being fit and sex - how has your sex life benefited from it, how do women react in bed? tell your hottest fit related sex stories, I am curious. Also about advice how to be dirtier in bed
Fit sex
I sometimes have sex with girls that can deadlift 4pl8
But I've never not been Veeky Forums since I was 16 so idk what normie sex is like
good thread is good.
I fucked my ex silly, during and after we were in a relationship. She digs me more now and will always as long as i dont go dyel. Feeling my bis, rubbing my hair, my finger game is bomb thx to my triceps.
Dick got bigger. I Look good naked. I provide girls with security. I get mired 247. Im the fool thay makes ur girl think about cucking u
I get told I have so much stamina. Girls say I look like an older guy but fuck like a younger guy. I can jackhammer a girl for ages without my body producing lactic acid.
I'm 14% bf, so no abs, but I still get compliments of being "ripped" because girls can feel how hard my body is.
Also, girls say they feel self conscious because I'm fitter than them. I really like that.
dick gets so much bigger and harder
Shouldnt the blue feet be twisted 180 degrees. How will these guys get it in?
I have so much sex desu.
good for you, how about some details, stories, advice?
>having a babby dick
Haven't had sex in 9 months.
Was invited to a party, showed off my guns, fucked the chick who invited me, then her mum. (serious)
OP here, meant to say *bi-curious
Story time user
Similar with me. Often get told I have so much stamina, even when I personally don't feel I lasted that long. Often makes chicks self conscious. I have pierced nipples and a pierced dick too, usually chicks just go crazy for me once they''ve seen me naked, although I don't look all that fit clothed.
Fetlife, make a decent profile, meet some people, then you get invited to house parties of people around your age who want to bone.
The party wasn't a fetlife house orgy thing either, normal house party with the chicks friends and some randoms.
>how to be dirtier
Shit on her
I don't look like I lift in clothes. Best I've gotten was
>take off shirt
>"oh! You're not bad at all" while staring at body
>take off shirt
>"wow I didn't know your body was this nice user"
>feels me up during sex
>being kind of ripped 80kg 180cm
>girls always groping me all over my body while in bed
Starting to feel good about my body brehs
>be me
>be Brit abroad in Sunny Beach, Bulgaria
>Full of pleb tier Brits, Scandinavians and Russians
>So many Russians
>see Russian qt3.14 at a bar
>5'2, dark hair green eyes Veeky Forums
>Hit it off with her, turns out she loves British guys, real Anglophile
>''Back to my p-pla - hotel, yes?''
>Dat broken English Spaghetti
>Back to her house and fuck for hours
>Some of the best sex ever
>'I - I laaarv you' she says, resting her head on my chest
>Next night see her again
>Go immediately back to her house
>Her 2 room mates already asleep as they're getting their flight back to Moscow at 6am the next day
>Kicks them out in a barage of angry Russian - they have to go wait in the kitchen while we fuck
>Fuck on and off until it's time for her to leave for the airport
>Lying there after one session and she's running her hand across my back, tracing my lats
>'So stronk, so stronk'
>'Not like Russian guys - when you hold me, it hurt, but I larv it. I larv you'
>Kiss her good bye as her taxi pulls up to take her back to the Motherland
>Bittersweet feeling as I say good bye to my Russian qt3.14 for ever
When I'm about to cum I think about doing some heavy ass squats and my dick goes numb immediately
Does anyone else do this?
How small is too small?
Is 15cm all right senpai
Okay serious question, how to get benefits of being Veeky Forums high test myself? I'm not butterfaced and I defo got dat ass by now.
Can I just straight up ask for fucking from a hot guy at my gym if he wants to fug?
>get invited to parties, restaurants
>get touched by women
>get told how tall I am, how big is my chest
>they give me their phone numbers and ask for mine
Haven't had sex in 2 years, forgot how it feels like.
but really I'm more concerned about girth
(It's 11)
No, 15cm < 13cm, thus it's not all right.
Nobody is that small. Organs don't function at that height.
thank you based cock judger
>said my lats she goes i them them then i resumed to fucking her senseless
>said my lats she goes i them them
This shouldn't be funny
A lot more sex, sex is easier to get, girls get really wet before I even touch them from having a muscled dude fucking them and my stamina is better.
