seems to heal it a little bit stronger I dont get injuries at all any more I later went on to ask the doctor about this and they said while it was kinda stupid thinking it works for me so its safe to continue. The reasoning behind never using anti inflammatories and pain killers has 2 reasons 1. when it comes to it it means I wont have any tolerance and they will work better (this was proven true when i took 1g of paracetamol and ended up sweating a fuck ton, having hyper sensitive hearing then eventually passing out) 2. it builds pain tolerance over time

1. When you work through inflammation you damage it more.
2. Motion does help increase blood flow and/or synovial fluid (depending whether joint/muscle), but controlled motion.

"Going harder" generally leads to injury.

another user here
i think i gave myself a boxers fracture last night. taped sticks to my 4th and 5th finger to keep em straight and then taped em together. what now?

only pain is between the two knuckles when i put pressure on it

got a doctor's appt in 3 days for unrelated reasons. is it gonna heal wrong before that?

So I have something similar but it's below the elbow. It doesn't really hurt unless I try isolating biceps with palm up grip. And I got it curling because my foggy friends were asking why I never curl and handed me an 100lb straight bar. Now if I try curling any weight over 30lb dumbbell with my palm facing up this pain flares up hard.

Any ideas?

I had this not too long ago. had to stop golfing for 3 month. sucked desu handicap went back up to like 9
dont stop golfing

I had the same shit, hadn't paid attention to it and carried on. It went away after a week.

You can get golfer's elbow a bunch of different ways, not just golfing. There's similar pain to baseball elbow, but that's slightly different as well.

Do you have any numbness in your fingertips?

Source: I ripped ALL of the tendons in the elbow

Your muscles might be pressing on your ulnuar nerves

How might I remedy that? And the pain also flares up if my press my forearm against a table at an angle so you're probably right

You really can't do much, the same bundle of nerves is the "Funny bone" section of your arm. For some reason, it's on the outside unprotected edge of your elbow. Possibly get it looked at. I'm no doctor, I just experienced the same thing during recovery.

When I ripped all of my tendons, the doctor threw it on the inside of the arm.

Firstly, just use it as little as possible for several weeks. Don't try to stretch it or work out any discomfort. Put some Icy Hot (or your relaxant of choice) on it if you must, this should help keep the muscles around the nerve and tendons relaxed and not tense up from the pain. You could take pain killers if you must, but unless the pain is literally unbearable I generally recommend avoiding them.

Secondly, you mean to say, "- that is what the injury is called." The word how is used for verbs/actions, while what is used when requesting/referring to information.
i.e. When you ask, "how is it called," the correct answer is, "with your voice."
The more you know.

But this pain wasn't there before. Surely curling couldn't have moved them?