I just want a girlfriend
I just want a girlfriend
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I'm sure posting on a Laotian photobucket helps
Wanting and having are not the same thing I guarantee you. You're better off fucking your own hand whenever you feel lonely and moving on after.
It's not worth the potential split after years. Was happier when I thought I was lonely and unloved
>have gf
>she is a horrible person
Get fuckin hobby
Here's a pro-tip for you OP:
Women don't like whiny, needy, crybaby men, they like REAL men, who don't complain or whine or otherwise act like pussies. That's why you can't get one: they can tell what a pussy you are and want nothing to do with someone who is just trouble and bother and needs a mommy. So you can either grow the fuck up and grow a backbone, or you can kys. Personally I'm hoping for the latter.
Women aren't worthy op, you're better off without.
I have a girlfriend, but I have wait until marriage to have sex with her.
This is at least a step above where I was, just shitposting in my room every night
It's good that there still are some decent girls like that.
Stop spending your time doing activities that women aren't interested in then.
I think it's fun that "want" originally meant "to lack/not have" and now it means "to desire"
I've had sex in the past, and I still think about it all the time, but she's simply too interesting and attractive to pass up on.
I'm sticking around because I truly think I have a shot at wifeing her and building a family with her.
i just want to kill people. everyone is fucking disgusting and worthless in the white nation
>but I have wait until marriage to have sex with her.
>implying this is a bad thing
Sex may be an important part of a relationship but I think a successful, life-long marriage is more likely to happen if you've learned to love her for things other than her vagina and ability to suck your dick. Another user put it well when he said "you want a girl who you still want to be around, even when your dick is flaccid"
Best of luck to ya m8.
As in you want to kill white people? Or the coloreds?
>Sex may be an important part of a relationship but I think a successful, life-long marriage is more likely to happen if you've learned to love her for things other than her vagina and ability to suck your dick. Another user put it well when he said "you want a girl who you still want to be around, even when your dick is flaccid"
Her reasoning was the same as yours when she broke the news to me. I definitely find merit in that, and am realizing it more and more every time we hang out.
And thanks man, may success and love find you as well.
Good luck friendo
That feel has me in its cold clutches again.
I just want to able to get some casual sex, maybe a casual relationship. That's all.
But I'm too fucking deep in my own insecurities. My stomach turns of even thinking of talking to a woman. I'm completely fucked. It's not even her reaction that is the worst, it's other people watching. I've breen trying to get over this shit for years... I just can't....
>Laotian photobucket
This variation murdered my sides.
>tfw no a v e r a g e north korean gf
>i have a picture with a character thumbs up which means im confident in what i say
at least its not someone smoking with tired face to show your boredom on the subject
>being this fucking cucked
jesus christ, what on gods earth is wrong with you betas. how do you let your biological mentality as a man regress to this point?
>implying physical intimacy and sexual chemistry aren't absolutely critical to a relationship
I seriously cannot believe men like you exist. congrats on finding a gf you like, but you really need to take a step back and examine whether you would honestly marry a girl you've never been inside. bad sex lives destroy marriages
I didn't want to believe the memes but this board really is becoming /r9k/ 2.0
>bad sex lives destroy marriages
Precisely. Study this graph.
I noticed I have an another one, too.
>using dat dere confirmation bias to justify your shitty decision making
correlation =/= causation you fucking retard
So people who have had more sex before marriage just happen to have less happy sex lives and less stable marriages? It's just a coincidence that has nothing what so ever to do with the fact, that the people are at least on a subconscious level comparing their previous sexual partners with their spouse?
>tfw I dont know if I feel down because I haven't gotten any sloots recently or because I have other issues.
rather that than marry a girl having absolutely no idea whether it's going to work out in the bedroom. fucking virgins was bad enough when we were in high school. I'm pretty glad those days are over
Go back to FitMisc faggot
This is exactly what I mean. If you weren't such a manwhore, you wouldn't be constantly comparing girls to the previous ones you fucked. "This girl has a tight pussy, but the one before had bigger tits. On the other hand, the one before them gave better blowjobs." You have deprived yourself of the ability to ever truly enjoy sex.
