When was the last time you were really happy Veeky Forums?
like over the top, won a million dollars happy, ecstatic, truly euphoric ?
When was the last time you were really happy Veeky Forums?
Probably some time in the mid-teens before life got too complicated.
Senior year of HS
When a girl I really cared for ended up seeking me out through a last ditch effort on one of my old emails. I was going through a hard time, and it felt like it was meant to be. It started off amazing, reconnecting and really enthusiastic with eachother. I felt on top of the world, I felt like maybe I didn't have to give up on the idea of being with someone I truly cared about
Im always sort of happy since life isnt shit and the further i go the more i realize its a state of mind thing
Nothing can make you happy if you dont feel it inside and vice versa, if you keep a calm and collected mind with a goal to have fun and enjoy stuff you will be happy
With that said i had an awesome date with a crush of mine two years ago, we were supposed to have a cook dinner kind of date so i brought groceries to her place.
She met me in a cute outfit and i was all over her pretty quickly, and inside of her soon after that
Ended the night with her naked and sweaty sleeping on my chest and woke up spooning with her
pretty good feels id say
Probably in elementary school. Been downhill ever since.
about a year ago, when i met a one of kind, stunningly beautiful girl,clicking with her like castanets. but that is no more and i have no idea if i will ever see or hear from her again.
Last time I did MDMA
About four years ago.
>got stuck at a small town next to a beach
>almost out of money
>bought an used surf board
>worked 3 hours a day to pay for food, rent and lmaoweed or acid
>rest of the time I read tons of books, worked out and surfed.
>stayed there for three months
Absolutely the best time of my life, despite being nearly broke the entire time and as reclusive as usual.
This week for like three minutes.
On LSD one year ago.
For a long time...? Probably in 2009 when I started university.