/plg/ - powerlifting general
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Any advice on getting stronger off the ground when pulling sumo?
practice pulling from a deficit
What would I have to do to deadlift with minimal stress on my knees?
Currently I am don't sumo - I think getting my hip as high as I can would minimize the knee-stress right?
Because less bending in the knee = less pressure.
Stiff leg it
You guys got any tips to mentally prepare for a big lift?
sometimes you make the weight just because you're heads in the right place you know?
Visualize it.
Well, you basically agree with just trying to get as little knee bend as I can yeah?
What about stance width in sumo? I feel like a narrower strance might help reduce stress, as you don't ever get the possibility of caving knees.
But idk.
Before going for a PR, I almost always take a weight that I know I'll smash and record it, then watch that video and tell myself how easy that was about 10 times.
That or just try to deafen myself with Pantera
Kek, if I did this I would approach the weight knowing it's supposed to be easy, lift it, then feel like it felt way too slow and heavy and then he demoralized for the PR attempt.
Squats looking slightly less trash, lads.
Anyone know what Owen Hubbard turtled?
Did Isley lift yet?
What were his totals?
Have a rare pepe in exchange
Same shoes lad
Is your lumbar as rounded as it looks, or is that an illusion?
holy fuck you're twink alex level bad form
day 10 stage 3 lads
kek same, i can lift like 30kg under max and still feel it was too slow
although thats probably where the video comes in, it usually looks better and you can convince yourself you got more in you
Illusory. Cause my shirt is long enough to cover my ass. I wear my belt quite low on squats.
lol no, they look ugly, but this is how lanky femurs have to squat.
Proud of you lad. Keep it up, but remember that the occasional failure is not the same thing as a complete regression. If you nail a 4plate squat for 3 one week, and the next week you can't seem to even get it for 1, that doesn't mean you're back down to a 135 squat.
Stay strong.
you're delusional if you think your form is anywhere near alright, fuck blaming bad form on lanky femurs lmao
> tfw first time working with 300lbs on squats
> tfw in about two months my squat will surpass my deadlift
pls then, tell us all about how forward lean is bad
I'm not a magician but I think I've found your problem
>>tfw imbalances because you're squatting more than deadlifting
how do you keep going after that first rep?
didnt that feel like a rpe 10
i couldnt have got myself to try for another rep here if i wanted
That's actually p cool to see, but I'm wondering who accurate it can be given my pretty dramatic turnout and the fact that this isn't a straight on side view.
Something to think about for sure.
Can you believe it, my knee are so shitty genetically, even deadlifting makes them ache after a while.
So how does one program bench-only?
I literally have a mid set cue of
>Try harder
Also, subtle bully, I like.
Anyone tried Blevins' free programs? My bench a shit so I wanna try the bench portion from his early intermediate routine.
Yeah just watched the footage. Breakdown happens on the descent, oddly enough. Wonder what's going on here. Something to work on.
>muh memurs
none of these have anywhere near the amount of forward lean you have and all have above average femurs
mine are 29.6% yet I don't have a problem with good morning squats
try to emulate CWS, his femurs are relatively long (doesn't seem that way only cuz he's fat) instagram.com
>ry to emulate CWS, his femurs are relatively long (doesn't seem that way only cuz he's fat)
Hmm. I feel like that "equal pressure" thing could be useful.
So I'm pitching forward on the descent lads. What can we glean from this? Will do more research tonight when I return from work.
wish i could get that cue to click
im also scared to fail a squat rep so i think that affects my rpe scale for them
i will probably start making gains after i fail one
also no bully intended friend, you outlift me
1) your back is incredibly weak and can't maintain the slightly bent over position
2) your quads are incredibly weak and your hips shoot back/up while torso leans over to shift more of the work that has to be done to your back and away from your quads (knees open up more = less work still to be done by quads)
If you can deadlift as much as you squat I'm betting it's (2)
In this case I suggest front squats or even better this exercise instagram.com
best way to strengthen legs without ingraining bad movement patterns, it's like a leg press with excellent carryover to the squat because you're doing the same movement
I think we have the same cheapo belt. What does it say on the back of it?