When a man and a woman, who both are celibate, start dating, their relationship is not built on just sex. They have a change to bond on a deeper, mental level. If they decide to get married, they will both the be first sexual partner the other has ever had. Sure, they might not at first know some tricks someone with a hundred partners might know, but like I explained above, they will enjoy their sex more despite this. Sex will bind them together even more than they already were, and with some time they will learn what they want their sex life to be like; they've had time to learn exactly what the other one likes.
This is bit like the same thing as having a hundred acquaintances none of whom you truly know or trust, versus having a friend you'd die for, and who would do the same for you. In my mind the latter is better.
>decent girl
>sex until marriage
you mean low iq reactionary subhuman?
no, conservative idiots that marry virgins also happen to be bible thumpers that won't divorce because "it makes baby jesus unhappy"
Hi, user. I'm a girl. Do you wanna be my boyfriend?
>I have a girlfriend, but I have wait until marriage to have sex with her
>look at how much of a groupthinking sheep with no perception of the results certain things have on society I am
this is exactly the type of argument someone who's never had good sex before would use. like it or not, sex is an integral part of what it means to be human. it IS how we bond on a deeper level. saying shit like this and pretending like you're some special snowflake who doesn't need it is only kidding yourself.
you can have your mental gymnastics, i'll take biology
Just got a girlfriend after about a year of being single. Best relationship I've ever had, sex all the time, worships me because Veeky Forums, thick ass DD tits. Can't get pregnant for two years because of some BC thing in her vajayjay.
>tfw when life is good
It will happen to you OP. Met my girl on POF.
What's getting a gf like?
Does the loneliness go away?
It's been too long I don't remember
Every non-religious 18+ attractive girls I've taken the virginity of have been absolutely insane. I am too much of a shithead to pretend to be Christian. Take that as you will.
iktf user
>this is exactly the type of argument someone who's never had good sex before would use
Argumentum ad hominem.
>sex is an integral part of what it means to be human
I've said nothing against this.
>it IS how we bond on a deeper level
So you fuck your male friends too, if sex is the way to build a meaningful and deep relationship? However, you're right in the sense that having sex is the most intimate you can be with someone, and that is why you should keep such things only between you and the person you've vowed to spend the rest of your life with.
>you're some special snowflake who doesn't need it is only kidding yourself
Nice strawman. I've said absolutely nothing about myself in this conversation. Neither have I claimed that people wouldn't need sex or that there would be something wrong with wanting to have it. On the contrary: human life on earth would end, if people stopped having sex. Sex is good and nice.
All I've said, is that having sex before marriage leads to unhappy marriages and more divorces. I've presented research data that backs this claim. That is far from "mental gymnastics". You, on the other hand, have backed your claims with just strawmans and ad hominems. Using simply the word 'biology' as an argument is not very convincing.
Regardless if correlation=causation or not, there is still a relationship between the factors that yield a similar result.
Essentially, the marriage will still fail, but there is no proof it was because of your sex life. But will you really care about the proof when your marriage fails?
Getting a GF will not guarantee that you won't feel lonely. Being alone and feeling lonely is not the same thing
>tfw the older you get the harder it is to find a non sloot gf
>tfw talking to a qt girl last week
>she asks me if I want to go running with her
>I say no because I wasn't that into her
>day later have a dream about going to india with her
>start fancying her a lot
>we no longer talk though
This all started when I turned 19. I had a bit of crisis. I was 19 and a kissless virgin. And I didn't want to be. It makes me feel like I'm a loser. So I figured If I wanted to change I had to start talking to girls. But they're weren't any girls at my job, and it was the summer so I was out of school.
Tinder ruined me. I only ever got matched with fat chicks and crazy bitches. I couldn't figure out why until I turned the focus back to myself.
I was overweight, a smoker, with no real hobbies or interesting pastimes, without a sense of style.
And so began the journey. Make myself as attractive as I possibly could as quick as possible.
And so I dropped 50lbs by Halloween that year. Started paying attention to the clothes I wear and my hair. Started wearing foundation to hide my garbage skin.
