Social gains

How the fuck do I make social gains? Just started college, I've been forcing myself to go to parties and shit (the ones set up by the college, not like anyone ever invites me to any) and this is what happens every time I start talking to people:
>ask "how're you guys doing" or something similar
>ask about each of their majors (in england so we're majoring already) and discuss mine
>can think of nothing else to say
>they start talking amongst each other
>no fucking clue how to join in the conversation
>eventually they get up and leave to go to the bar or something and once again i am alone
If not this, they just gradually lose interest in me completely. Am I fundamentally unlikable?
I'm pretty attractive and have some beginner gains (i.e. not stick thin or fat) and 6' tall so I don't think it's appearance. Can they just smell the insecurity radiating off me? If so, how do I get rid of said insecurity? I know I'm attractive, intelligent, hardworking etc and have slept with multiple attractive girls but I seem to find it almost impossible to make a single fucking friend, apart from the weird/foreign kids, and haven't ever had a "cool" friend, which is the main source of my insecurity.
Sometimes guys are overtly mean to me as well, ignoring me or giving me one word responses when I ask them questions.

The kicker is, when I talk one-on-one with a girl I'm totally charming and witty. I just cannot be friends with the people I actually want to hang out with (i.e. people who joke around with each other, make snarky comments about shit etc)

Also general social gains discussion thread I guess.

I just made snart arse comments in class to peoplr around me to start. Hang out with them between classes and eventually go out of a weekend.

Really? I always hear parties hyped up as the epicentre of social interaction and meeting new people, but I hate dancing and I don't even drink (rarely), so maybe they're just not for me. Although I would like going to them when I actually have friends going with me, to pick up girls etc.

Unfortunately I'm studying an incredibly boring subject (well I find it interesting but it's not too easy to make conversation or jokes of), so I'm not sure this would work.

Shit, that describes me a T. I don't get it either. One-on-one with a girl I'm funny and charming and shit but whenever I'm in a group I'm totally lost.

I have no idea. It definitely makes it hard to have long term relationships with women when I cant make any friends.

This is some /r9k/ loser shit here.

I was usually too drunk at parties to remember someone's name for an hour let alone recall meeting them a week later

One on one hangouts are easy with most people if you guys don't already hate each other since in those situations both of you are focused on each other and aren't worried about being judged by others. If group situations your biggest strength will be your empathy, if you can empathise with the people around you, you can easily say things that get everyones attention and makes them laugh.

Monitoring this thread

Wow I'm the opposite, I find 1 on 1s impossible and group situations easy. For me, you can just just jump in to group convos and drop jokes here and there without having to really drive anything along. With one other person I feel all the weight is on me to move the conversation and I can't really find things to talk about. I hate that shit.

How the fuck do you met people after college?I have a few close friends but they never wanna do anything, it's been weeks since we hung out and when we do it's usually just for dinner or something. Also is 27 too old to start going out and clubbing?

Join a frat, you'll learn the basics through that(if you don't join a shitty chapter, that is).

This desu

Went to college with a bunch of friends from high school and only hang out with them

I've made conversation with a few other people but never graduated to friendship

My female friend told me i was gonna be a slut in college, guess not :(

Fucking this

just talk about football, worked for me

ignore grills as they won't give a shit about you once you have a solid group of males, and hopefully with you being the leader

>Went to college with a bunch of friends from high school and only hang out with them
This is my biggest social vice. I've been friends with my current group for so long that I don't even remember how you make friends any more. What do you even talk about? How the fuck can I find out about someone when I only have like 10 minutes to talk to them during lectures/seminars? How do I even find out what they're into? How do I even fucking begin asking someone for their number?

for some reason lately I've been complimenting people, men and women. Feels pretty gud, esp when the girls lose their pasta or get all bashful, smile look down and at the same time look at you. Makes me feel like social interaction can be rewarding. Making people feel good, feels good.

>dat last .gif I was gonna post before high test thread got pruned

The problem imo is that you're all caring way too much about the outcome. You're so focused on the end goal of friendship that you're afraid to do anything that might make people uncomfortable. Best advice is to give no fucks (easier said than done, I know) and just do shit.

You gotta drink man. Its like creatine for social gains

Honestly if you have problems making friends weed is your easiest in. Won't fuck with your gains and gives you built in social activity plus "cool" factor. Pot people are generally very accepting and open.

pot people whose only connection is pot are not friends. I know from experience; they can seem, feel and act like friends, but they are just waiting to fuck you and then get smoked up by you.

Be friends first and then once you are buddies smoke together.

Complimenting others on things that they obviously put a lot of thought into is great. They smile, you smile. For most people it is their clothes or hair probably, for lifters only our body matters to us really.
Girls love having their eye color complimented. Just met a cute red head a few days ago and first thing I said is, "Wow, you have striking green eyes." Instant blush/embarassment/spaghetti loss. Instant friend.

Yeah you realize who is your friend when you stop smoking.

I'll remember to compliment girl's eyes, thanks user.

Yeah that's for sure, really sucks when all your friends are pot heads and only a couple stick by you.

It works when they are more unique colors, aka not brown.
If they are brown, call them hazel. Works everytime.