Just drop deadlifts for other back exercises and do squats. You can't ignore your knees even if they hurt from exercise
Tbh its an
strengthshop lever belt
there arent really as cheap as i think they should be seeing as its not even leather, got it quite a while ago not sure if they have changed that, doubt it tho
been looking for a new belt
But lad, the forward pitch is happening on the descent
I actually think it may be from fear of sitting back. Joe may have been right after all. I'm going to fuck about this next training cycle with even more turnout, adding box squats to my training and adopting a slight variation on my squat form.
stuck at 405 for another fucking month, but I'm going to fix this shit before I move on.
I just use Instagram for girls and lifts and juicy quads.
Who should I follow besides John haack? Also why is he so exceptional? How do he and candito compare? What are the chances of getting his lifts at the same low body weights? Enhanced
>Now to the 74s...
ffs another one
Lad, I dropped squats as first measurement months ago.
I went up to 4pl8, experienced weird knee pain and aching, analyzed the shit out of my knee travel and from, couldn't find shit nor could anyone else and ultimately stopped doing it.
Seems like my entire family has some kind of shitty knee condition that makes them prone.
I thought or more I hope I could at least deadlift, seeing that knees are far less bent and thus pressure is lower, but it doesn't seem like it.
I will try around with higher hips and closer stance for some more weeks, but hopes are low.
you still on 5/3/1?
Have you tried some sort of resistance training?
>2) your quads are incredibly weak
99% of PLG has this problem because they're terrified of highbar/front squats, and every time I bring this up I get "LOL YOU THINK I COULD SQUAT THIS MUCH IF I HAD WEAK QUADS???"
yet I've yet to see a PLG who says that who can front squat even as much as they bench
Kek you're funny
Makes sense since he'll never be better than a bronze medalist when Gibbs and Haack are competing, but I doubt that he'll be able to keep his total intact enough to challenge Atwood and Hrynkevich-Sudnik in -74.
Isn't lifting with weights resistance training?
Well, I don't quite know what it is - care to elaborate?
I don't really keep track of the semantics but I'm thinking chains and elastics
Oh, hmmm. So you mean the weight gets harder at the top, where my knees are less bent aka in a better position?
I mean, I guess it would work, but what would I really train with that? Deadlift and squat lockouts?
I am afraid that I am just physically unable to powerlift.
I am not sure what the hell I will do else then, though. Probably just cardio and BBB shit, neglecting legs. I don't fucking know, it's bullshit.
Best cue by a mile (webm related would be impossible without it)
You wouldn't have stalled had you tried harder
>yet I've yet to see a PLG who says that who can front squat even as much as they bench
What are you on about? No one in /plg/ is even good at bench
Honestly, I don't believe, unless you have cancer or progeria or some shit, that your knees are that bad. You could literally get prosthetic knee replacements if you really cared about lifting. Which you should.
I know. And that statement is still true.
can someone here make a webm of the clip at 1:39 pls
I front squat 1.3x my bench
What do I win?
shit bench and front squat
>He forgot SSB
>yet I've yet to see a PLG who says that who can front squat even as much as they bench
kek that fat chick
bodorio front squats more than he benches and hes got a 190kg bench
Not real
Are you not supposed to front squat more than you bench? I front squat 3pl8 and bench 120
My regular squat to bench ratio is pretty normal
You have muscular imbalances/you're not staying tight in your upper body/ your glutes are way too weak relative to your hip flexor complex.
Touche, senpai
>Will never front squat more than I bench because I barely even squat more than I bench
The condition is apparently called retropatella athrosis - or that's more the result, i believe.
Family (docs) told me that we all have a ahitty knee joint, apparently something with the gliding system bla bla, and that causes unnatural high pressure on the patellae.
I mean, i can feel how my knees start hurting.
What the hell am I supposed to do?