I desperately wanted female attention. But not just from the ham planets and roasties that I've been getting. But from real girls. Pretty girls.
And then my birthday came. A year had passed and I was still a KHV. Simply because of the original problem. No girls around me.
Who would have thought that working full time at a coffee shop, going to a community college, and never going out and being social would make for a less than fulfilling romantic life.
So now I don't know what to do. I dropped out of junior college because I was never going to lead to an outcome that was going to make me happy.
I want a gf. But it just doesn't seem like its going to happen. I don't see any way my life is going to change for the better. How do I unfuck my life?
>get 7.66 qt gf
>sex is good, but that's pretty much it
>when we're not in bed we're pretty much just watching tv or on our phones
>nothing in common, only thing to talk about is mundane shit like uni or what we're watching
>try to get her to do shit like lift, hike or go rock climbing with me
>no luck
>dumb her because I'm bored and fucking her is not as fun as it once was
>relief for a couple weeks before that familiar old lonely feel of no gf comes creeping back
>now having someone to cuddle and do mundane shit with is all I want
>know the same routine will likely repeat itself with the next girl
Grass is always greener lads
>tfw while you shitpost on a Mongolian discus crafting discussion board, he pulls her closer on the back seat of his rover that you know he can't afford and bites the tattoo on his shoulder.
The worst part is knowing they won't stop.
Nigga, as somebody with a less than perfect romantic life myself, you work in a motherfucking coffee shop, while going to school! Two extremely social environments with plenty of females, probably fairly attractive ones pretty often too.
Who cares if none of them work with you, that's arguably even better as there won't be any workplace drama. Talk to the girls that come in for coffee. Start with just very easy small talk, as if you just met a guy (no homo) you thought was cool and figured you'd hang out with. If you start getting lovey dovey or come on too strong right off the bat, then yeah you're going to creep them out. Same scenario for school m8. You have the tools, now go out and use them.
I'm in this same exact situation brah, hope we make it
Just go and talk to her again.
Tell her you said no because of some bullshit excuse.
Just broke up with my gf, it was like living with an eternal teenager
I'm the complete opposite.
My gf and me are perfect for each other. We like the exact same things and can talk for hours and hours.
But we never have sex. I mean like ever. She has no level of intimacy.
It fucking sucks
Hey Veeky Forums
What kind of girl would you actually consider dating ?
-A girl trying to improve herself
Time to decide if having a good teammate is more important than sex. God speed by friend I had the same choice.
>have a friend, Friend A, who introduces me to her friend, Female A
>start hitting it off with Female A
>Friend A tells me she approves of me getting with Female A
>Friend A tells me Female A just got out of a long term relationship
>"so this is good user, you'll help her forget about her ex"
>I would literally knowingly be the rebound
>But she's so fucking amazing
>not sure if want
Jesus Christ, just say A and B
This, so much autism in one post ffs
>friend A
>female A
are you retarded.
could you not picky fucks actually help with advice
It's coherent enough
Maybe you should be honest about your feelings around sex
You may regret never speaking openly about these things
If you ask a girl to have casual, no-strings-attached sex with you, and she tells you that you're a bad, moraless person for having casual, no-strings-attached sex, how do you feel?
>mad about being rebound dick
I'm also a /fit girl. I found this image. People seem to universally agree that it's the ideal girl. I've been trying to be like her
But user
I want a gf
I feel that she is just butthurt because she has been taught that being a promiscuous woman is bad, and that I am implying she has this quality by asking her for casual sex
I'm starting to give up on searching a gf, met 2 soul mates, both let me down in the end. Met them in the most uncommon places, because i couldn't find one in common ones.
Bad for a bit. But then realized you both wanted different things and that's fine. Though no strings attached sex is a bit degenerate and unfulfilling
Feel nothing, and move on.
first step: be a girl
second step: don't be fat
third step: be nice, and initiate physical contact. Lots of dudes are total autists who will literally need to you take their arm and put it on your shoulders so that they get the hint.
Source: I'm dogshit at reading signs and so is everyone i know
Honestly fucking hate her now. When is over I'll love her again though. Alcohol helps.