I'm not even that fit yet, though I did lose a lot of weight.
I fucked up..
>girls get really wet before I even touch them from having a muscled dude fucking them
So... they get wet before you touch them because a muscled dude fucked them first?
Nothing hotter than a girl grabbing your muscles mid coitus and then them them
>not then them them
>then them them
>how has your sex life benefited from it
I'm on day 2 of nofap. Love ya Veeky Forums.
none because no amount of muskles can cure this level of premature ejaculation
I've not that since getting Veeky Forums I get then them them'd a lot more
I've noticed that since getting Veeky Forums I get then them them'd a lot more
I'm still wairing for my sex life to activate.
Is someone having a stroke in this thread?
I actually got a girl coming over tommorow. Haven't had sex with her yet. I really want to then them them her, how do?
Clearly I meant 'the idea of having a muscled dude fucking them' desu
do you think he then them thems?
Clearly you meant that you're a cuck desu
> premature ejaculation
You're fine user. Just get good with your tongue, most girls feel bomb af when they make a guy cum quickly.
cuck thread?
No fap is not a meme
My dick got really hurt and hard to get a boner. Nothing aroused me
After no fap it went back to normal
>lifted for 2 years then got qt asian gf
>lifting for 5 years now
>her sex drive drops due to arthritis
>mine is still the same
>mfw not getting enough sex but she's a good gf so don't want to break it off
>mfw turning these into ragelifts at the gym
feels like I'm 19 all over again
>not then them them'ing girls
Lifting made me aesthetic and cardio made me fuck better. That's it really. Noporn made turned me into a fucking devil in bed though so life is good.
I started taking creatine yesterday and my sex drive exploded.
my eyes have never gazed upon a scene so tragic
>No abs
I am so sorry
Chicks always feel me up, arms and ass especially, also when I was with my last girlfriend I was pretty lean and ab rolling to failure like four days a week so my oblique cut in and general core was really exaggerated she seemed to like that, always traced along my oblqiues when she was giving me head and massged my abs while we were dozing off
>Tfw no more qt halfcast Punjabi gf because her family hates whites
women dont seem to react differently but i've started mirin' myself during sex like Patrick Batemen
>before Veeky Forums
Kissless Virgin
>after Veeky Forums
Regular Virgin
If you don't have abs at 14% BF, then you've done some serious neglecting in the gym.
I what weightclass?
t. DYEL's who don't have 14% bf
I have an indian ex too. She was fucking wild, always wanted to fuck in public places. I broke up with her like six months ago and she still asks if she can come over just to fuck every time she gets drunk.
Best over the counter penis pill?
Alright Veeky Forums I need some guidance here. Gonna be having a girl to my place after the gym in a couple days and she 100% wants to fuck.
In fact, we did fuck before, but I wasn't satisfied with my performance. I think it was a combo of nerves and the fact I haven't fucked anything in like 5 months. I was dropping my erection.
I need some help to get my confidence back. If any canada bros can answer this: What's the best over the counter pill to "assist"? Give brand names and where to buy, I'm assuming they're at gas stations etc
I didn't even was fit when i got a gf and lost my virginity to her, when i started to get fit i lost my qt gf, she left me, thanks Veeky Forums
well if you're too self conscious about asking for viagra at the counter, ask for Cialis instead.
You sound like anxiety is getting the better of you though, so watch out with those. They really work like a charm, and that makes it easy to start getting dependent on them.
wife's coworkers all hardcore check me out and shit. It's nice. Stamina with sex is far better, etc.
>sex life
I've heard about that thing but I am not really sure what taht is
Is this how you find the scooper in the whey?
test 250mg
Fixed that one for you.
prove dat ass first and i'll tell you everything you want to know
Help bros.
>I'm only interested if you're dressed like a zombie
What say ye?
Implying anyone would choose a british guy over a Scandinavian fellow. Lol! British people on vacation is truly the most disgusting thing I can think of.
>dear Veeky Forums please write smut for me i am a retarded faggot who can't use google to fap
kill yourself nigger
OP here, yes I am bi, but who cares, this topic can be interesting for anyone, why be so destructive??