I think sabretooth (trip here) has the same thing, ask him for help
iron lyfe + bench only + food + roids
a little something to get you going
I made a routine for no reason. It is for beginners and linear progression
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Calves 3x8-12
Tri extention 3x8-12
Deadlift 3x5
Rows 3x5
Press 3x5
Chins 3x8-12
Curls 3x8-12
You do it ABxBAx so that deadlifts aren't always done the day after you squat
this program is very smart and I am very smart
His knees also started hurting randomly? Interesting.
Well, I don't believe there is anything one can do about, but you are right - I should ask him and see.
Thanks for the info lad.
Fucking saber where are you? Help me
I had a dream last night the was a big hole in my head and the doctors didn't know what caused it
what did it mean plg????
I had a dream that my ex girlfriend was making out with a mutual friend to make me jealous so I cut his throat and strangled her?
Any tips on breathing / staying tight for deads? I can breathe into my stomach just fine from a standing position, but as soon as I get in position and ready to deadlift I cant (because i'm squatting / being haunched over)
If I fill my stomach with air, hold it, get into position and pull I fear i'll pass out if I do a RPE10 lift
What do?
Pr'd on bench today lads. and I did it for this guys dying cat
Do a lot of planks
I'll be doing it soon. Looks pretty good.
Just plank every day srs
Side planks too
Ye, still around, still going shit, heh.
Fucking knees
I'd switch it to BAxABxx
For what? Can normal people fill their stomachs with air when squatting / being haunched over? Will doing planks let me do this too?
Yeah, sorry to hear.
I forgot, have you talked with Caladan?
Is good morning squat just caused by weak quads?
What should I do for this?
I am asking
specifically because I'm running spotoshot and therefore the 2 days of 5x5 LPed (if you dont mind laddo).
Can post video of squat, but my assessment is as I have tried to avoid hyperextension, I have gotten a much more horizontal torso angle.
>at bar last night with coworkers
>see hyperqt class mate and group member there just by chance
>introduces me to her 9.5/10 roommate
>some dude taps my shoulder right after I meet the 9.5 (not exaggerating)
>"hey dude sorry to interrupt do you work out at [uni gym]? Oh shit yeah that's you for sure"
>he then turns to the girls and says, "this dude lifts like 600lbs, heaviest I've ever seen in person"
>classmate said "HAHA sounds like ""boa""!"
>9.5 now looking at me pretty intently, I had to look out of the corner of my eye because I wanted her to take me in
>tfw gf surprised me by showing up 10 minutes later and meets the classmate/ group member I've told her about
Good mires last night
Planks will teach you how you're supposed to feel when bracing.
No, I never see him - neither here nor over in owg.
Probably he posts at times I sleep :/
Well, but actually, when I first began having this knee issue I talked to him, as someone else suggested him too.
However, he too didn't quite know what to do and was in the same phase as me, trying to figure out what to do.
Is he beyond that now? Is he squatting fine?
Wow that sounds like a fun night
I got drink intentionally poured all over me for no reason which caused me to react by ripping the girl's purse from her and throwing it down the drain and then go home to shower
Last night sucked
But I can brace just fine from a standing position. I just faint really easilly and I can't brace myself from standing, get into position, do my 1rm and not faint / almost faint
Squats and bench is fine
Do planks. Trust bruh
no you didnt
you didnt say a thing
went home and asked what you should have done
Now that you know more of what's wrong, he might have some tips. He was around not too long ago, can't remember the time of day.
I think his knees got fixed pretty good, but fucked his SI joint afterwards.
ok I won't though lmaooooo
Damn, sounds like he is not having a easy time either.
Well, so far I will stick to deadlifting and push through it a little. I am interested to see what my knees have to say about it.
I guess I'll do a quick website crawler to snipe caladan, too.
How is your stuff going?
Sabre announced yesterday that he's actually quitting powerlifting because of this constantly getting injured
Day 1
>low bar 3x5
>bench 2x8+AMRAP
>lat pull-down 4x8
Day 2
>high bar 3x6
>bench 2x6+AMRAP
>deadlift 4x3
Day 3
>front squat 3x7
>bench 2x4+AMRAP
>lat pull-down 4x8
My chest (not my triceps) is holding me back on bench, so what accessory should I do to fix this?
Nah fAm that's hilarious
And now you have a story