Prometheus from the Filthy Frank show

-Said he's been liftin for 5-6 years in this video (which was in March 2015)
-This video ( was uploaded June 2013, which means by that time he has been lifting for 3-4 years

Natty or nah, Veeky Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

guy in that pic looks natty

I would say at the time that photo was taken he is natty.

He looks natty on that pic, probably 70kg and change with reasonably low body fat and good insertions

Those are some nice muscles man.
Can I touch them?

gg I fucked up the 2nd link it was supposed to be this

Also, a height estimation? I know franku is kinda manlet my guess is around 5'9, what about him

I don't see why not.

Do you think George lifts?

in one of his last videos he was doing a pullup, but nah I think he's a very skinny insecure faggot

how the fuck would that not be natty?
>train for 5-6 years
>look like you trained for 1 year

>look like you trained for 1 year
hello there body dysmorphia/fraud. Also l2read, in the pic related he is lifting for 3-4 years. What's next, you're gonna call him a skinnyfat?

>how the fuck would that not be natty?
it was a rhetorical question


who is the one baiting here faggot? if you think that someone can look better in 4 years go ahead and post

There should be a rule about criticizing people's bods without posting pic of yours. We'd eliminate so many newfags and b8 posters one way or another.

His arms aren't complete twigs so I think he does pushups and maybe pullups sometimes.

George does Rock-climbing at a local place, he is good at pullups.

At this point I'm much more interested in him than any of his characters.

fyi I once chatted with Prometheus on twatter, asked if he would come back to the show and out of the blue joji butthurt asked me if I wanted his SSN or some shit, later on he deleted the tweet. So yeah he would be much cooler if he was more like Frank and less like the insecure faggot he is

>should not be able to criticize something unless one can do it better or as good to the very least

not him but, its not really that, its more like
>elbows too pointy

Kek it's no one's fault but yours that you're a dyel who doesn't want to take any criticism while dishing it out.

Salty mad DYEL

Let's see picture of you 1 year natty progress then
Oh wait you can prove that