Is it worth lifting with these horrible genetics?
Do I even have a chance of making it? I'm losing hope again
Is it worth lifting with these horrible genetics?
Do I even have a chance of making it? I'm losing hope again
Please respond
Yes. You're chubby, your genes aren't bad as far as I can tell. Lift. Enjoy it. Just lift and eat well
>horrible genetics
You know you're white right?
Work towards lowering your body fat and you might have a decent chance
You're just fat. Go through a cut cycle eventually after working out a ton and you'll be alright. Stick to it mate, it's worth it.
That's not much of a relief
The bar is set much higher for me
I've been cutting but I'm not sure if it's a good idea
Don't you guys always say bulk first?
Your shoulders look pretty wide so that's cool. You're just fat as fuck, genetics seem fine
L I F T.
I mean, it's getting colder. I wouldn't worry too much about cutting until next year when it starts to warm up. Better to get gains while you can cover up IMO
>Don't you guys always say bulk first?
Only for skellies. Chubsters like you should run a slight cut; maybe a 200-300 cal deficit
I have been cutting on 1800 cals lately.
Will it be worth It eventually? Give me some motivation I'm going to the gym in an hour
Are my shoulders actually kinda wide? Do I have a hope if I lose my huge lovehandles
What's your height? If you've above 5"8 and aren't lifting get the fuck out of here for a year.
FUCK YOU OP I wish I could have started with a body like you. You'll never make it simply for the fact that you're a pussy that complains about nothing
>Body like you
Lol what was wrong with yours?
pfft, you have it good
at least you don't have a shitty body like mine
I'm so ashamed of you being the same height as me and also similar body comp that I'm gonna do planks and push ups equivalent to my digits.
Fuck you.
I have similar body. I'm 6'3' 220. Can't seem to lose fat but I am however increasing in strength. Been working out for 4 weeks.
Those are not "horrible genetics" you're just a fat fuck.
Our bodies are almost the same though
Please don't say mean words:(
Pack it up, he's a troll.
You're such a pussy just eat at maintenance and lift for a year and get back to us.
Here is a related Elliot video for you:
I'm just unsure if I should cut or bulk
I feel like I'm getting trolled into cutting, but bulking doesn't make sense either
You are a retard. You are fat. Therfor you must cut. it's a long journey it doesnt happen over night. Cut untill you like how you look. Then bulk simple.
How long would you say approximately?
Until I have visible abs? I'm just scared of looking like a skeletor
.... bro you either want to work for it or you don't . I don't even know what kind of excuse that is. If you are lifting while cutting you wont look like a skeletor. LIFT
I'm back from push ups OP and I just want to say that I'm also overweight and started cutting about a week ago.
How is my potential? I am feeling pretty good about it after a month of lifting
Start lifting, and at the same time start cutting back on food to lose weight.
#1 rule you need to internalize: lifting is for muscle, not weight loss. Only dieting is for weight loss. The amount of calories burned through exercise is completely insignificant compared to caloric restriction through dieting.
Focus on getting to a healthy weight, in your case probably about fifteen to twenty-ish pounds from now, before you even consider bulking for muscle gain.
you actually have some muscle ;_;, btw how long have you been lifting ?
Eat more and you will be a beast
Few months senpai
I don't think I have any muscle though
Cut to 10%, maintenance for a few weeks. bulk to 15%. repeat
What is my bf right now would you say?
Isn't 10% like 6 months of cutting
That seems inaccurate
Is it worth lifting with these horrible genetics?
Do I even have a chance of making it? Look how frail my bones are. My wrists are so small I can't even wear men's watches, or only on the first or second hole.
>tfw 5'11 3/4
I was like you I lift for 5 months and got good gains just eat focus on upper body and till even out your good. I'm still dyel but it's better
>muh genetics
there's nothing wrong with your genetics. put in the time
What is my bf???
How do I track it?
I can guarantee my wrists are smaller than yours, your genetics are fine brah. we're all gonna make it (as long as you put in the work)
Just lift bro
Kys faggot
What does wrist size have to do with anything, srs question.
You don't have shitty genetics, you just have shitty self control when you eat. Just like me. Count your calories and make sure you lose at least a pound a week. The first 5 or so will come easy and won't mean much, but after you lose 10, you won't want to stop. After you lose 20 you'll be more excited about this than you've ever been about anything. Once you lose 30 you'll start to think you can handle being lazy on your diet for a week. You can't. Don't even think about it.
> Me used to be lean, trying to force my way back after an unfortunate string of gains goblins robbed me.
I'm not OP but I've never seen that vid and never thought about linking trust-courage before.
V helpful. thanks for sharing.
Do you have any comparison pics from earlier or later?
Interesting to see what the first 10 lbs lost looks like when you're lifting.
About finish my first week of lifting heavily and cutting hard.
(Not OP)
>been working out for 4 weeks
>can't seem to lose fat
Because it takes longer than that you huge retard.
20%-25%. You're not obese, cutting isn't the hardest thing in the world.
Get a bf caliper or just measure the circumference of your belly at the lardest point, or both. Start cutting and if those two numbers are going down and your strength is maintaining, you're doing a good job.
how fucked am i Veeky Forums? 6'3 190, former 300 lb lardass
>tfw wide hips of death
I literally see no evidence that points to 'horrible genetics' user, am I missing something?
Most of you people just need to lose fat
also realise that normie body standards are wayyyyy lower than Veeky Forums standards
Th.tha..thank god
My arms are still small according to Veeky Forums
I'm cutting on 1800 too senpai - I look just like you right now. Earlier in the year I cut at 1800 for 2 months and lifted hard and started gettin mires, people noticed. Don't worry about when to cut and bulk, if you feel bad about your bodyfat now then just cut until you feel good and then start eating at a surplus. You'll still be able to lift.
>Run a 300 cal deficit, that way you neither gain muscle mass nor lose weight at any reasonable rate!
Brilliant advice Einstein.
>>Please don't say mean words:(
Fuck you
>just eat focus on upper body
Isn't it frowned upon to skip leg day?
this. Do a proper cut OP 800 deficit WHILE lifting
Cheesecake is not genetics. Fix your lifestyle and eating habbits. Hook your pc or game system to an exercise bike and stop drinking soda.
cheesecake isn't even that good
Bulk AFTER you are no longer fat, dumfuck.
If you bulk more NOW you'll disrupt our gravitational field.
Thanks dude
I just get carried away kind of because I want to steadily get stronger but also not be a fatfuck. I guess too much at once
>Be fat and lazy all life
>Lift for a month
>Still fat
>OMG muh genetics!
>Post ITT
Thinking you have shit genetics and will never look good is your first mistake. Don't let some faggot tell you that you won't make it
fuck you dude
Wtf is this even natty???
Op you have wide shoulders. You dont realize how good you will look when fit. I know because i once was fat too and looked similar to your pic. Now i have to dress like a hobo or be harassed by fags, old and or fat ladies, and even children. Hot girls too, but they are far less common to come across.
That being said wide shoulders and skinny waiste will have almost everyone staring.
Really bro?
Do you actually mean it?
nice zyzz trap genetics faggot, you better not let them go to waste
Yes, now go collect your noob gains.
My shoulder has been killing me, need to see a physio desu
>wide hips
I feel you bro, same issue
Fucking sucks, but i hope after a while of upper body training it will even it out