Im learning guitar. Now what?
Yeah..So that's really about being the more femine possible
Wouldn't you freak out about the "take their arm and put it on my shoulders" thing ?
But do you guys have casual, nsa sex? Do you think she has a point, that it is a bad thing to do, even for men?
What activities do they like guys to do?
you said she's amazing, right?
Her just getting out of a relationship does not cancel that out, so if that is whats off-putting to you you're being an autist.
If you're worried she's gonna drop you after a few weeks bc you're just rebound dick, then make sure she likes you enough to stay with you. Like, do sweet autistic shit, like getting her flowers or something idk.
If you don't take a chance and go for it you'll end up regretting it my dude.
>get gf
>basically lost my own life
>now I'm with succuba that everything I do is to fulfill her and make her satisfied
And no I'm not a beta nor a provider
a girl did it to me one time and it was comfy af
ended up falling for her, but she had lost interest in me by then and now I'm kicking myself for being a dickhead.
And it doesn't have to be that specifically, it just needs to be a really obvious hint.
not good enough. Bitches don't care if you can strum 3 notes, come back once you are proficient in it.
No, had a gf for the last 3+ years, didn't really before that either tbqh
If a guy has lots of guy friends, and has plenty of casual sex, his friends will not care at all in the vast majority of situations
Girls with girl friends seem likely be judged, publicly or surreptitiously, or else be surrounded by equally promiscuous friends
Overall think men are less disadvantaged when trying to transition from lots of partners to monogamy, but in either case nobody really wants used up goods
Wouldn't say casual sex is bad in and of itself but you've got to accept society currently will judge you for it
It's a fake picture.
There's no fucking way that girl is 26 let alone 18.
I don't want a gf, I want fwb's. I don't even like muh pure christian wife ideal that it seems like everybody wants here. I just want hot girls to fuck and have fun with.
Why do people want a gf so badly?
Waste of money and time.
>Veeky Forums goes on a date
Then you're mature my m8
Gf is highly overrated. Sure it's sweet to do stuff and go somewhere and cuddle at first. After a while it gets old and you'll always have to find something new to impress her. It's fucking boring and make me tired
I'd rather have some girl who calls me when want to fuck and never contact during the day
Please excuse my many questions, but how are women supposed to know when men got interrest in them ?
>Bitches don't care if you can strum 3 notes
Uh yeah they do, they are incredibly easily impressed with guitars
>Anyway here's wonderwall
their dicks will get hard when you touch it.
I've found through extensive research this is the best way to tell.
because they haven't had one and have completely unrealistic expectations.
It implies being rejected if it doesn't get hard
It's not like it's a purely sex thing, but I just see it as you should spend time with people you want when you want. Having a gf means you have obligations like she'll expect you to take her out to this or expect you to buy her this. Why not just enjoy each others company?
Then again I've never had a gf or fwb or really anything, so maybe I'm not the best judge. I can just tell how sad my friends are that they're restricted to this one girl after the first few weeks.
Ew, shes kinda unattractive and sounds boring af. Im an edgy 18 year old though so dont listen to me.
None of you can get worthwhile girlfriends because you are a unbearable hyper-sensitive man child with no hobbies and interests. you are also ugly and probably skinnyfat which effects your confidence so you stutter when you talk to people. Fuck off and die alone
It's different for every guy, there really isn't a catch all sign beside
But for me personally, I become temporarily autistic every time I see her in person, and then text her flirty shit when I get home.
I use to date a girl like this. She use to just blow me nonstop but no sex. It was pretty nice desu. Eventually she let me stick it in her butt and couldn't resist sex anymore so we started fucking. Was cash.
I was totally r9k status until get fit and dress well. Oh and plus job, house etc.
Girls never say they expect this that but we all know it's bullshit. Human are hollow and plain. I wouldn't have interest in her if she's not good looking and sexually attractive
Of course I'd enjoy being with her at some places. But people are different and I know there's no way she'd enjoy 80% of my interest/hobby. It doesn't feel good when you see the girl gets bored and lost interest