Whats your experience with bulletproof coffee?

Whats your experience with bulletproof coffee?

People really do this?


Tried it from a coffee shack once. Can't taste anything but butter, it's gross. will stick to regular black coffee and a good diet.




so retarded then


Not particularly good tasting, greasy as fuck, didn't do anything for me. Drank it for about 3 weeks while on keto

If you throw a scoop of chocolate whey into it it tastes like a butter hot cocoa. Delicious.

seems like I'm the only one who tried it for real here, OP.

I did coffee + butter + coconut oil, as it's supposed to be, not just butter.

It removes the jitters coffee gives, and it removes the ups and downs, so you don't crash and get lazy, depressed or tired after the effect wears off.

so it makes the effect of coffee very even and linear. that being said, this removes the FUCK YEAH effect coffee usually has, so on bulletproof coofee, you simply get a longer even feeling of decent disposition.

you feel more disposed and upbeat than before you drank it, but not nearly as strong as just drinking coffee by itself.

the butter and oil each make the feeling last longer (if coffee usully has effect for 2.5 hours it mnayt last 3.5 instead) and more even (no crash), but making it more even may not be worthwhile if you relly like the HIGH coffee gives.

also, only try it at home, as some people get the shits when they drink coconut oil (thankfully I didn't, but both times I drank it I made sure to drink it at home just in case it happened).

personally I wouldn't drink it. 3rd time. the kick is too low, like a little piece of chocolate, even if it last longer.

tastes pretty good.

I'm on keto and usually drink it in the morning, made with butter and coconut oil. It is uplifting (I am indifferent about coffee typically) and drinking a cup at 8am can keep me full until 1pm or so.

Also to people complaining about the overt buttery taste/greasy feeling, you have to BLEND it in a blender to emulsify the oils into the coffee.

It gives you heart disease.

>butter in coffee
Dude...what the fuck?

Is this an American thing?

cream in coffee is okay
butter is not okay

explain yourself yurocuck

people have been doing it all over the world for a very long time.

>Dude isn't deflated

>cream and butter are the same thing
Well shit, I guess I'll just pour cream all over my toast in the morning. If butter in okay for that, why not cream right?

Are you sure? I have never heard of this happening before now.

bill has my goal old man body.

There is a variety of tea that was drunk in Tibet with yak butter. I think it had salt or something too. Off the top of my head without looking it up.

Search for butter tea. Google is fucking amazing.

Again, butter tea. The stuff tastes like shit. I'm positive that if there were more food options in the Himalayan mountains then people would be getting full on anything else.

>hurrr my taste is the only one correct in the world

Remove yourself from the Earth's premises. I don't even drink butter coffee/tea.
You need to remember ants are used as popcorn in... Brazil? Or was it Argentina? And apparently, they taste similar and have the same crunchy texture. Frenchies eat fucking snails.

To add, when I was little, we used to gather escargots. They ended up sold to you-know-who. Motherfuckers pay quite nice money for a bag of those. And there's a fuckton of them around here, since nobody eats goddamn snails in Poland.

It's good for quick calories, or keto. I just did it a few days for taste and quick calories. It's good if you use ghee.

It's overpriced nonsense.
- $19 for generic organic coffee
- $24 for MCT oil
- $5 for unsalted butter
~$1.50 per serving

>buying organic coffee
>anything "organic" actually, when there were numerous busts which proved, so-called organic food was made using standard industry methods

The memest of memes.

is this the new "first sip of the day" meme

Damn, this made me wish I would've never touched speed. I've completely forgotten what it's like to get this feeling from a stimulant as weak as caffeine.

Coffee, like all legal drugs, maybe except alcohol, is a shit tier drug. Before I tried stimulants, it had a placebo effect at best, later on it only gets worse as your tolerance increases.

Butter tea continues to taste like shit the world over. Yeah, bugs. Cool. It's an objectively bad flavor profile you cuck. Similarly, I don't use whey protein for the flavor, it's just convenient.

It's a bad sign that you have no idea what "objectively" means. That puts in doubt anything you say, as you're based only on personal taste and feelings about given food type.

A MLM faggot named Ass Prey was able to Jew millions of dollars out of people for his """health food""" and now people actually believe the meme despite there being no evidence that it's a real thing.

I drink it every morning to make my fat macro. I prefer black coffee taste wise but I actually like the taste of butter coconut oil and coffee. Like the other user said, it's not as harsh as regular coffee which makes me stay up late. I have no problem falling asleep with this.

Most people in this thread think margarine is butter. Which, yeah, margarine in butter sounds a little gross. Unsalted butter would be heavenly though.

$10 locally roasted coffee
$4.99 organic coconut oil at Aldi
$3.99 kerrygold butter
Vanilla extract

Is that butter? Is it good?

This. One thing I hate about being into nutrition and diet is you have to share this interest with the organic and non-gmo crowd who eat well in principle but attribute any positive benefits to their health with being organic, gmo free, gluten free, or whatever.

Doesn't stop bullets

It's a thing for people doing hard work kilometers above the sea level

I used to be a huge tweaker and I still get a good high from coffee if I don't drink it in a while

You don't just jump into with large calibers. Start small, a .22 a day with the coffee really builds up your strength. We're here to strive to improvise ourselves, I've been lifting for 8 months and just now reached 1pl8 bench. If you start with caliber's larger than you're comfortable you'll hut yourself, or worse. If you start, take pictures so we can gauge your progress. I'm lurking and will be there to cheer you on bro.

I'm sure you thought this was funny.